Several More Course are "In the Works", So Please Check Back

All courses taught by:  Thomas K. Ockler, P.T.

We are continually adding new sessions, so please check back often.

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Texting While Walking: Strategies for Postural Control and Implications for Safety

There are concerns about the safety of texting while walking. Although evidence of negative effects of mobile phone use on gait is scarce, cognitive distraction, altered mechanical demands, and the reduced visual field associated with texting are likely to have an impact.

Do you remember all these scapula landmarks?
Scapula Landmarks

LMTs -- You're going to want to share this
Benefits of Massage  

Please forward to someone who might be interested in this information.

BOC Approved Provider

Alternative Health Care Solutions is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers.
EFT Tapping
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The Physics of Giving It Away


Last week I got a great letter of thanks from someone I never met.  You heard me correctly, a thank you letter from someone I didn't know.  Seems she was looking for a possible solution to some problem with her pelvic floor -- in particular incontinence.  She went on to state she had had multiple visits (24 I think) to Physical Therapy and got no benefit what so ever.


Roll For Control She was doing an online search and came across my website and clicked on my free exercise protocols.  There among the list of exercise sheets, that are free for the taking, stood the "Roll for Control" protocol for pelvic floor elevation / tone and incontinence.


Questions from the Mail Room

eMail Questions  

Q:  Tom, I have been noticing in my documentation on a few of my patient's that at one visit I will correct a pelvic obliquity, and then at the next treatment I am having to perform another correction on the same side that is opposite of what I corrected the first time?  Is this just "peeling back the layers"?  Or am  I doing something wrong?


I am loving this . . . my PT is giving me all the low backs and having me help do evals. My patients are getting way more bang for their buck with better outcomes. I even had a 350 lb.+ man with a T11 rotation I was able to fix the other day. I have a friend hooked on the EFT as well. I can't thank you enough for the education.  

Stephanie, PTA


A:  It could be "peeling back layers" or it could be you chose incorrectly on the hypo mobile side. It is all part of the learning curve and getting good at what you do.


- Are you remembering to check and correct the pubic bone??
Does patient comply with all precautions?

As an experiment, try treating the opposite side and let me know if that holds.  I am very pleased you are sticking with it. 

Tom Ockler, PT

Have a patient not responding to traditional therapy and you need a new idea?  Having difficulty understanding a particular MET?


What Are Students Saying about the MET Courses?


"Great class!  Tom made some difficult and confusing information very understandable.  He used lots of examples and was available for questions.  Humor made it fun and enjoyable."

Rebecca, PT, M1 Class Troy, NY 2013



Training Materials:

DVD's and Manuals

All Manuals are also available as e-Books conveniently delivered to your inbox upon checkout.  

  MET e-Manuals


"Just wanted to let you know I've read most of the way through the M3 manual and watched quite a bit of the M1 DVD last evening. It's fabulous! Thanks for such great info. Corrected my husband's paradoxical downslipped ilium with short leg, and my depressed pubic bone (which is always symptomatic for me during pregnancy). Awesome, easy to understand, and so so gentle compared to what I've experienced before. I'm excited to continue learning and practicing more."

Angel, DPT

Our Seminars

Thomas K. Ockler, PT


Muscle Energy Technique is one of the most effective and valuable manual techniques for the identification and correction of somatic asymmetry and hypomobility. These techniques can be used immediately to find and correct the causes of all types of pain. These are not cover up procedures, but rather techniques that cure the problem with dramatic results.
Unlike manipulative techniques, MET works via evidenced-based neuro-physiology using the muscle spindles to release tight muscles and decrease tone and excitability, thus restoring the bones and joints to normal mobility and returning them to symmetrical, smooth function.

The two-day courses involve a mix of theory, demonstration and hands-on practice. Actual evaluation and treatments will be performed by each participant using the methods learned. Plenty of time is allotted for hands on practice as well as questions and discussion.  
Due to the hands-on nature of these courses, class size is limited to assure a very high quality educational experience.


Attend one of our seminars and don't miss this magnificent educational opportunity!