A little adventure and a whole lot of relaxation

photo courtesy of Andre Albert Photography

April 2016 
Schooner Heritage
P O Box 482
Rockland ME  04841


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Hello Shipmates,
Spring outfitting is in full swing, with a twist.  A pair of mourning doves decided to set up housekeeping on the pawl post early this month.  We shooed them away but quickly realized we needed to alter our plans for sanding and painting.  Two newly hatched chicks were in what appeared to be a hurriedly thrown together nest. We worked around them until they were ready to take flight, a mere two weeks or so later (bottom right photo).   Even with the nest now gone, one of the youngsters returns from his flights to perch atop the forward house, keeping an eye on our progress.  Hopefully they'll vacate when we remove part of the winter cover and haul out the schooner in early May.


The crew is busy sanding, painting, and varnishing.  Usually someone has to climb the rigging to tar the mastheads and rigging but Doug reinvented the process this year. With a manlift, he has found it quite effortless reaching high places, whether at the house or the schooner.  

Easier to reach with the schooner riding on a low tide

Equipped with a bucket of pine tar, he pushed some buttons and found himself at eye level with the mastheads and crosstrees.  Once he'd seen how smoothly that had gone, he started to rig the schooner as well, putting several blocks aloft on each masthead.

With that completed, it's time to focus on deck work.
Doug is fine-tuning the electrical system while Nick wields a paintbrush along the timberheads.

Over on the port side, Sean is taking a more laid-back approach to his painting.

Responsibilities extend beyond our own schooner, though. Spring here in the shipyard means a two-month parade of schooners being hauled on the marine railway for annual scraping and painting below the waterline and U.S. Coast Guard inspections.

Here's a picture snapped on April 13th. The Heritage and our first schooner, the Isaac H. Evans, are tied up side by side, as they are every winter, and the American Eagle is getting situated in the cradle, ready to be hauled out of the water. This labor-intensive process has four people on the cradle, four on the vessel, one to operate the winch and a diver in the water to make sure the schooner's properly aligned on the cradle.  It's a big job done seven to ten times each spring and occasionally a couple of times in the fall.
The sailing season is just around the corner...

Have you been thinking of sailing this year but haven't signed up yet?  Here are just a couple of trips to consider.

The three-night Father's Day trip boards Thursday evening, June 16th and returns on Sunday (Father's Day), June 19th by noon. What a great way to spend time with your father or grandfather.  No worries about planning activities and meals. We'll take care of it all for you.  And here's a little added incentive:  Fathers get a 20% discount if they come with one of their children; same for Grandfathers coming with a grandchild.  

courtesy of Carol Latta

Acadia National Park, established in the summer of 1916, celebrates her centennial this summer. The schooner Heritage and other windjammers in the Association will be marking the occasion August 2nd with a parade of sail in beautiful Somes Sound, the only natural fjard on America's east coast.  This 5-day trip boards Sunday evening, July 31st and returns to the dock Friday, August 5th by noon.  

Of course, there are twenty other trips as well, but there isn't enough room to tell you about them all.  Hope you'll join us for at least one of them. Give Shary a call to reserve your cabin. (800) 648-4544

From the Galley

This is an easy to make recipe, perfect with coffee in the morning or as a light dessert in the evening when friends drop by. Linda doubled the recipe and baked it in a 9" x 13" pan for coffee break with the crew earlier this week.  Still warm from the oven, it was absolutely delicious!


Sift together:
2 c. flour
3/4 c. sugar
2 t. baking powder
1/2 t salt

Cut in  1/2 c. margarine or butter

Add and mix: 
1 egg and enough milk to make 1 c.
1 t. vanilla

Pour into greased 8" x 8" pan.  Cover with streusel

1/2 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. flour
2 t. cinnamon

Cut in 1/4 c. margarine or butter 

Bake at 375 degrees about 30 minutes.  Test the middle to be sure it's done.  


April 16th was the 33rd anniversary of the launching of the Great Windship Heritage.  This will be our 34th season sailing her and our 50th in windjamming. Guess it's true that time flies when you're having fun.  

Hope to see you aboard to celebrate with us!