A Song from
The Other Side 

In recognition of the ninth anniversary of my son Brandon's passing, I'm sharing something special.
Hear an extraordinary song & then read the story of how it came to be on the links furnished below.
Hear "The Other Side" and learn how it came to be
Brandon_Honolulu Those who have read Soul Shift know the story behind the song, "The Other Side", but few people have actually heard the song. So for you I've furnished a link to the song, allowing you to hear it for the first time. And for those of you who haven't read the story or heard the song I'm sharing both of them, to honor my son Brandon on the ninth anniversary of his passing. Receiving a clear and unmistakable message or sign from a loved one who has passed is a wonderfully healing balm. It is therefore my sincere desire that this song and the story behind it will bring you peace and hope.
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