Fall Blessings
               October 8, 2015

Special Presentation by

Dr. David Vasquez-Levy, President of Pacific School of Religion and rostered ELCA pastor, will be leading an online forum on cultural and immigration issues as they impact our ministry as congregations of the Sierra Pacific Synod.  A description of his presentation is below:

Out of the Waters -- Whether moving to a new community for a job, across the state to pursue an education, or in search of better opportunities across the world, we live in a world that is constantly "on the move."   Join us as we explore how the biblical stories of migration can shape our engagement of a world on the move.  This is an especially timely presentation given ongoing immigration issues in this country and the current situation with Syrian refugees seeking asylum throughout the world.

In This Issue
A message from Reverend Katy Grindberg, Assistant to the Bishop 
I was shopping for greeting cards the other day - one of my guilty pleasures - and found a card that resonated with me. On the front the card there was a drawing of a person lying on their back with the caption, "I'm tired. Is anyone else tired?" I immediately thought of a list of people that I could send it to, with whom it would resonate as well. Many of us are tired.
We're over-scheduled, understaffed, overwhelmed. We're busy, sad, bursting with so many interesting ways to spend our time. There are chores to do, people to call, errands to run, a to-do list to tick off. There are books to read, movies to watch, TV shows to binge on. There are loved ones to spend time with, events to plan and be present at, colleagues to consult, meetings to attend. Many of us are tired.
How do you recharge your body and soul? Hopefully, we all have ways that work for us to renew and refresh our energies - physical and spiritual. I'll admit - it's hard for me to set aside that to-do list and take the time to do the things that will recharge my spirit and my body. It's hard to shut the email down and just walk away for a time.
If you're a rostered leader, there is a time fast approaching for you to do just that. The Professional Leaders' Conference, in Monterey, Oct 20-22 is a time to step away, be with colleagues for fellowship and friendship, to listen to some excellent teaching, and to be in God's beautiful creation of Monterey Bay.
If you're a member of a faith community, is your pastor, diaconal minister or AIM attending? Encourage the rostered leaders in your community to take advantage of opportunities to refresh body and spirit - registration for PLC closes Friday, October 9! Ask them how they are taking care of themselves, and encourage them to set time away for the needed refreshment and renewal that God ordered in creation...and then be prepared to talk about the ways that you are doing this as well!

Reverend Katy Grindberg
Assistant to the Bishop  

This year, Professional Leaders Conference will be held at Unscripted Monterey Bay (formerly known to us as Monterey Beach Resort Hotel).   During our time together, The Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan will speak to the topic of 'Proclaimers of God's Good News.'


Deans' Meeting
Oct 19 starting at 3 PM 

Women's Retreat 
Oct 19 starting at 3PM  

Professional Leaders' Conference 
Oct 20 starting with dinner -  
Oct 22 ending before lunch

Click here to view our PLC brochure for more details

Parking fees: 
$11 per day/car- Carpools are encouraged 
It has come to our attention that there are two people who are looking to share space (a room) at PLC - one male and one female. If anyone is interested in sharing space at PLC contact Laurie Gaumer by email at Laurie@spselca.org  
ELCA members pray for those affected by flooding in South Carolina

CHICAGO (ELCA) - Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) offer prayers for all those affected by the devastating flooding in South Carolina. To date, 14 people have died as a result of the storm that began Oct. 1 and has brought the heaviest rainfall in the state since Hurricane Hugo struck in 1989, killing 27.

According to news reports, about 26,000 homes are without power and 40,000 residences are without running water. More than 500 roads and bridges have been closed.

"The ELCA South Carolina Synod is deeply grateful for the outpouring of love and prayers for the people of South Carolina in the midst of severe flooding," said the Rev. Herman R. Yoos III, bishop of the ELCA South Carolina Synod, in a letter to the synod. "Homes have been destroyed. Bridges and dams in neighborhoods have collapsed. Interstate highways and roads have been compromised in the worst storm since records have been kept in this state." Click here to continue reading...
You're Invited to the SF Night Ministry Fall Gala

The members of the Governing Board of the San Francisco Night Ministry invite you to attend their Fall Gala -- "Back to the Future."  Proceeds will support the ministry and outreach of Night Ministry, which offers pastoral care, counseling, and crisis intervention every night of the year between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.

Saturday, October 17, 2015
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
1111 O'Farrell Street
San Francisco CA  94109
5:30 to 7:00 p.m. -- Reception with Silent Auction
7:00 to 8:30 p.m. -- Dinner with Live Auction
$150 Preferred Seating and Table Sponsorships available upon request by contacting Night Ministry atoffice@sfnightministry.orgor by calling 415-935-7862

Thanks for what all of you do for the Night Ministry.

Our mailing address is:
San Francisco Night Ministry
1031 Franklin St.
San Francisco, CA 94109

Mt. Cross Ministries
Happening next month...
November 13-15, 2015
SPSYC Middle School
Youth Retreat
The Boys and Girls choirs of Stavanger Cathedral (Lutheran) in Stavanger Norway, along with cathedral organist Ivan Sarajishvili, will perform on Friday, October 9 at 7:30 pm at Grace Lutheran Church, 3149 Waverley Street in Palo Alto.

A free-will offering will be taken. Stavanger Cathedral is the seat of the Norwegian State Church in the Diocese of Stavanger. It is the oldest cathedral in Scandinavia and has been in continuous use since its construction in the early 12th century.

Click here for more information

St. Olaf Orchestra performs in San Francisco Bay Area

The internationally known St. Olaf Orchestra from St. Olaf
College in Northfield, Minn., will perform three concerts around the Bay Area:
Transfiguration Episcopal Church
Saturday, October 10, 2015, 8 p.m.
San Mateo, California
McAfee Center
Saratoga High School
Sunday, October 11, 2015, 2 p.m.
Saratoga, California
Dougherty Valley High School
Performing Arts Center
Tuesday, October 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
San Ramon, California
Tickets are $10 for adults and can be purchased at https://events.stolaf.edu/Online/, or by calling 800-363-5487.

Student tickets are free.

Portico Tax Guideline Resource
now available online

Tax season has started and we'd like to share with you online clergy tax guides: 2015 Clergy Tax Return Preparation Guide and 2015 Federal Reporting Requirements for Churches.  

Quick Links
We Are a Reconciling in Christ Synod
For more information click here

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We Remember in Prayer...

The friends and family of Pastor David Bringman (Trinity, Alameda), who died this week.
A memorial service will be held Saturday, October 10, 2015, 1:00 p.m., at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1323 Central Avenue, Alameda, CA.   
Pr. Mike Murphy, Ascension, Citrus Heights, recovering from an injury to his leg and facing possible surgery.
Pr. Dani Fey (Trinity, Oakland) suffering from illness.

Pr. Eileen Smith LeVan (Peace, Grass Valley), her husband Brian, and daughter Rebecca, on the death of her son, Will.

Prayers of healing for Pr. Mert Johnson (RT) recovering from a fractured hip.     
For all of those affected by wildfires. Shield those who are in harm's way, protect those working to contain the fires and comfort those who are experiencing loss.

For the places in our country that are experiencing violence against black churches
Those who are affected by the ongoing drought, including those whose wells have now gone dry, ranch and farm workers, and farmers and ranchers. 
For all those who work with communities that continue to face challenges of poverty, race relations, unemployment and sub-standard housing, who are left feeling powerless.  Pray we all find ways to address the root causes and help bring necessary changes to eliminate these challenges.
Butte and Valley Fires Update 

Volunteers are needed for the Butte and Valley Fires to help sort donations (they are overwhelmed).  Folks working the Valley fire are requesting that you volunteer rather than donate goods.  Cash donations are welcomed and needed. 
Those wishing to volunteer on the Valley fire are asked to register with North Coast Opportunities at www.ncoinc.orgOnce registered NCO will contact individuals directly. 

If you, or someone you know, have been affected by the fires, please click on the links below for resources that are available to you:

Wildfires have affected many who live within the Sierra Pacific Synod territory. On September 17, 2015, Bishop Mark issued a response with information about the activity taking place at the wildfire sites and information on how to donate to both Lutheran Disaster Response and Lutheran Social Services. 

Congregations in Transition

Second Mile Giving

October 2015
Upcoming Events
I was Hungry, I was Thirsty, I was in Prison and .....

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, Davis, CA
9:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Presented by the Sierra Pacific Synod Hunger Network
The cost is only $10 for the day, including lunch; no charge for congregational hunger contacts, college students or seminarians.  If you take AMTRAK California, rides to the workshop will be provided. Questions?  Contact Edie Lott at thelotts@gmail.com or (530) 582-5362.

Check our Classifieds!

 Check the Classifieds section of the SPS website for congregational employment opportunities and donated items that your congregation may find useful.
Click here to view employment opportunities in our Synod

Synod Calendar

Events and Meetings


October 9-11, 2015
Evergreen Conference Center
Oakhurst, CA

October 16, 2015
Candidacy Committee Meeting

October 17, 2015
2015 Fall Online Synod Gathering
Click here for details

Oct 16-18, 2015
October High School
Youth Retreat

October 19-20, 2015
Rostered Professional Women's Retreat and Dean's Gathering
Click here to register now

October 20-22, 2015
Professional Leaders Conference
Monterey, CA
Click here to register now

October 24, 2015
9:30 am-4:30 pm
I was Hungry, I was Thirsty, I was in Prison and...
Incarnation, Davis

Nov 13-15, 2015
November Middle School
Youth Retreat
Click here to register now

Feb 22-23, 2016 
Retired Clergy/AIMs/Spouses/Widows & Widowers Retreat
San Damiano Retreat Center
Danville, CA

Feb 26-28, 2016
February Elementary
Youth Retreat

June 3-5, 2016
2016 Synod Assembly
Grand Sierra Resort
Reno, NV

October 16, 2015
January 22-23, 2016
April 8-9, 2016
August 26-27, 2016 (awaiting confirmation from PLTS)

Please take note of our office schedule:
All Synod offices are open Monday-Thursday and closed every Friday.
Staff Listing
Mark W. Holmerud, Bishop
Nancy Feniuk Nelson, Bishop's Associate

Committed to being re-formed...
The Sierra Pacific Synod

PO BOX 276648, Sacramento, CA  95827-6628

 916-756-1665  �  800-275-3522  �  888-789-6434 (Fax)

Click here to visit our website www.spselca.org

Office of the Bishop, Sacramento
Office of the Bishop, Bay Area

Office of the Bishop, Fresno
   Synod Resource Center
   9985 Folsom Blvd.
   500 Airport Blvd. Suite 442
   2311 E. Shaw Avenue
   Sacramento, CA 95827-1405
   Burlingame, CA 94010-1938
   Fresno, CA 93710-8204
   916-756-1665 (Direct)
   650-590-0980 (Direct)
   559-345-2725 (Direct)