May 27, 2015
In This Issue
Communications Specialist
United Methodist Women Newsletter
Save-the-Date!...2015 Home Plate Event
Ministry with the Poor Training
Trinity UMC Food Pantry Jam
Potatoes for Annual Conference
Click here for Flyer..
Upcoming Events


June 3 

Starting Well

St Mark's UMC, Findlay  


June 7-11

WOC Annual Conference

Lakeside Chautaugua 


Sept. 27-October 3

MWD VIM Henderson Settlement Trip


August 16

Clergy Family Picnic




March 5

Local License & Supply Pastor Training & Interviews (DCOM)



Quick Links:


Conectional Giving

Did You Know...? 

FAQ's About CCLI & CVLI 


History & Achives of the UMC 

Love Packages WOC UMM  

Magic with a Message 

MissionInsite Demographics 

Resources for All Areas of Christian Ministry 

Special Sundays

Staples Advantage 

Web Ministry 

Worship Resources 


Click here for recent passing...

Click here to see recent appointments.

Communications Specialist  


Hello everybody! My name is Laura White and I just started here at the Maumee Watershed District Office. I am excited to be a part of the team here! For more information about me, see the article linked here!
How To Submit Items for the
Maumee Watershed Newsletter! 

If you'd like to submit an article, event, or classified ad to be featured in the Maumee Watershed District E-Newsletter, please use the submission form found by clicking here or by going to the News & Events section of our website!
United Methodist Women Newsletter
United Methodist Women

Check out what the West Ohio Conference UMW has been up to in the past quarter! There's a great article about teamwork and how maintaining current information will enhance communication and help us to achieve our shared mission. Also, don't forget to take a look at the upcoming Mission U mission opportunities!
2015 Home Plate Event

The Toledo Mud Hens Home Plate Event is set for August 9th, 2015 with guest speaker Nate Robertson! Nate is a former Toledo Mud Hen and Detroit Tiger pitcher and has participated in both team's Home Plate Events during his time with the association. As we looked at Nate's leadership roles in chapel and also on the field, we are excited for your church to learn about his journey with faith.  

Last year over 1,000 fans attended the event and we expect this year to be even larger! Group seating can be placed on hold at this time and finalized closer to the event. More details will be released shortly!

Ministry with the Poor Training

United Methodist Church For All People is providing an experiential training this October 24 - 26 in Columbus! This particular training will focus on:
  • Embracing and creating racially diverse relationships & congregations
  • Launching outreach programs to address community concerns
  • Engaging community partners
  • Housing development

For more information, click here!

Trinity UMC Food Pantry Jam

Trinity Church in Gibsonburg is having a food pantry benefit featuring local area musicians! They will be performing traditional, bluegrass and contemporary music on Sunday, June 28th beginning at 12:00 noon. Click here to learn more!
UMC Assists Homeless Texas Families

The United Methodist Church is always striving to help those in need. Currently, churches in Texas are putting up families whose homes were washed away during the floods over Memorial Day weekend. Here is an article highlighting what the Wimberley United Methodist Church is doing!

The UMC Maumee Watershed District 
now has a Facebook Page!

"Like" us to see more info about what is happening around the District!

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Laura White