The Gatekeeper
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Levels I and II 
December 3, 2014 - Levels 1 & 2
In This Issue
Celebrating Mass Together
Communal Reconciliation Dec 10th
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Sunday, Dec 7th, 3-6PM at Chief O'Neill's, 3471 N. Elston Ave: Help bid farewell to parishioners and catechists Myrna Gomez and Tom Kinsella as they move to New York City to be close to their son. Join us at Chief O'Neill's Restaurant for a family-friendly send-off. This is a "no-host" party.

Children's Mass: This Sun, Dec 7th, at 9AM (plus Greenery Sales)

Communal Reconciliation Service: Wed, Dec 10th, 6:30PM
Dear CGS Parent,   
The Good Shepherd

Level I and II children have been receiving presentations on the Prophesies. To the youngest children, we present and consider just one short prophesy all by itself. At some point in Level II, a child may work on a Synthesis of the Prophesies, stringing together the "pearls" received over the years, finding connections.


The Prophesies can be good Scripture passages to use within family prayer during Advent. They are short, poetical and beautiful - they highlight the essential. One idea (for now or in years to come) is to write the words of prophesies on individual cards that your child illustrates. Your child can then choose just one card to read or be read at each family prayer time, such as before dinner or at bedtime.


We hope many families are enjoying their Advent wreaths and strengthening or introducing new Advent traditions at home. We look forward to seeing families at the various St. Teresa Advent events (see articles below and side bar note regarding this Sunday's farewell gathering for Tom and Myrna).



  Lina Hilko (editor)

Children learn that prophesies are words spoken by prophets and recorded in the Old Testament. The prophets are people who listen very attentively to God's voice and then speak His words to others.


When we read from the Bible in Atrium, we light a candle to remind us that God's Word is a light unto our path. The catechist reads, and re-reads, the words of the prophesy in a quiet, slow manner.  The catechist will invite simple, brief reflection.  The response of the children, particularly at the youngest ages, may be silence.  The closing invitation might be, "Is there something you would like to say to Jesus?"  Or, "Is there a song you would like to sing?"

Not all the prophesies are presented in any given year because CGS Levels are designed as three-year cycles.  The prophesies presented for the first time in Level I are shown below.
Prophesy of the Light, Isaiah 9:1

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.

Prophesy of the Names, Isaiah 9:6

For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Prophesy of the Place (Bethlehem), Micah 5:2

But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days.

Prophesy of the Mother, Isaiah 7:14

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.

Prophesy of the Star and Scepter, Numbers 24:17 (middle only)

A star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel.


Other prophesies are introduced for the first time in Level II and carried into synthesis work done in Level II and/or Level III.


Gifts of the Spirit: Isaiah 11:1-3a

Valleys and Mountains: Isaiah 40:1-5

Peaceable Kingdom: Isaiah 11:6-9


Children's Mass This Sunday, Dec 7th 9AM

St. Teresa is hosting its monthly Children's Mass this Sunday, December 7th at 9AM. This month we will even have lectors from the ranks of Level III! It has been our hope to continue to expand the roles children play at these masses.


The First Reading at mass this Sunday is the "Level II" prophesy of Valleys and Mountains from Isaiah 40, and the Gospel references the prophesy, when it says,


As it is written in Isaiah the prophet ...

A voice of one crying out in the desert:

"Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths."


Advent is a time of preparation for a truly joyful and meaningful celebration of Christmas. Through the prophets, we can hear the Word of God spoken to us. But at Christmas, we recall, in a special way, a mysterious and miraculous transformation when the Word became flesh and lived among us (John 1:14). Advent invites us to be transformed in a lasting way, perhaps elevating some personal instances of simple "hearing" into true "living" of the Word. This Sunday can be a time to consider what the valleys and mountains and crooked paths are in our own lives.
Communal Reconciliation Service, Dec 10th 6:30PM
The sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated in the church on Wednesday, December 10th, starting at 6:30PM. This service begins with a communal rite of reconciliation (for the first half hour or so), followed by the opportunity for individual confession and absolution with a priest. We invite you to experience this beautiful, quiet time of reflection on God's Word and prayer for God's help with the mountain, valley, or difficult path you currently encounter.

As reconciliation is a celebration of God's love and our communion with God and each other, it is great to follow up the service with a special family meal.
Please provide comments about this newsletter to Lina Hilko, the editor, at, and/or Kate Lynch, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education, at