The Gatekeeper
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level III 
December 18, 2012 - Level 3, Issue 08
In This Issue
The Mystery of Faith
Prayers of Intercession
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Dear CGS Level III Parent,  
The Good Shepherd

We end December by considering in depth the final "one-third" of the Eucharistic Prayer: the Mystery of Faith and Prayers of Intercession. These are a set of very rich and beautiful prayers which, I think, we often do not fully appreciate. This portion of the mass can be an antsy time for small children and the ambient noise and movement can distract older children, even if they typically have the ability to listen. By thinking about these prayers in the quiet of Atrium, we hope to open the door to further listening throughout life.


We hope all families have a joy-filled Christmas and restful break before 2013!


   Lina Hilko, Editor

The Mystery of Faith

From their earliest days in Atrium, the children learn that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, calls us by name and seeks us out. By the time they receive First Communion, children become increasingly aware that Jesus is present to us in a particular way in the mass: in the bread and wine, gifts of the earth and work of human hands, which, through the prayers of human beings and the work of the Holy Spirit, become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.


At the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer (just after the Preface which we wrote about last week), the priest invokes the Holy Spirit over the bread and wine and recounts Jesus' Last Supper: Take and eat. This is my Body. Take and drink. This is my Blood. Jesus becomes present in a special and real way in the Eucharist. The congregation, then, together proclaims the Mystery of Faith:

We proclaim your Death, O Lord

and profess your Resurrection

until you come again.


We take time to consider why we call this "the mystery of faith."


Prayers of Intercession

After the above part of the presentation, we are grounded in knowing that the Good Shepherd is truly present in the Eucharist to that specific congregation at that specific mass. We ask, "The Good Shepherd calls us to this feast. How far does the Good Shepherd's voice reach? How far does his presence reach?"


The Prayers of Intercession, which follow our proclamation of the Mystery of Faith, help us to consider the question of reach. The presentation uses cards with simple drawings and cards with the words of the prayers of intercession to help us think about the progression of these prayers:

  • The presence of the Good Shepherd begins with our own community gathered around our own altar.
  • The presence reaches beyond the local community to the whole Christian world, including various religions (e.g., Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, etc.), throughout the globe.
  • The Good Shepherd's voice is calling even further to men, women, and children, believers and non-believers, throughout the world.
  • And the presence of Christ reaches beyond the limits of our physical world today to all who have left this world in God's friendship, thus connecting all of the past to our present.
  • The celebration of the Eucharist continues in this way to unite all men, all women, and all children until all people, together with Mary, the Apostles, and all the saints in eternity sing to the glory of God.

Our focus in Level III is always on the Plan of God, particularly on the Blank Page of history which each of us is called to write in order to collaborate with God toward the fulfillment of His plan at Parousia, the time when God will be all in all. Can you hear how we are praying for this process of building and this time called Parousia through the Prayers of Intercession? Perhaps you will listen differently the next time you hear these prayers.


It is noted that there are various Eucharistic Prayers. The Prayers of Intercession differ in words and ordering, even though the underlying intentions are unified. It is important that the children know this in case they tune in more closely at mass. Instead of feeling disappointed that they didn't hear exactly what they saw in Atrium, they hopefully hear it more like a puzzle, picking out the picture pieces even though they are stated a different way or ordered differently.


Be Still

If you haven't in the past particularly noticed the words of the Eucharistic Prayer, it may be rewarding to make a commitment to becoming more still and focused during these prayers for a prolonged series of masses. Try picking a focal point on the altar and becoming very still in your body and very attuned to the words, despite any turmoil around you. Listen. Notice. What is your experience? Does it change anything for you going forward?



Many of us are getting new calendars around this time. Take time to write in all our dates for Catechesis so your child benefits from continuity. Atrium gatherings resume January 13/15/17. Also, please remember to e-mail your catechist and Kate Lynch if your child will be absent. This ensures a safer program and is a courtesy to the catechist and entire class. Because Level III presentations are often long, it is so very important to be able to start on time, based on those we know will be in attendance.


Please feel free to contact Kate Lynch, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education (, or Lina Hilko, newsletter editor (, if you have questions or comments about this information.