The Gatekeeper
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level II 
November 27, 2012 - Level 2, Issue 05
In This Issue
Books of the Bible
Walk the Talk
Lectio Divina
Christmas Eve Family Mass
Advent Reconciliation
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Children's Liturgy of the Word at 9AM mass is looking for new leaders. If your child enjoys "CLOW," consider enriching the experience by enjoying it together through periodic leadership. Dec 9th and 23rd are still open right now. Email Laura Anderson for info (
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Dear CGS Level II Parent 
The Good Shepherd

Our Tuesday and Thursday meetings this week are catching up to a presentation given to Sunday children back on November 11th. (Strange schedule due to CGS communal masses and Thanksgiving.) Level II children this week will reflect on the books of the Bible.


Next Sunday is the first week of Advent. The Church gives us Advent, a time of preparation, so we can genuinely enjoy the great feast of Christmas.  Please consider how your family will enjoy this gift, and involve your Level II child in the planning. For example, you may ask your child, "How should we prepare the house to remind us of Advent? When and how shall we pray specially? Anything else we should do differently or specially?"


You are invited to kick off the season by joining other parents and families for Advent Wreath Making starting at 10:30AM on Sunday, December 2 in the Religious Education Center.


  Lina Hilko (editor)


Books of the Bible

Level II children will work with a wooden model which helps them understand that the Bible is one big book that is actually made up of many books, written at different times and containing different content (e.g., laws, history, songs and poems, prophesies, life and teachings of Jesus, letters). Even though made up of many books, the Bible tells the one history, from Creation to Parousia, made by the one God together with humankind.


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd uses the Bible as its "text book." Children, over their time in Level II, should become able to find passages in their own Bible. So, this presentation is just one small step toward their overall orientation to the Bible and growing comfort with its use.


Walk the Talk
Parents might want to consider how they use a Bible at home in the course of the year. Your child hears at Atrium or at mass that the Word of God is a light unto our path. Is it a light in your home? Or is it hidden away? Consider how you could use it, hands-on, just a little more. Advent can be the perfect door-opener. If reading a short passage from scripture will be a part of your family home prayer during Advent, consider reading directly from the Bible. Help your child find the passage to be read. It's okay if it's hard for both of you. Use the table of contents. None of us is born knowing where all those books are located!

If there's a particular set of readings you are choosing from for the season, consider having your child make book marks so they are easy to find. This can be a fun and practical project.

A very nice opportunity for adults to read Scripture prayerfully is now facilitated by the Monday evening Lectio Divina group. Read below for more.


Lectio Divina
You are invited, whenever it's a possibility, to join St. Teresa's Lectio Divina group on Monday evenings, 6:30-7:30pm in the Religious Education Center (REC). The Lectio Divina group always reads and meditates on the upcoming Sunday's readings for mass.
Lectio Divina means 'divine reading' and is similar to what we do with the children in the Atrium.  It involves slowly reading through the Scripture passage several times and noticing what stands out for us. We listen to how the passage is speaking to us in that moment. We then take some time to ponder how to respond.

The Monday night session is designed so that individuals can come any Monday because the session always involves reflecting on the upcoming Sunday's readings and requires no previous experience.

Christmas Eve Family Mass

[Same article as from Level I] The Christmas Eve Family Mass at 4PM is a very special time and place.  There are many ways for the children to get involved and help during the liturgy. We have bigger parts like readers and those who prepare the altar for Eucharistic Prayer. And we have the heartwarming opening procession of shepherds and angels who walk reverently with Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus.  Please e-mail Kate Lynch ( to let her know of your child's interest in participating and in what way.


If you know a parish family that would like to be involved but is not in catechesis, please spread the word about e-mailing Kate.  We want to welcome all to participate fully, but we need everyone's help to get the word out.
Advent Reconciliation
The sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated in the church on Wednesday, December 12th, starting at 7PM. Although it goes without saying that all are encouraged to come, we particularly encourage parents of children who will be preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion in 2013. It can really be helpful to your own preparation sessions as a parent, as well as in your support of your child, to have a recent experience with the sacrament of Reconciliation. Advent may be the perfect time to experience God's gifts of grace and healing through the sacrament. If you have any questions about the sacrament, please feel free to reach out to Kate Lynch or Lina Hilko (contact info at end of e-newsletter).
Please provide comments about this newsletter to Lina Hilko, the editor, at, and/or Kate Lynch, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education, at