Get ready for a Happy Thanksgiving!

Why do we think it's important to buy your turkey through a local, natural source?   Check out these frightening facts about the conventional, industrially grown turkeys we find in our grocery stores (from NY Times Article, "About A Bird" Nov 24, 2003):


Nearly 270 million turkeys are raised on factory farms each year -- are all the same variety, the Broad Breasted White. 

This variety was bred specifically to develop large amounts of white meat in as little time as possible. Right after hatching, the upper beak and toenails are snipped (so that it can't do damage during its lifetime of indoor, crowded conditions). By their eighth week, these turkeys are severely overweight. Their breasts are so large that they are unable to walk or even reproduce. All industrial turkeys today are the product of artificial insemination. Industrial turkeys need half the time of naturally grown birds to grow to full weight. By 12 to 14 weeks, the whole flock is ready for the slaughterhouse. Saline solution and vegetable oils are injected to the meat after processing, to give better flavor to the bland meat, improve shelf life and add weight.


Our turkeys!
The lives of the turkeys raised by our farmers are nothing like their industrial counterparts.  Church's turkeys are hatched and raised naturally, by their own mothers, and spend their days on open pasture eating bugs, weeds, and grass.  They spend only their nights indoors (for protection from predators) and get supplemental all-natural feed.  A+ Ranch and Cabalo's also raise their turkeys with their days spent roaming on green pasture, not in crowded, unsanitary coops.  These turkeys aren't given any hormones or antibiotics (they don't need any with their healthy living conditions) and yes, they can do all the things you'd expect from a turkey: they can stand, walk and even reproduce naturally!      


Our farmers are offering both the standard Thanksgiving turkey (the Modern Double-Breasted White, with lots of meat, but all-natural and chemical free!) and Heritage turkeys. While conventional turkeys might have more breast meat, these natural turkeys have leaner meat with much better texture and moisture, thanks to lives of outdoor grazing, instead sitting down in crowded coops.


See the difference for yourself with one of these truly free-range, turkeys for your holiday meal this year.   

It's turkey time. Gather together!

Locally raised turkeys through Idaho's Bounty.


Order online during our regular cycle.

Over the last few years, our members have made it clear:  we want locally grown, truly free-range turkeys for our holiday meals.  Well, our farmers have responded. 


Idaho's Bounty is again pleased to offer the following turkey options.  All orders must be placed online by Nov. 12 at 10am. 

A+ Ranch
AOrganic, Local & Pasture Raised. A+ Turkeys are raised on our USDA certified organic turkey ranch in Richfield, ID where they are allowed to roam freely. Each turkey is supplemented with the finest organic grains to guarantee a healthy and wholesome bird.


Delivery Wed. 11/14    $5.00 / lb.      Frozen.
  • 14-17 lb. whole turkey. Organic.
  • 17-21 lb. whole turkey. Organic.
  • 21-25 lb. whole turkey. Organic
Cabalo's Orchard & Gardens

Our turkeys are raised free range in our orchard. They are all natural never given any hormones, steroids or additives. We feed them a mixture of non-GMO corn, wheat and barley grown by our partners, Vogel Farms, here in Kuna. They also feast on our apples, cantaloupe and other produce excess.


Delivery Wed. 11/21    $4.67 / lb.      Fresh.
  • 15-20 lb. whole turkey.
  • 17-22 lb. whole turkey.
  • 20-25 lb. whole turkey.
  • 22-27 lb. whole turkey.
  • 25-30 lb. whole turkey.
  • 27-35 lb. whole turkey. 
Church's Backyard Farm
These birds have been out in the pastures on bug patrol all season, kept my lawn mowed and helped finish off the gardens at the end of the season. They are true free range turkeys. Like our chickens,they are fed all natural feed, lots of sunshine and our own spring water. Naturally juicy and TASTY!
Delivery Wed. 11/14    $4.80 / lb.      Frozen.
  • 11-15 lb. whole turkey.
We hope you are able to enjoy these turkeys with your family and friends this Thanksgiving!
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