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Nov. 22, 2013
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Happy Union Thanksgiving!


The Meal of the Year is here! This is family time, and in the labor movement we know all about the importance of family.

The crazy fun of Black Friday follows, so don’t forget to buy union made when you can. And while some stores want to open on Thanksgiving Day this year, we say family, friends and those we care about are worth more than a few extra hours of shopping.

We’ve put together a Thanksgiving shopping list for a great union-made spread. You can check it out here. And we realize it can sometimes be difficult to find union made for everything on your list, so another great way to go union is to patronize union grocery stores, like these.

So enjoy the day! And we’ve got one more recipe that you’re going to want to add to the table this year in our Product Spotlight below.

                                       Happy Thanksgiving!

                                        Labor 411  

By the Numbers

$59.1 billion:
Total spent during the four-day Black Friday weekend in 2012.
Individual average spent over the same weekend.


Product Spotlight
Union-made Cranberry Sauce

We know you’ve got our Thanksgiving list already, but we want to add one more delicious dish to the table. Emeril Lagasse’s recipe for Cranberry-Almond Sauce made our mouths water. And with union-made ingredients you can’t go wrong.

Click here for the recipe


Our Most Popular Shopping Lists:


Union-made Stout Cake
Union-made Halloween Candy
The Ultimate Union Beer List
Union Thanksgiving


Labor 411 Partners


Proud to be a Union Printing Facility


Wall-to-wall Union


Union Made Office Furniture




Words of Wisdom

"We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few; but we can't have both."
- Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis