
E-nnouncement from the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link -  February 2015
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Coping with Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease: Telephone Education and Support group
cGvHD Support Group Facilitators
Registration is currently open for a free 4-week Telephone Education and Support Group. (Group fills up fast, so register early!)

Coping with Chronic Graft vs. Host Disease (cGvHD) for the BMT Patient/Survivor & Caregiver is facilitated by Sandra Mitchell, PhD, CRNP, AOCN and Mike Krumlauf, RN, BSN from the National Institutes of Health. The program will take place 4 consecutive Tuesday evenings starting March 10, 2015 through March 31, 2015 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm (EST) for 10-12 survivors and caregivers living and coping with the late effects of cGvHD.

If you are interested and can attend all four evenings, contact Cindy Goldman at cindygoldman@nbmtlink.org or (800) 546-5268. This program is generously supported by educational grants provided by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and The Meredith A. Cowden Foundation.

Calling All Previous Participants in the cGvHD Telephone Education/Support Group!


Are you a former participant of our four-week Chronic Graft versus Host Disease Telephone Education/Support Group (cGvHD)?


How I Treat Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

7:00 to 8:30 pm (EST)




Dr. Paul Martin, MD, PhD

Director of Long-Term Follow-Up

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Seattle, WA


This "Alumni" session of the cGvHD Telephone Education/Support Group will reconnect 15-20 previous cGvHD support Group Participants. The session will be facilitated by Sandra Mitchell, PhD, CRNP, AOCN and Mike Krumlauf, RN, BSN from the National Institutes of Health. For additional information about the group or to register, contact Cindy Goldman at cindygoldman@nbmtlink.org 

New GVHD Book Well Received at the 2015 BMT Tandem Meetings in San Diego Last Week


The new book, Graft Versus Host Disease: Living with the After Effects of Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant has been published and is now available for patients and caregivers! It was published in response to patients' and families' expressed need for additional guidance and support in dealing with the after effects of bone marrow/stem cell transplants. Along with the other books we have produced, it will enhance nbmtLINK's ongoing commitment to bone marrow/stem cell transplant patients and their caregivers and families. To order a copy please contact the nbmtLINK office at 800-546-5268 or email info@nbmtlink.org. The book will soon also be made available on our website which is www.nbmtlink.org 

Save The Date April 24, 2015! 

GVHD National Symposium  

The Meredith A. Cowden Foundation 2015 GvHD Symposium brings together the nation's foremost physicians, surgeons, research scientists, educators and other specialists in the fields of hematology, oncology, bone marrow transplantation and immunology. The dual track conference which is open to both cancer survivors and healthcare professionals, will be held on April 24, 2015 at the Embassy Suites in Independence, Ohio. To register for the conference click here.

We thank our Distinguished LINK Partners who Generously Support the Work of the nbmtLINK! If your BMT Center is not a LINK Partner, Please contact myrajacobs@nbmtlink.org 


Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute · City of Hope · Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center · Duke Adult Blood and Marrow Transplant Program · Fred Hutchinson Transplant Program at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance · Froedtert Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin · Henry Ford Transplant Institute · Loyola University Medical Center · Mayo Clinic Cancer Center · Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center · The Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at Northside Hospital · Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cancer Institute · Roswell Park Cancer Institute · Blood & Marrow Transplant Program, The Sidney Kimmel Center at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals · University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center · University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Cancer Center · University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center  · University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center · University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview · University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine · Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center · American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation · Be the Match · The General Motors Foundation · The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society · Meredith A. Cowden Foundation · Sinai Medical Staff Foundation · WellPoint, Inc ·

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