nbmtLINKSpring flowers      

E-nnouncement from the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link -  May 2013 
Quick Links
About nbmt LINK

Helpful Publications

Frequently Asked Questions


Voices of Hope & Healing


Resource Guide 

 Caregivers' Guide 


 Survivorship Guide


Online Resources

Understanding & Coping with cGVHD Podcast 


Coping with cGVHD Webcast


BMT Spouse Webcast 

The Medical Aspects & Management of cGVHD in Children Webcast  

 Families Coping with cGVHD in Children Webcast 


The New Normal Video   


Support Services

Celebrate Your Transplant 

Request Peer Support 




Explore BMT


nmtLINK has partnered with other patient-focused organizations to create ExploreBMT™, an easy-to-search online tool that provides direct access to information about blood and marrow transplantation.

Check out this online tool for direct access to a variety of transplant resources. 

Start your search today at ExploreBMT.org























The National Bone Marrow Transplant Link (nbmtLINK) is pleased to inform you about the following programs, services, and publications. For your convenience, we've placed a number of helpful links on the left-hand sidebar.


nbmtLINK New 2 GB USB Flashdrive

Our thumbdrive 
This flash drive includes a new audio version of excerpts from the nbmtLINK's booklet, Voices of Hope and Healing, a collection of inspirational stories, poetry, and practical advice from bone marrow/stem cell transplant survivors, caregivers, and their family members from around the country.  You will also find a downloadable copy of the entire Voices of Hope and Healing booklet from which the audio excerpts were taken. You may also be interested in some of the other documents on this flash drive that will familiarize you with the resources, support, and programs offered by the nbmtLINK. There is also space to add your own files or documents to this flash drive. You can order them online, click here .

 Be The Match Post-Transplant Care Guidelines 

NMDP Guidelines    

As you navigate your care following an allogeneic or autologous transplant, the Be The Match Post-Transplant Care guidelines can help. These easy-to-understand guidelines provide a summary of the recommended tests and evaluations for your 6-month, 12-month and annual (2+ year) appointments. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare for your appointment with your doctor. 


 Be The Match Post-Transplant Care Guidelines

How Do You Celebrate Your "Second" Birthday?
2nd Birthday 2012
Transplant survivors celebrate two birthdays each year, the day they were born and the day of their transplant.  Some survivors send themselves flowers, while others may celebrate with a dinner at home.  A growing number of transplant survivors celebrate by receiving a colorful card from the nbmtLINK to commemorate the day.  If you would like to receive a card, which also includes a list of valuable resources, please fill out the short form available online; Click here.  
An Introduction to Marrow & Cord Blood Transplant

A FREE telephone education workshop for patients and families that is being presented by Be The Match on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 12:00-1:15 PM Central Time. Learn about the basics of marrow and cord blood transplant, HLA matching, how your doctor searches for a donor, caregiver and recipient experiences, and other resources for you and your family. Please register by June 5 by calling 1-888-999-6743 or registering online at registry.marrow.org/intro-workshop or by email to patientinfo@nmdp.org.


Be The Match 2013  

Is your Transplant Center or Organization listed below? Consider Joining our List of Distinguished LINK Partners who Generously Support the Work of the nbmtLINK!


Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute � City of Hope � Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center � Duke Medicine Adult Bone Marrow & Stem Cell Transplant Program � Fred Hutchinson Transplant Program at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance � Froedtert Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin � Henry Ford Transplant Institute � Loyola University Medical Center � Mayo Clinic Cancer Center � Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center � The Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at Northside Hospital � Oregon Health & Science University � Blood & Marrow Transplant Program, Department of Medical Oncology, Thomas Jefferson University & Hospitals, Kimmel Cancer Center University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview � The University of Nebraska Medical Center and The Nebraska Medical Center Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation  Be the Match  The General Motors Foundation  The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society  Meredith A. Cowden Foundation Roswell Park Cancer Institute  WellPoint,Inc.


For additional information about becoming a LINK Partner, please contact Myra Jacobs at 800-546-5268 or myrajacobs@nbmtlink.org.

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