January 21, 2015

NACHSA e-Alert


Greetings NACHSA Members!

NACHSA Dues Are Due: NACHSA invoices members through these e-Alerts. Please submit your dues today!


Federal Update: The House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees are holding organizational sessions this week to officially confirm subcommittee appointments and discuss priorities for the year. They will be reviewing the President's budget proposals when they are released on February 2. NACHSA will provide a summary of President Obama's human services and health proposals soon after they are sent to Capitol Hill. 

NACHSA Meeting Approaches: NACo's Legislative Conference is soon. NACHSA will meet on Saturday, February 21 at 1:30 pm ET. To learn more about the conference, click here.

In This Issue
Human Services Resources
Human Services Jobs
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Human Services Resources
SNAP Facts: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has updated its SNAP Policy Basics and a chart book highlighting some key characteristics of those using the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as well as trends and data on program administration and use.

Federal Tool Kit on Finance Essentials for Foster Youth: The HHS Children's Bureau has developed a Financial Empowerment Toolkit to help foster youth improve their financial capabilities. It includes key personal finance topics to help service providers and supportive adults speak with the youth in their care. It offers best practices and service delivery models for providers to integrate financial education into their core programs. Fact sheets cover topics such as building credit, different forms of insurance, an overview of taxes and how to read a credit report. The information is tailored to youth under the age of 18 and young adults preparing to transition out of care.

TANF & Employment Approaches: The U.S. Government Accountability Office recently published a report on promising approaches to employment for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families participants. Of the ten programs highlighted, four programs are county-based - Los Angeles and San Francisco Counties in CA, Ramsey County, MN and Erie County, NY. A summary may be read here and the full report is available here

2013 Child Maltreatment Report Released: Last week the Children's Bureau released the annual 2013 Child Maltreatment Report. During the year, there were an estimated 3.5 million referrals or calls to child protective services agencies. The reports of child abuse or neglect were estimated to include 6.4 million children. Of the reports, an estimated 60.8 percent were screened in, meaning they resulted in further investigation by the child protective services (CPS) agency and 39 percent were screened out and did not result in additional investigation. There was a continued decrease in the number of cases resulting in verification (substantiation) that child neglect or abuse occurred. For 2013, there were an estimated 678,932 victims of child abuse and neglect, down from 679,000 in 2012. State charts and summaries are available at the end of the Report.

Webinar - Homeless Employment/Connections Project RFP: Slated for January 28 from 2 pm to 3:30 pm ET, this webinar will review the Connections Project application process. These three-year projects will focus on steps to seed innovation and collaboration among multiple systems in order to address the employment needs and interests of homeless jobseekers. Up to five sites will receive funding of up to $125,000 over the full project period, intensive technical assistance and peer learning opportunities. Click here to register. 
Human Services Jobs
Marin County, Calif. invites applications for the position of Director of Health and Human Services. Please apply by February 6, 2015.
Tom Joseph
National Association of County Human Services Administrators