"A holy place where love is found, all are named, and hearts are freed to change the world."
Coming Up
On Our
Parish Calendar
Wednesday, August 17 
10:30 am - Bible Study @  
  5:15 pm - Chorister Rehearsal

Thursday, August 18
  9:30 am - Holy Folders 
12:00 n    - Holy Rosary
  6:30 pm - Alzheimer's Support 
  7:00       - Adult Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, August 21
3rd Sunday Parish Breakfast
  8:30 am - Rite I Mass 
  8:30-11    Parish Breakfast
10:00         Sung Mass
11:00         Deacon Bob 
                    Retirement Reception
12:15 pm - Vestry Meeting 

Tuesday, August 23
  3:00 pm - Tai Chi

Wednesday, August 24
10:30 am - Bible Study @  
  5:15 pm - Chorister Rehearsal 
Looking Ahead ...
We resume our regular Mass schedule on Rally Sunday (September 11).
  7:45 am - Rite I Mass
  9:00 am - Low Mass
10:10 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Sung Mass

Rally Sunday Parish Luncheon 
We end Rally Sunday with a "lunch on the lawn."  The Knights of Columba will be cooking burgers, hot dogs, and side dishes.  Everyone is invited to bring a dessert to share.

Benedicamaus Domino
Let Us Bless the Lord
to read periodic reflections
on Scripture & Daily Life 
Pray Daily
The Daily Office Online
    Click Here
to submit your 
2016 pledge online 
Share your photos of St. Columba activities and celebrations.  
Email pictures to:
Contact Us
(770) 888-4464 x 8001 

Dir of Music & Liturgy 
(770) 888-4464 x 8003 
Deacon Bob Millott
Parish Deacon

Parish Wardens

Jeannie Lamp



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The 13th Week after Pentecost
 17 August 2016
Deacon Bob To Retire
Sunday, August 21
     Deacon Bob Millott has served as our parish deacon for the last four years.  He will retire on Sunday 21 August and we will have a reception to honor his service and ministry following the 10:00 Mass.  Canon law requires that all clergy retire from their active ministry as they reach the mandatory age of retirement (72).  
      So please join us this Sunday as we celebrate Bob's ministry with us and wish he and Diane both Godspeed and our love.  Archdeacon Carole Maddox will be with us on Sunday to help us celebrate Bob's ministry and give thanks to God for all that he has shared with us these last four years.
Family Promise At St. Columba's
Volunteer Training
Tuesday, September 20   |   7:00 pm

     Being without a safe, warm place to sleep, eat, and care for children; being without the security of familiar people and belongings and surroundings - this is homelessness. Families with young children account for up to 40 percent of America's homeless, and they make up its fastest growing segment. Now we have a chance to help - to be part of providing a warm place to sleep, eat, and care for children, to welcome local families into our church home with radical hospitality. Through Family Promise of Forsyth County, St. Columba's will host local homeless families several times each year, with our first host week scheduled October 30-November 6.
     We need LOTS of volunteers for each host week, covering tasks from setting up bedrooms to providing meals to staying overnight at the church. To volunteer in any capacity (whether for the October host week or in the future), please  SIGN UP HERE
     Registration for specific volunteer jobs will be distributed to those who  SIGN UP HERE.
     Family Promise will conduct a 90-minute volunteer training session on Tuesday, September 20 at 7pm at St. Columba's. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. (If you cannot attend the September training, but still want volunteer, SIGN UP and we'll make arrangements for your training).
     This is a unique opportunity to live out our mission to be a holy place where love is found, where all are named, and where hearts are freed to change the world. Please join us.
Parish Workday
Saturday, August 27   |   8:00 am - 1:00 pm 
      Our annual Fall Workday is scheduled for Saturday, August 27, 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM.In preparation for the return to regular schedule Sunday School and Services, we do an inside and outside cleaning and repair effort.Outside there will be tree trimming, string trimming, walk behind mowing, edging, raking, wheel barrowing, dirt shoveling, and other outside duties.  Inside there will be general cleaning, bulb changing, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, damp mopping, and other inside duties.There will be a hot dog lunch around 11:00, water and other fluids are available all day.  Please bring your favorite yard tools and join in.  Many hands make the job lighter on everyone!
Sunday School Teachers Needed
Sunday School Resumes September 11
      Rally Sunday is just around the corner and that means we need to fill a few remaining slots for our children and youth Sunday school program.  If you are interested in learning more about teaching Sunday school, please contact Kristen Weems for the children's program (Catachesis of the Good Shepherd) or Father Tripp for the middle and high school program.  We have a wonderful and strong program and only with your help can we keep it going.  Please prayerfully consider teaching this coming year.
>> Click Here to contact Kristen Weems
>> Click Here to contact Father Tripp
   Thursday, August 25  |  Louisiana Kitchen 
       On Thursday, August 25, we will travel to old downtown Acworth to eat lunch at Henry's Louisiana Kitchen. We will depart from the church at 11:30 am and return around 3:30 pm. 
     RSVP to Jim Edwards (770-831-3380 or jim.w.edwards@att.net).  The reservation cut-off date is this Sunday, August 21
New Formation Opportunities for Adults
Searching for Sunday
Begins September 11   |   10:10 am - in the Narthex
     Going to church means so many different things to people.  What exactly is it that we're looking for each week?  During our Rector's forum this Fall, we'll loosely hear the story of  NY Times best-selling author, Rachel Evans, as we explore what it truly means to belong to a church and not only belong, but to get the most out of church.  Stories of the sacraments, faith, and the liturgical year - all dotted with humor and anecdote - will help us find our place and our life rooted in church.
>> Click Here for a full schedule  
for adult offerings this coming year 
St. Columba's Cookbook

  ECW is beginning a new project of creating a St. Columba's Cookbook, to help raise money for the church. We have amazing cooks in our church as the breakfasts, cookouts, and chili cook-offs have shown. We would love to learn and share all of the recipes from our parishioners. Please find your favorite recipes, type them up, and email them to Allison Bronk (abronk@windscape.com). 
     You can submit as many recipes as you would like, and for any category you wish. We are looking for any type of recipes for any time of day. We would also like to see if we can get some gluten-free recipes and some vegetarian recipes as well as the standard favorites. We need all hands on deck to make this a success. If you have not been receiving the ECW emails please contact Allison Bronk (abronk@windscape.com, 404-840-0113) so you can be included. 

Food Pantry Update
In-gathering Sunday:  August 21 
     July was a good month for donations to our food pantry.  We provided 329 pounds of food to Emmaus House.  Similar to The Place of Forsyth County, Emmaus House has recently switched to a system where those in need can come in to pick out food that is best for their family, restoring some level of dignity at the same time.  These are great steps forward for both food pantries!  We will also be providing August's donations of non-perishable food to The Place of Forsyth County, collecting food each week leading up to the 3rd Sunday of the month (August 21st - Breakfast Sunday), which is the official collection day for the month.  
      We'll continue with the same list of needs as in recent months - 'hearty' or 'chunky' soups, canned or boxed milk, and canned pasta (ravioli, Beefaroni, etc).  Other needs include canned vegetables, canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, and other items that can be stored for a long period of time.  Donations can be placed in the tubs located next to the welcome table in the narthex.  Please begin or continue to help in this effort to assist local families in need - thank you!"

St. Columba's
Episcopal Church

939 James Burgess Road
Suwanee, Georgia 30024

Sept 11
     Sunday school for children, teenagers and adults begins Rally Sunday - September 11.  That is also the Sunday we resume our regular schedule (7:45, 9:00, 11:15 with Sunday school at 10:10 am). 
     It's always a very exciting and fun morning and we end the day with our traditional parish "lunch on the lawn."   Our Knights of Columba men's group will be cooking hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the side dishes.  Everyone is invited to bring their favorite dessert to share. 

Sunday, September 11
  7:45 am - Rite I Mass
  9:00 am - Low Mass with Choristers **
10:10 am - Sunday school for all ages
11:15 am - Sung Mass with St Columba Choir
12:30 pm - Parish Lunch on the Lawn

 ** All teachers are asked to attend the 9:00 Mass that morning, as we will commission teachers as part of our prayers at 9 am