The Baptism of our Lord  
January 10, 2016  
This Sunday: 
Bishop Whitmore @ St. Columba's

   & Our Annual Parish Meeting
      This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of Jesus.  As a special treat, Bishop Whitmore will be with us to preach and to baptize Father Ben & Amanda's new son, Marshall Day.  We will have a reception for Bishop & Mrs. Whitmore at 10:10 am this Sunday.
      Our annual parish meeting & dinner will take place this coming Sunday evening as well.  But before the annual meeting, members from our youth group will lead a contemporary Eucharist at 4pm.  The annual meeting will begin at 5:30 pm with a wonderful dinner provided by our very own Knights of Columba.
      Please plan to attend so that we may extend our thanks to Margie Hutson, Dale Humphries, Kendra West, and Linda Williams who will rotate off vestry having served faithfully for the past three years.  We will also elect four new members to the vestry.  Those nominated for election:  Susan Bruch, Wendy Lambert, Laura Murphy, and Bill Parkinson.