"A holy place where love is found, all are named, and hearts are freed to change the world."
Coming Up
On Our
Parish Calendar
Wednesday, November 4
   7:00 pm  All Souls' Requiem

Thursday, November 5
   9:30 am  Holy Folders
 12:00 n     Holy Rosary
 12:30 pm  Bible Study
   7:00       St Columba Choir

Sunday, November 8
  7:45 am  Rite I Mass
  9:00       Said Mass
10:10       Sunday School
11:15       Choral Mass
  5:00       Jr EYC
  6:00       EYC Dinner
  7:00       Sr EYC

Monday, November 9
  6:45 pm  Guild of St. Rose
Tuesday, November 10
  3:00 pm  Tai Chi

Wednesday, November 11
  5:45 pm  Chorister
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Stewardship Sunday
This Weekend
to submit your 
2016 pledge online 
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Dir of Music & Liturgy
Youth Ministry

Fr Ben Day
Priest Associate


Parish Wardens

Jeannie Lamp



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The 23rd Week after Pentecost
4 November 2015
All Souls Requiem Mass
Wednesday, 4 November
7:00 pm
      Join us for our annual Requiem Mass for all the Faithful Departed.  The choir will sing some of the most beautiful and moving music which will be the backdrop for our prayers and reassurances from God as we remember those whom we have loved and entrusted back into God's gracious care.
      This Requiem Mass is one of the most moving liturgies of the year and a beautiful reminder that "in death, O Lord, life is changed not ended; and when our mortal body lies in death, there is prepared for us a dwelling place eternal in the heavens."
Stewardship Sunday
     While our Stewardship Sunday has officially past, it's not too late to make your pledge for 2016.  You can use the pledge card you received in the mail, pick up a pledge card at church on Sunday morning, or use the link below to make your pledge online. 
   Our campaign theme of
"Embracing the Possibilities:  Pray.  Believe.  Fulfill." is statement of faith that we believe God is doing incredible things through the ministries of our parish and that with our commitment to fill the gap, we can grow into a richer, more stable future as a parish and expand the ways in which we come to know God and to make God known in the world around us. 
     We've had a strong start to our campaign, but need every household to pledge for us to make a leap of faith forward and fill the gap as we grow into the fullness to which God has called us.
>> CLICK HERE to make your pledge for 2016
Advent Devotions
Advent-1 Daily Devotions Each Day During Advent
Each day during Advent, we'll send out an email to all parishioners who would like to receive them.  Devotions will have a short scripture verse and a reflection written by fellow parishioners.  Email Linda Reid (click here) if you are interested in writing one.  We need 27 reflections total, so if you've been waiting for an opportunity to get involved, here's your chance!  If you wrote one of the Lenten devotions, please consider writing one for Advent. 

     >> CLICK HERE to contact Linda Reid
volunteering to write a devotion. 
Prayer Shawls & Ornament Sale
      In addition to prayer shawls, The Guild of St Rose is holding its 2nd Annual needlepoint ornament sale.  This year's offerings include the Maltese Cross and the Canterbury Cross in addition to the St. Columba Wheel Cross.  Each year for the next 6 years we will reproduce the crosses from the centers of the sanctuary kneelers.  This year's crosses are from the two kneelers 2nd from the end on both sides of the center opening.  The Wheel Crosses are on the two kneelers on either side of the chancel rail opening.  They will be available every year of the ornament sale.
      The cost of each ornament is $65.  This year we are sharing our profits with the Church's Memorial Garden.  If you need more information about prayer shawls or the ornaments please stop by the prayer shawl table after the services or contact Bonnie Moore, click here.

Rainbow Village Christmas Outreach
Monday, December 12 @ 2:00 pm
Two Ways To Participate
     We're taking the children of Rainbow Village on a shopping trip to Walmart on Monday, December 12 from 2:00-3:30 pm, to purchase Christmas presents for their moms.  Please help with this wonderful outreach!  Pick up a Rainbow Village Envelope from the Golden Tree in the Narthex.  Return the envelope to the Church by November 22 with a $25 gift Walmart Gift Card (or cash/check for $25 "Checks payable to St. Columba's earmarked "RV Children Shopping" on the memo line).
    To help with the actual shopping, sign up on the sheet beside the Golden Tree and meet us at the Walmart located at 2395 Peachtree Parkway, on December 12 at 2:00 pm.  You will volunteer to either guide a child around and help them shop or you will be stationed in a department.  The children come with a prepared shopping list, so you simply help them get the item(s) on their list.  
      For more information or if you have any questions, contact Linda Reid (via email).
Meet & Mingle
November 15 @ 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Our final adult event for 2015 will be on Sunday, November 15 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at the home of Steve Sillay (1855 Brannon Commons Circle, Cumming, GA 30041) and co-hosted by Wendy Lambert, Kate Tierney, and Stephanie Lovejoy.  If you would like to attend, please sign up at the Welcome Table on Sunday mornings or click the link below.
     If you have any questions, contact Sandra Sirmon (770-844-4494 or via email) or Linda Williams (email link).
to sign up to attend
the 11/15 Meet & Mingle
Coffee Hosts Needed
Any Sunday!
We all enjoy our Krispy Kreme and coffee each Sunday.  There are currently 3 teams that work together to make sure those treats are there and are served with a smile and conversation.  Unfortunately we do not have enough to fill up each of the teams we need to cover the full month of Sunday coffee hour.  Volunteers serve only once a month and before or after the Mass you ordinarily attend each week.  Krispy Kreme donuts are provided, and the team members divide up the other items to provide (juice, coffee cream, fruit, or other goodie).  We are especially short handed on the 4th Sunday of each month, but all teams would welcome additional volunteers.
     If you have any questions or if you would like to join a coffee host team, contact Wendy Lambert via email or at church any Sunday morning.  
Holy Oldies Pilgrims Pride Party
November 21 @ 6:30 pm
       If you or your spouse are over 50+, please join us for an evening of good food, fellowship and fun on Saturday, November 21 at 6:30 pm at the Aberdeen Clubhouse.  Bring an appetizer to share and your preferred beverage.  There is a $5.00 per person charge to cover the clubhouse rental, soft drinks, and cake.  A sign up sheet is at the Welcome Table.  For more information, contact Linda Sammons at 678-513-5046.  
Food Pantry Ministry
Thanks be to God!! 
     In October, a total of 314 pounds of food was collected and provided to Emmaus House!  We had literally boxes of food to bring to them.  Adam Seeley, Director of Social Services for Emmaus House, remarked that he was thrilled with the donations as Emmaus House otherwise has to purchase food from services such as Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB).  While ACFB is less costly than a grocery store, this still represents expenses for their operation that impact their ability to serve the community.  Adam noted that Emmaus House has also shifted to a market concept for their foodpantry.  In addition to allowing those in need to choose their own food, this concept also allows Emmaus House to better understand what foods are most needed - more to come on this later.  
       We will be providing November's donations of non-perishable food to The Place of Forsyth County, collecting food each week leading up to the 3rd Sunday of the month (November 15th - Breakfast Sunday), which is the official collection day for the month.  As always, the biggest needs are for canned soups and vegetables, canned pasta (ravioli, Beefaroni, etc), canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, and anything that can be stored for a long period of time.  Donations can be placed in the tubs located next to the welcome table in the narthex - no glass bottles, please!  Please begin or continue to help in this effort to assist local families in need - thank you!

Thanksgiving Dinner Sign Up
     Our 5th Annual Thanksgiving Day Parish Dinner will take place on Thursday, November 26 at 1:00pm.  Come early for turkey frying, table setting, and games.  Turkey, lemonade, tea and coffee will be provided.  You simply need only bring your favorite Thanksgiving Day salad, vegetable, casserole, or dessert dish to share.  In keeping with the spirit of Thanksgiving, bring a canned good donation for the food pantry if you can.  You can sign up online or at the Welcome Table on Sundaymornings.
     Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at 11:00 am on the 26th, so you're welcome to stay after Mass as we begin set up and celebrating the blessings God has given to us all.  Friends, family, and neighbors are warmly invited.
>> Click Here To Sign Up
& For More Info
St. Columba's
Episcopal Church

939 James Burgess Road
Suwanee, Georgia 30024
