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The 24th Week After Pentecost
15 November 2012
Parish Kalendar 
Thursday, November 15
  9:30a  Holy Folders
 12:30p  Bible Study
  7:00p  Choir Rehearsal 
Friday, November 16
  6:00p  Senior High Retreat Begins
Saturday, November 17
 11:30a  Roadside Cleanup Event
  5:30p  Vigil Mass
Sunday, November 18
 7:45a  Rite I Mass 
 9:00a  Low Mass
10:10a  Parish Breakfast  
11:15a  Choral Mass
  NO EYC This Sunday
Special Events
Thanksgiving Day Schedule
  11am - Mass
    1 pm - Community Dinner 
(all are invited) 
 Looking Ahead
Advent Lessons & Carols
Sunday, 12/9 at 4pm
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Parish Office Hours 
9:30 am - 5:00 pm 
Closed Fridays

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Clergy and Staff  
Email & Phone Contacts

(770) 888-4464 x 8001

(770) 888-4464 x 8003

Easton Davis
(770) 888-4464

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St. Columba's Church
939 James Burgess Road
Suwanee, GA  30024
(770) 888 - 4464

Email Collage
Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him, that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope of his resurrection; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Special Events & Announcements
Thanksgiving Day Mass
Thursday, November 22 - 11:00 am
     Join us on Thanksgiving Day for our annual Mass of Thanksgiving. 
Thanksgiving Day Parish/Community Dinner
November 22 at 1pm
     Join us for our 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner at 1pm on Thursday, November 22 at the church.  Turkery, Lemonade, Coffee & Tea will be provided.  Simply bring your favorite side dish, salad, and/or dessert to share.  Games, prizes, and lots of great fellowship will make up the afternoon as we give thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives.
Outreach Ministry Opportunities
Roadside Clean-Up
This Saturday, November 17 at 11:30 am
     The Middle School EYC is challenging the rest of the parish to join them for a clean-up of our portion of James Burgess Road that we've adopted through the Keep Forsyth Beautiful Program.  While the Senior High EYC is away at Camp Mikell for their retreat, the Middle school EYC invites everyone in the parish to meet at the church for our clean up outing.  We'll gather at 11:30 and then clean the portion of James Burgess from Old Atlanta Road to the Turnberry subdivision.  Give a few hours of your time for this community service outreach project!
Angel Tree Ministry for Christmas
Now Through December 9
     This year we will be supporting 5 families in need in our local community, through the ministry of Faith House, by providing gifts and clothing for Christmas.  We will also provide toys for the children of Emmaus House in downtown Atlanta.  Everyone's support is greatly needed for these two wonderful Christmas outreach projects.  All gifts should be returned no later than 12n on Sunday, December 9.
     As you pick an ornament off the Angel Tree in the lobby by the main entrance of the church, be sure to follow carefully the instructions for signing up and wrapping and labeling your gifts as you return them.  If you have any questions, contact Betsy Skalet at
Parish Life & Ministry 
Financial Peace University Offered @ St. Columba's
Beginning Tuesday, January 15, 2013
     St. Columba's will be offering Financial Peace University (FPU), a Christian-based course on winning with personal finance and money management for couples or single adults. The new nine week course by personal finance expert Dave Ramsey will be held on Tuesday evenings beginning on January 15, 2013. It will be open to both parishioners and other interested members of the community. We are looking for another couple or person who has previously completed FPU to co-facilitate the course. If you would like to assist with this ministry, or would like more information about attending the course, please contact Lane Chambers at or 678-994-6071 (cell).
Parish Breakfast
This Sunday, November 18 -- 8:30 until 11:00 am
     Join us this Sunday morning for another fabulous breakfast prepared by our very own Knights of Columba.  They'll be serving a delicious breakfast in the kitchen for the entire parish.  The cost is only $3 per person; $10 max per family.  Breakfast is served on the 3rd Sunday of every month.  Men are invited to join one of the 6 breakfast teams who rotate serving breakfast (about 2x a year).  If you're interested in learning more about breakfast teams or the Knights of Columba, contact Nathan Martin, Todd Reid, Jim Duggan, or Dale Humphries (click here).
Advent Lessons & Carols Concert
Sunday, December 9 at 4pm
     On Sunday, December 9 beginning at 4pm, we will have our Advent Lessons and Carols concert.  We'll hear prophecies of our Saviour's birth from the Old and New Testament Scriptures as our choir sings some of the most beautiful anthems and hymns that make up our Advent season of hope and expectation.  A reception will follow.  Plan to join us on 12/9 as we prepare to celebrate once again the birth of our Saviour! 
Advent Wreath Event
November 25 @ 10:10am
     Join us on Sunday, November 25 as we come together during the Sunday school hour to make Advent Wreaths for our homes.  Bring some fresh cut greenery (any kind will do) to make a wreath for your home.  Wreath forms and candles will be provided for $25.  Special devotional books will be given out too, explaing how to use the wreath for family devotions through the season of Advent.  
A reminder that there will be NO Youth Group meeting this coming Sunday afternoon.  The Senior EYC will be at Camp Mikell for Happening Retreat and the Middle School EYC is sponsoring the parish-wide Roadside Clean-Up Event this Saturday.