Discovery Diving Co., Inc.



June 5, 2014

From Beaufort, North Carolina   USA


The Shipwreck Graveyard of the Atlantic


Our boats are heading to the best underwater wrecks on the Carolina Coast.. now is the time to make your charter reservations!
We will be at the Education Offices at New River Air Station on June 11th and 25th from 0800 - 1300 to answer any questions about our programs and at MCAS Cherry Point Education Office June 10th and 17th from 1030 -1330

More bases to come!
Come see us if you can!
Debby and the Discovery Gang



If you think this is helpful/informative/interesting please forward it to a dive buddy friend.


This Weeks Question:


How many one pound lobsters does it take to get one pound of meat?


Last weeks Question:

What is considered to be a shark's Sixth sense? 


Last Weeks Answers:           


Electroreception.  It's ability to detect electric potential is so acute that it can detect potential prey by the voltage in another critter's heart.


Electroreception is a shark's sixth sense.
The sense to detect it's surrounding from afar which is more superior than human sense? This is what I was told during a shark dive in the Bahamas.


Shark's sixth sense is the ability to sense electromagnetic pulses. These are perceived thru small pores called ampullae of Lorenzini. Connected to these pores are long, jelly-filled bulbs that lead to nerves below the skin and on to the brain.

In addition to the five senses that humans possess, sharks also receive sensory input through electroreception, the ability to sense weak electric fields. Sharks not only sense these fields, they rely on them to locate prey and, perhaps, navigate through the ocean.
Sharks have the greatest sensitivity to electric fields of any known marine animal. This specialized system of gel-filled pores, called the ampullae of Lorenzini, allows sharks to detect the small electrical signals that all animals, including human beings, emit. This sense works best at close range and enables sharks to pinpoint an animal they may not even see in dark water. Sharks also use this sense to position their head and mouth when moving in for final attack.
Sharks are unable to distinguish between natural signals and those produced by artificial objects such as metal and wire. This may explain why sharks sometimes attack boats, docks and steel cages.
The shark's "sixth" sense, along with other specialized senses, makes it among the most efficient predators on Earth. Sharks have one of the keenest senses of smell of any animal. They can scent from great distances, and their sensitivity to smell seems to increase the longer they have been without food. In fact, scent detection comprises almost 70 percent of a shark's brain activity. 


The answer is that sharks have the ability to detect electrical signals put out by other fish
and/or animals.


In addition to the five senses that humans possess, sharks also receive sensory input through electroreception, the ability to sense weak electric fields. Sharks not only sense these fields, they rely on them to locate prey and, perhaps, navigate through the ocean



Answers In Order Of Receipt:

Rick D'Amico
Bruce W. Beattie
Mike Kreul
Paul Gacek
Janice Mastriano



Note: To avoid duplications and any resulting misunderstandings as to the winner each week----trivia answers should only be sent to Debby at   






2nd Annual Lionfish Tournament




Hey y'all


We are very excited about our second annual If You Can't Beat'em Eat'em Lionfish Lobster Spearfishing Tournament.   Over $1000.00 in prize money and equipment prizes. There will then be 9 days to participate in spearing fish on our boats or yours and then the awards ceremony will be Sunday June 8th.


Or; if you are interested and taking underwater pictures is your game, Olympus is having a "shark shootout" at the same time as the If You Can't Beat'em Eat'em Lionfish Lobster Spearfishing Tournament so you can learn from us (Carteret Catch, Eastern Carolina Artificial Reef Association, Bistro-By-the -Sea, Seahorse Consulting & Discovery) about Lionfish, "shoot" sharks with Olympus and then eat lionfish with us again.

We hope you can make it; we'd love to see you!


Debby and the Discovery Gang    





Registration Fee for the Spear fishing Tournament is $20.00. To register, please visit our website at and click on events. Or, please call the dive shop at 252-728-2265 for more information.


Current Contest Standings


Lionfish ($500) - John Cato
Lobster ($250) - Leroy Craytor w...ith a 7"/17cm Spiny Lobster
Misc. Edible Fish ($250) - Cindy Garb with 11.26 lb grouper



Lionfish Contest Closing Ceremonies 
Sunday, June 8, 6:00 pm
at Discovery Diving
We invite you to attend the closing ceremony and awards dinner on June 8 at 6pm. There will be samples of all the fish and lobster caught during the tournament. You won't want to miss it! The menu will include:
- Lionfish
- Lionfish ceviche
- Grouper
- Lobster


For those who have not paid the contest entry fee, there will be a $20 charge which will be donated to the Eastern Carolina Artificial Reef Association (ECARA)


Discovery Diving

414 Orange Street

Beaufort, NC  28516

June 5, 2014 
In This Issue

Latest News from the Gam:


Gam: a visit or friendly conversation at sea or ashore especially between whalers



 Melting Arctic opens new passages for invasive species

For the first time in roughly 2 million years, melting Arctic sea ice is connecting the north Pacific and north Atlantic oceans. The newly opened passages leave both coasts and Arctic waters vulnerable to a large wave of invasive species, biologists assert.


more info.... 

Upcoming Fishinars
Our 2014 Fishinar schedule is off to a great start! We've got lots of exciting, fun, and educational REEF Fishinars in store for you this year - featuring your favorite instructors and special guests alike. Fishinars are also archived in case you missed the live broadcast!
Upcoming Fishinars
June 19: Eastside vs Westside: Lookalike Fish from the Pacific and Atlantic coasts

Lionfish at the Big Rock Weigh-In
The Bistro restaurant will be preparing and passing out saBistromples of lionfish at the Big Rock weigh-in. If you haven't tasted one of these tasty treats (and the Bistro cooking) stop by for a sample!.




Brown Bag Gam:

Wreck of the Pulaski 


Pack a lunch for the Brown Bag Gam during your lunch hour and join Associate Museum Curator Benjamin Wunderly for an informal discussion on the "Wreck of the Pulaski". On the night of June 14, 1938, a boiler explosion leads to a maritime tragedy aboard this steamship. Gam is defined as a friendly conversation between whalers or to visit with another ship while at sea. Free Admission. Advance registration preferred. 252.728.7317. North Carolina Maritime Museum in Beaufort, 315 Front Street, Beaufort 28516.



Got a story to share?
Send us your interesting stories that you'd like to share and we'll publish it here along with your name! 

Current Conditions
Over the weekend:
Indra had 5-10 feet of viz and 65 degrees on the bottom and 70 on the surface.

Aeolis & Spar had 74 on the bottom with 60 feet of viz.
Dive Key Largo
Pro Scuba Center has organized several trips to Key Larg o.
On July 7 & 7 there is a trip for Advanced Open Water divers to dive on the Spiegel Grove and the USS Duane. Two nights lodging, 4 dives, breakfast, tanks & weights are included.
On July 9 - 12 you can enjoy 6 dives (2 per day) in the beautiful Pennycamp Park. In addition to the dives, the trip includes 3 nights lodging, breakfast, tanks and weights

Call Pro Scuba at 252-985-3951 for more details on both adventures and to book your trip.
Unbelievable Wildlife Images

New Zealand's Amazing Hagfish
The hagfish found in New Zealand's deepest waters is grotesque enough, thanks to its scary protruding teeth straight from a horror film. Now, scientists have witnessed the full power of its other gruesome feature -- a built-in slime weapon to deter predators such as sharks, making it one of the planet's ultimate survivors.

Fun Facts about the Lionfish

  • Lionfish have been known to be aggressive toward humans.
  • Some nicknames for lionfish include scorpion fish, turkey fish, and dragon fish.
  • Because they are so beautiful and cool looking they are very popular aquarium fish.
  • Nicknames for some other species of lionfish include the feathery, the fu-manchu, the dwarf, and the radial.
  • In some countries people eat lionfish and they are considered a delicacy.
  • It is a relatively solitary animal only meeting up with other lionfish to mate.
  • Females lay several thousand eggs. The eggs hatch in a few days and the babies, called fry, live near the surface until they are big enough to swim down to the reef area.-- 
Marine Weather & Tides
  Check the conditions at the NOAA wave buoy # 41036.

 Like us on Facebook for the latest information.

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Quick Links
Class Schedule
Charter Openings
Charter and Class Registration Forms
Upcoming Charters
There are charters with openings on the following days. Call to sign up!
June 7 - Regular Day
June 8 - Regular Day
June 9 - Regular Day
June 11 - 3 Tank Dive
June 12 - Regular Day
We have other boats available! Call us to book your dives!
Upcomming Classes

Open Water - June 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Advanced Open Water - June 27, 28, 29

Nitrox - June 14

Wreck Diving - June 13, 14, 15 

Rescue - July 11, 12, 13

Deep Diving - June 27, 28, 29  

Search & Recovery - May 30, 31, June 1

PSI-PCI Tank Inspection - Aug 9

DAN DEMP June 28, 29 


additional classes & dates 

Altered States: Try a New Kind of Dive


Every adventure has defining moments - exhilarating events that become your most accessible memories, those that float to the surface of your mind when you're asked about your most unique dives. These five stand out for me.


1. Vintage Double-Hose Diving

2. Diving in Vintage Military Gear

3. Iceberg Diving

4. Black-Water Diving

5. Hard-Hat Diving


. 5 Unusual Dives

Discovery Diving Co., Inc. | 252-728-2265 | |

& Beaufort Harbour Suites &

Discovery Diving Instructor College &

Home of Eastern Carolina Artificial Reef Association

414 Orange St

Beaufort, NC 28516

 (p)252-728-2265 (252-scuba-ok)


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Interested in a professional SCUBA career? Discovery Diving offers GI Bill eligible training programs which take students from beginner SCUBA to Instructor programs on weekends. Completion of the education opens doors to opening your own SCUBA shop, working as an instructor or continuing on to become a Master SCUBA Diver Trainer!
Sign up for our next program beginning June 7, 2014.  more info... 
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