Sanders Medical Vein and Laser
Almost Fall (!) 2010
In This Issue
Sanders Medical is accredited by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. as a "Non-Hospital Medical Surgical" Facility. This is a level of accreditation beyond that of a standard doctors office and means we adhere to the highest standards of training, expertise and medical care subject to regular review by the College. We are proud of this designation which is awarded only when a strict set of requirements are met.
Bill and AprilEnhanced Dermatology Services For The North Okanagan!
After a year of study, an exam in Cardiff, Wales and a few more grey hairs, Drs. Bill and April Sanders successfully completed their Diplomas in Dermatology this summer. Though this does not confer the title "dermatologist" it does provide them with enhanced skills to diagnose and treat most of the common dermatologic problems such as psoriasis and eczema not to mention acne, skin cancer and all the other myriad skin disorders. Supported in part by an educational scholarship by the College of Family Physicians of Canada, this provides North Okanagan residents with another option in the management of their skin conditions where a dermatologist is either not necessary or not available. This service requires a referral from a family doctor unlike cosmetic medical services which do not require a referral for a consultation. All medical dermatologic conditions are covered by BC Medical as long as the problem isn't cosmetic in nature. Bill and April are very excited to be able to offer dermatologic services to the North Okanagan.
Skin Rejuvenation - What's That?
You've probably heard the words, but maybe you're not sure exactly what they mean or what is involved. Skin rejuvenation refers to treating the signs of sun damage and aging using lasers or intense pulsed light therapy but it can also refer to improving the skin with the use of medical-grade skin care products and even Botox and fillers. As we age, our skin undergoes a number of changes, some of which aren't very flattering! Loss of collagen and thinning of the skin are two of the important changes, but textural changes also occur to the skin including increased pore size and surface irregularity not to mention sun-induced discoloration. Come and see us for a no-charge assessment of your skin so that we can create a skin care plan just for you. Perhaps you would benefit from a review of your skin care regime (assuming you have one!) or a series of laser treatments to enhance your skin's natural beauty. Skin rejuvenation is our specialty and we have the medical expertise to address your concerns so let us know how we can help. Check out our web site at: for more information or better yet, give us a call at: 250-503-1960 to book a consultation.
 group of legsPhlebology - Say What?
Another word you don't hear very often! Phlebology refers to the science and treatment of vein disease. This can range from simple spider veins all the way to large twisted varicose veins. If you have any vein concerns our goal is simple: provide you with a detailed assessment and treatment plan outlining all your options. We use a combination of non-surgical techniques including injection sclerotherapy and endovenous laser ablation to treat virtually any vein problem. There is no charge for your assessment if you are referred by another physician. All vein patients are given a thorough ultrasound examination in our office to pinpoint the exact problem. If you check out our web site at: and click on "vein services" we have provided useful information and a few links to answer your questions. You no longer have to put up with unsightly veins on your legs!
 Everybody Loves Botox!!
Well, OK, not everybody, but it sure has gained a lot of acceptance and is now an easily recognized world wide phenomenon. The enthusiasm isn't without justification. Botox now has over 2200 peer reviewed scientific articles dedicated to examining it's effect and safety. Few products can make that claim. After 25 years and millions of treatments, Botox has become one of the most versatile and effective treatments for a variety of problems. We use Botox to treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) with superb results (the treated area will often remain dry for a year or more), headaches, muscle spasm disorders, TMJ dysfunction and, of course, its most popular use - reducing wrinkles. Drs. Bill and April Sanders have more experience and perform more Botox treatments on men and women in the North Okanagan than all other providers combined. We are dedicated to providing the best possible treatment to you in a secure, safe and comfortable environment. If you haven't tried Botox but are thinking about it, come see us for an assessment regarding the best treatment for you. There's more information on Botox treatments on our web site at:
We sincerely hope you have had a wonderful summer. Here's hoping we have a typical sunny and beautiful North Okanagan Fall! The very best to all our fantastic clients/patients from the team at Sanders Medical.
Sanders Medical Vein and Laser
101-3002-32nd Ave., Vernon, BC, V1T 2L7
phone: 250-503-1960 or 250-542-3170