I've been thinking on this: I think the greatest enemy of many design solutions is simple attrition--the sum of the inevitable changes a design must absorb that were not anticipated in the analysis of the original problem. It is the reason so many design solutions have a short and/or unpredictable lifespan.

Haha... to someone outside the process, eventually, a design can look like it never was a design.

As always, thanks for your interest.


300 Awesome Free Things (for graphic designers)

This is pretty amazing. Many of the resources on this list will be of interest to, in particular, graphic designers. Thanks to Chris Miller for pointing us to it.

"A Massive List of Free Stuff Made by Awesome People"...

Making big graphic design files small

When I share files publicly or with a client, I want them to be streamlined. Without the remnants of all I did in creating them. To minimize the download time and storage space, I want to reduce their size.

Just to get you thinking, here are some good insights on reducing file sizes in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign/PDF.

The Best Tricks to Reduce Photoshop File Size from Creative Market...
9 ways to minimize file size in Adobe Illustrator by Iaroslav Lazunov...
Quick tips for making a small PDF file size by David Blatner via Lynda.com...
Meet illustrator Lesley Barnes

Vector lines, shapes, and fills. It's so interesting to see how one artist uses the same tools as others but manages to create something so unique.

Example 1...
Example 2...
Example 3...
Want to learn, or brush up on, the tools of the trade? 

Take a free test drive of Lynda.com here...
Need help with your grammar?

Who doesn't profit from grammar checking and proofreading? That said, I will minimize the length of the rope
for this post in the hope of avoiding a hanging. Let me simply suggest you try the wildly popular grammar checker: Grammarly.

The Grammarly Blog...
As with all things internet, here's the beatdown...
SEO for 2015

I was discussing search engine optimization (SEO) with a colleague
today--and how it remains a moving target. Which drew me back to a few sites to read what the experts are saying about SEO trends in the coming year. The first two links are articles, the rest are top SEO blogs where you'll find more as the year progresses (and everything continues to change).

The New Age of SEO: Why Your Approach Must Change...
6 SEO Myths You will Be Taking into 2015...
Search Engine Watch...
Ever wonder if design is opinion?

I bet there are some people who look at the vertical line in the logo below and wonder why it was put there--and others who see it as a key component of the design. There is no right or wrong, only whether the people you are attempting to attract to your message are swayed. And swayed by what.

Meet illustrator Malika Favre

You'll quickly see why Malika Favre describes her approach to illustration as, "...paring things down as much as possible."

To me, what makes her illustrations so distinctive, is the precision with which she creates the shapes, shadows, and reflections--they are dreamlike but technically believable.

Example 1...
Example 2...
Example 3...
Malika Favre's portfolio (warning, a few of her illustrations are a bit racy)...
A video profile...
If you believe design is a way of life

If you believe design is a way of life, then you'll love this quote by one of the 20th century's greatest illustrators, Norman Rockwell: "The secret to so many artists living so long is that every painting is a new adventure. So, you see, they're always looking ahead to something new and exciting. The secret is not to look back."

If I may be so bold, let's restate it like this: The secret to so many designers working so long is that every design is a new adventure. So, you see, they're always looking ahead to something new and exciting. The secret is not to look back.

That, to me, is the core of why, design is a way of life. But, of course, there's more to it. Paul Rand said, "Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual communications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge. Aesthetics and economics, technology and psychology are intrinsically related to the process."

Two great creatives. Two great insights into why design is a way of life.

Norman Rockwell: Painting is a New Adventure...
The Politics of Design by Paul Rand...
We all know the feeling: deadlines loom and the heat is on.

Do you really need to spend time starting EVERY project from scratch? With The InDesign Ideabook you start your projects with most of the work already done...
It's sad...

That the greatest qualification for leadership these days (seemingly) is self-confidence. Sad, especially, because it is so often misplaced.

About this newsletter

I try to remain as objective as possible about the information I share here. Unless I tell you otherwise, I receive no compensation from the organizations and people mentioned except for occasional product samples. I am an affiliate of Lynda.com and MyFonts.com -- that means, if you purchase something from them, I get a small commission. Comments? Suggestions? Write me at [email protected] -- Chuck Green