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In at least one way, being a graphic designer is like being a musician. People have only to hear your music or see your design to know if they like it.

Rock on. Chuck

Feel the pulse of current photography and design

If you want to feel the pulse of current photography and design, touch an artery, in this case, the Best Food Blog Awards. And in particular, the Best Photography category.

The Saveur Best Food Blog Awards for 2014...
Example 1: From by Valentina Solfrini...
Example 2: From by Beth Kirby...
Example 3: From last year, V.K.Rees is a NYC-based photography studio...
An idea for an unusual, memorable promotion

I recall a promotion piece, from years ago, designed by (then) advertising agency Siddall, Matus & Coughter. If I remember correctly, it was for a real estate developer promoting a large planned community. The piece consisted of a box (with a headline) that held a View-Master photo viewer and a slide reel.

When I stumbled on this slide reel producer, it got me wondering if that same idea might be just retro enough to make it a possibility for 2015 promotions. It's a little pricey, but it's also a pretty impressive, whimsical way of showing your product, service, or idea.

The supplier is Image3D...
Another supplier...
There's also a service that will produce slide reels from your Instagram photographs..
And interesting article on View-Master...
View-Master brand now belongs to Fisher-Price...
The View-Master reel list...
A big list of stereo viewers...
Meet Illustrator Don Moyer

Don Moyer grabbed my attention with his Calamityware plates and his current Kickstarter projects: BADbandanas. His Flickr profile, in part, tells us, "I'm a big fan of self-inflicted projects. I like to define some playground and then explore it."

That playfulness will be obvious in short order...

Example 1...
Example 2...
Example 3...
Moyer's Flickr collection...
Moyer's blog...
The Calamityware website...
New on Kickstarter: BADbandanas...
Moyer works for ThoughtForm, Inc...
How many times have you purchased a product because you loved the packaging?

When you have two equal products, packaging can have a dramatic influence. is another great site for browsing ideas from around the world.

Example 1...
Example 2...
Example 3...
Packaging of the World (POTW)...
If you like POTW, chances are you'll also like
Beautiful images...

Check out these unusual animated icons

Mobelux is a developer in Richmond, Virginia that specializes in mobile apps. Full disclosure, my son Rob Green designed them.

Icons 1...
Icons 2...
Icons 3...
Within the context of the website...
I've got two sons who are talented designers-Jeff is a giant in the field...
Mind-boggling Photoshopped fashion surrealism

Natalie Dybisz (aka Miss Aniela) shoots fashion images and uses them to build dream-like, surreal scenes with Photoshop.

Example 1...
Example 2...
Example 3...
The Surreal Fashion Collection...
A video of the production...
More about the idea and the process...
An article from My Modern Met...
If you use InDesign (or QuarkXPress), you might find this useful

The idea is simple. Modifying a well-designed template is far easier than starting from scratch. My InDesign Ideabook includes 315 researched, designed, and meticulously formatted documents in a clean, simple style that it easy to build on.

The Ideabook lets you breeze through time-consuming document setup and get right to the important stuff. Instead of spending 15 minutes to create a simple layout, you'll spend 15 seconds. For complex projects-books, newsletters, catalogs, reports-you'll save HOURS.

"If you need to create winning design and your time is important to you, there is no better investment than Chuck Green's Idea Book. I write copy and create marketing materials for small business, and Chuck's world class layouts have me up and running in minutes instead of hours. I can't recommend this book enough!" Kory Basaraba, Copywriter and Consultant, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

For Adobe InDesign
For QuarkXPress
In the name of documentation, something extraordinary happened

Between (roughly) 1935-1946 photographers such as Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, and Arthur Rothstein crisscrossed the United States for the United States Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information (FSA-OWI) to document the results of government programs.

What resulted is "The File," an amazing collection of 170,000 storied images that are nothing short of a national treasure.

Photogrammar is a web-based platform that organizes that collection by places on a map.

A brief profile of Arthur Rothstein...
Walker Evans in his own words...
A 1961 interview with Dorothea Lange discussing her work as a photographer (minute 17:30)...
A few examples: "Snowy night" by Marion Post Wolcott. Click on the "Call Number" to access high resolution images from the United States Library of Congress...
I find this image particularly peaceful. Titled: Washstand in the dog run and kitchen of Floyd Burroughs' cabin. Hale County, Alabama by Walker Evans...
Another heartwarming image: A corner of the (T.P.) Schrock kitchen in their new home. Washington, Yakima Valley by Dorothea Lange...
You'll find other examples of the work of these and many other photographers on Shorpy.

By Dorothea Lange...
By Walker Evans...
By Arthur Rothstein...
The entire Photographer archive on Shorpy...
In case you're interested, here's an interesting look at one of Dorothea Lange's masterpiece, "Migrant Mother"...
Recognize the woman sitting inside the tent? She is the subject of Lange's masterpiece, "Migrant Mother." Here's that photograph......
Migrant Mother by Dorothea Lange...
About this newsletter

I try to remain as objective as possible about the information I share here. Unless I tell you otherwise, I receive no compensation from the organizations and people mentioned except for occasional product samples. I am an affiliate of and -- that means, if you purchase something from them, I get a small commission. Comments? Suggestions? Write me at [email protected] -- Chuck Green