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Throughout our lives we're encouraged to learn and emulate the behaviors of successful people and their organizations--in school and then in our careers. But creativity is about doing things in new and better ways. Sometimes I wonder if we aren't selling ourselves short by focusing (too much) on following norms--and not pointing to creativity as a distinct alternative.
Be well, Chuck

Have you seen my InDesign Ideabook?

315 template files in 19 different categories -- Everything from brochures, newsletters, and direct mail to packaging, calendars, and books (one CD works with both Mac and PC). Use two or three files and you'll pay for the entire book and disc...

For Adobe InDesign  Here
For QuarkXPress  Here
Graphic designer, promote thyself

Want to stay busy, feel wanted, turn heads, make a difference? Think differently.

What distinguishes an identity from a brand is one's desire, ability, and stick-to-itiveness to do remarkable things.

Steve Bland, a talented retoucher, enlisted Interbrand Australia to recast him as "The Great Blandini."

A look at the project by Mike Rigby, Creative Director of Interbrand Australia...  Here
The Great Blandini's website...  Here
Seth Godin defines remarkable...  Here 
One of the biggest, baddest sheetfed printing presses on the planet

Printing is an art, but it's also a science. Here's an inside look at the installation of one of the biggest, baddest sheetfed presses I've ever seen: the Heidelberg VLF (Very Large Format) Speedmaster XL 145.

I had no idea the installation of one of these big presses was this involved (I've always shown up in the plant after the fact). It gives me a new appreciation for something most designers (me included) take for granted--the technology, equipment, and people it takes to transform that file into a tangible product.

The big, bad Speedmaster XL 145...  Here
More about the press from Heidelberg...  Here
Ready to pick one up for the office?...  Here
More Heidelberg products and services...  Here
Learn virtually any software program...

I recommend A huge library of top-quality, design-oriented tutorials. Click here for a 7-day free trial.  Here
Weird: Lou Brooks' vampire lamp from Lamp-In-A-Box

Illustrator extraordinaire and curator of the The Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies, Lou Brooks is promoting his custom designed lampshades.

It led me to Lamp-In-A-Box, a fun website that allows you to purchase lamps with shades designed using every imaginable type of imagery.

Lou Brooks' Vampire lamp from Lamp In A Box...  Here
You can also design your own lamp...  Here 
Lou's portfolio...  Here
The Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies...  Here
Interesting idea for graphic designers, photographers, and illustrators: Illustrated photographs  
Here's an interesting idea to add to your illustrative repertoire.

As part of its campaign for Brandermill Woods (a retirement community), Five19 Creative created a series of illustrations that feature real faces amongst illustrated backgrounds.

I can think of lots of ways to employ that technique. Cool idea.

The illustrated photograph...  Here
A closeup view...  Here
The design firm that created the campaign is Five19 Creative...  Here
The illustrator is Chris Visions...  Here

October 10th: I'm sad tonight to hear of the passing of the father of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson

I met Jay when we both served on the Microsoft Small Business Council back in the 1990s and he was among the most genuine, lovely people I've ever met.

In those days he was at the top of his game, an author selling hundreds of thousands of books and enjoying enormous success. Yet he had time for everyone.

I remember, in particular, one occasion before a meeting, sitting with him and showing him some designs I had prepared and how interested and engaged he was.

It was that selflessness that, I believe, made him such a special person. He was, after all, the only person I've ever known who worked his way out of the upper echelon of big advertising--into the complex, individualized world of small business marketing.

And he did enormous good. His benchmark collection of practical, accessible insights helped countless organizations to see the logic in, and reap the benefits of, producing great products and services, treating people fairly, and improving the world around them.

Godspeed Jay.

Looking for a good online printer? 
I have used and recommend  Here

One problem with being on a bunch of press lists...
Is that people totally outside your area of interest get the list and send you stuff like this one I got this morning... 
"New research refutes claim that mummified head belonged to King Henry IV of France"

An example of brilliant photographic storytelling

This is brilliant. Photographer Gabriele Galimberti traveled the world capturing images of grandmothers and the dishes they prepare using their best recipes.

Brilliant on two levels. First, from a design standpoint, I love how he produced something that, in separate parts, might be considered unremarkable: a photograph of a person, a photograph of a plate of food, and a brief text explaining the experience and the recipe.

Yet, as a whole, it is storytelling at its best. Imagine the personal and professional skills it took to just to pull it off: to find the subjects, to assemble the ingredients and prepare the food, and to make the grandmothers involved comfortable enough to exude such pride and energy. It is that set of difficult to define skills and talents on the part of the creative, that differentiates great designers and photographers from average designers and photographers.

Please, do not miss the stories behind each photograph and its recipe (click "Info" under the image). My favorite line from the text I read is from Regina Lifumbo's Finkubala: "After about 10 minutes, add the maggots to the sauce and a spoon of salt."

The second level on which this work is brilliant is that Galimberti discovered a way to justify traveling the world eating free, grandmother-quality food, using photography as a cover.

Thanks to George Fincke for pointing us to it.

Delicatessen with love by Gabriele Galimberti...  Here

If you use this link to buy your type from
You won't pay any more but I'll get a commission. And you know what THAT means: My own island! Or, a paddle for the canoe.  Here

An interesting, gutsy way to introduce (and motivate) your employees through your website

As you know, I'm always looking for interesting ways to approach design and marketing problems. is doing something I haven't seen before. Each of their sales managers has produced a video and its website offers them up as a way to choose who you would like to be your rep. I'm curious to know how many people make the choice and whether there are a few people who have gotten the most conversions because of their presentation.

If you've got a few minutes, tell me what you think about the process and who you would choose.

In any case, its easy to think of lots of ways to use a similar appeal.

Choose a sales manager...  Here
The AmericasPrinter website...  Here

To me, a good logo, type palette, and color scheme produces a "gallery" effect.

By that I mean, like an art gallery, it provides a strong sense of place, but remains neutral enough to house the many types of exhibits that will be presented within its walls.

"The complaining customer doesn't want a refund."

Yet again, Seth Godin offers a spot-on insight on marketing...  Here

Nice chair.  Here

About the Adobe's Creative Cloud...

I've been reading some of the comments from folks filling out my InDesign survey:  Here
There seems to be a fair number of people who don't understand that the Creative Cloud software is still loaded on your computer. You occasionally need to connect to get feature changes and updates, but you are not using the software over the internet through Adobe's server.

I can see how that would be a real turnoff but it is not the case.

Here's my original post regarding CC...  Here 
Bob Bly's marketing and copywriting treasure chest...  Here
About this newsletter

I try to remain as objective as possible about the information I share here. Unless I tell you otherwise, I receive no compensation from the organizations and people mentioned except for occasional product samples. I am an affiliate of and -- that means, if you purchase something from them, I get a small commission. Comments? Suggestions? Write me at -- Chuck Green