UCE Logo Faithfully Yours             Universal Chastity Education                          Helping People Live Healthy Lives                                      E-Newsletter November 2012 Vol. 7 No. 1

In preparing to write to you this Thanksgiving, we went through the old newsletters for perspective on all that UCE has to be thankful for in 2012. In 2006, in our very first newsletter, we asked your support for UCE, "to sustain the Ugandan success against HIV/AIDS" and "help inspire others around the world to do the same". Here are a few highlights that summarize how UCE has fared since then.  

Chastity pledges
In 2006 UCE reported that 11,645 chastity pledges had been made and as of this date in 2012 there have been 160,011 chastity pledges made.  

UCE Countries
In 2004 (program launch year) UCE was operating in Uganda only; over the years programs were added in Burundi (2007), in Tanzania (2009) and in the United States (2012).

  Trumpets, sound! 
The UCE Manual (2012)
The UCE Manual (2012) a labor of love in which an international team of Ugandans, Americans, Canadians--UCE team leaders, doctors and theologians answer over 200 questions that Ugandan youth have asked on the hundreds of UCE outreaches, has been published! Special thanks goes to Dr Autumn Dawn Galbreath (volunteer 2007) who kept this mammoth project going to completion.

Additional publications were Preventive Dermatology textbook chapter "Prevention of Sexually Transmitt
ed Diseases from Office to Globe" (2010) by Kim Dernovsek MD, "On the Right Road" (2010) by Kim Dernovsek MD, a computer teaching program for Lesotho, Africa "Sex Before, Within, and Outside of Marriage" (2011) by Isaac Lema, UCE-Tanzania and published in Swahili. The African publications are being sold locally as sustainability projects.

Radio Broadcasts
In 2006, radio broadcasts were not part of the UCE ministry, although they had been an important component of the historical Ugandan success against AIDS. Your genorosity has allowed for the following: As of 2012 BURUNDI Bishop Martin Nyaboho has hosted over 100 UCE radio talk shows heard by an estimated 200,000 people. In UGANDA Fr. Walter Munna hosts monthly UCE radio shows in Kasese district, and  Walubo Jude has been a radio guest multiple times elsewhere in Uganda. UCE made it to "Bishop Sheridan Presents" and you can listen to UCE on the Catholic Radio Network broadcast here.

Chastity Sunday
In May 2012, Ugandan Joint Christian Council (UJCC) approved a UCE resolution for an annual Sunday when clergy throughout Uganda would speak from the pulpit on chastity: abstinence for youth until a faithful marriage. The resolution passed and October 7th, 2012 was named the first annual Chastity Sunday.

World AIDS Day 
In 2003, when we interviewed Ugandans, they told us, "our success against AIDS began on our knees". To increase awareness about the HIV/AIDS pandemic, UCE has sponsored an Apape Meal, speaker and all-night prayer vigil during World AIDS Week every year since 2006. You are welcome to this 7th annual, ecumenical event on Saturday, December 1st, details HERE.

UCE is thankful for the gifts of private donors-individuals and churches who share the vision of what chastity can do for a broken world. It is you that have made all of this possible. We thank each and every one of you--the global UCE Team.  

Happy Thanksgiving!
Kim and Ken Dernovsek

Our new UCE website updates monthly with posts, pictures and videos from UCE in Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania and the USA. Check it out today at  www.uceglobal.org
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Universal Chastity Education, Inc. (UCE) is an educational organization established in 2004 and determined to be a public charity, exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its promotes through education sexual abstinence until marriage and marital fidelity as healthy lifestyles free from sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. UCE operates  in rural Uganda. and launched in Burundi in 2007 and Tanzania in 2009 and in the USA in 2012.  
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