Clear Computing Bits and Pieces 
In This Issue
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Being in the Clou
Version 574
Joke of the Week
Cartoon of the Week
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Being in the Cloud
This past weekend, Joel Smith took his first glider flight into the clouds. 

So, we've been thinking.... what does it really mean to use TAC software in the cloud?

Here's what we hear from our many customers who now use TAC Online:
"This is so easy!  It's just like having TAC right in my office." 
"Thanks so much!  I can work from anywhere now." 
"This runs faster than my old system did."
"After my last system crashed, it's a relief not to worry anymore."  

If you would like to know more about running your portable toilet, roll-off or oil collection business on the cloud, call our office for an analysis of your needs.  Moving to the cloud with TAC Online gives you secure, backed-up access to your business records, and a reduction in your local IT expenses. 

TAC Online Update Version 574

Street Eagle

  • You can now use any of the icons in any of the icon  categories to identify your routes

 Standing Order Bulk Change

  • Expanded to include route  number/code and next service date


  • F11 and Site Search search correctly for postal code


  • Report.Financial.Sales. Sales tax reports 55 and 56 now break out credit as separate sub-totals. State of New York requirement, expected to go nation-wide
  • Age reports now have report menu numbers


Invoice Printing/Emailing - Print/Emailing 

Options added:

  • Terms and conditions as second page
  • Detach tab at bottom of invoice
  • Print credit card form on detach tab at bottom of invoice
  • Statement on bottom of main section 


  • Removed formatting characters from equipment grid display in site master
  • Multi-step rate code now works on all line items of 6 line item work order
  • Emailing report pull down from email is now populated by user email address
  • Date picker expanded so you can see all options without expanding form
  • Authorization amount in premises-based TAC set to 1.00
  • Age snapshot corrected break down in 30, 60,90 , etc categories
  • Work order unit population from rental units assigned was fixed to add correct counts    

We are always looking for real life stories and comments on how TAC Online has been a benefit to you and your business. 

Write a review for TAC OnLine
- Just click here 


Your time to write a review is appreciated.    :)  

Joke of the Week
"Old" is when...

...your sweetie says, "Lets go upstairs and make love," and you answer, "Honey, I can't do both!"

...a sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door nearest your car.

...going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face. don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along.

...when it takes longer to rest than to get tired.

...when you are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police.

..."getting a little action" means I don't need to take any fiber today.

..."getting lucky" means you find your car in the parking lot.

... an "all nighter" means not getting up to pee!

Funny Cartoon of the Week