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Congratulations to our SIS graduates of Fall 2015!

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Check out our photos and tweets from SIS Industry Days Takes on New York City!

SIS Events
Daniel Fried, Coordinator for Sanctions Policy at the U.S. Department of State, will visit SIS on January 14 for a discussion with Dean James Goldgeier. RSVP or livestream.

See more events        
Lauren Carruth et al.: "Camels, MERS-CoV, and Other Emerging Infections in East Africa," The Lancet Infectious Disease

Thespina Yamanis garnered a two-year ADELANTE grant from NIH and and Emory University to increase access to legal and health services among immigrant Latinos in Washington, DC. 

On Air
Philip Brenner: Thousands Of Cubans Taking Different Path To the United States, Huffington Post Live, December 10

SIS Newsletter - January 2016
Happy New Year from the School of International Service! We wish you a happy, healthy, and productive 2016! Watch our video






Read more news     
Gordon Adams and Richard Sokolsky: The GOP Plan to Bring Back a Unipolar World, Foreign Policy, December 30

Akbar Ahmed: Countdown to Kristallnacht, The World Post, December 10

School of International Service, American University |