Next Week's Events: February 9 - 13

SIS Career Services Workshop
Features resume and cover letter writing, interview tips, and much more
Monday, February 9; 4:00-5:00 PM; SIS 300
Sponsored by SIS

Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Empire
Ambassador Akbar Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies, SIS; Randolph Persaud, Director, Comparative and Regional Studies program; Michael Brenner, Professor and Director, Center for Israel Studies; Tamara Sonn, SFS Professor, Georgetown University
Tuesday, February 10; 3:00-4:30 PM; Gianni Lounge, Mary Graydon Center
Sponsored by the Comparative and Regional Studies program, the Department of Anthropology, and the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies

Setting the Stage for Sustainability:

Global Environmental Politics and Natural Resources and Sustainable Development Alumni Conference

Featuring faculty and alumni of the Global Environmental Politics program
Thursday, February 12; 1:00-5:15 PM; Butler Boardroom, Butler Pavilion
Sponsored by the Global Environmental Politics program

International Cinema Series:
Brazilian Film Series
Various dates in February; Malsi Doyle & Michael Forman Theater, McKinley Building
Sponsored by SIS, the School of Communication, the National Gallery of Art, and the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies

Upcoming Highlights

Discussion and Screening of War on Whistleblowers
James Risen, The New York Times
Tuesday, February 17; 7:00-9:00 PM; Abramson Family Founders Room
Sponsored by the Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs program, the Government Accountability Project and Brave New Films

Myths and Misconceptions of Study Abroad
Michael Woolf, CAPA International Education
Friday, February 20; 2:00-4:00 PM; Abramson Family Founders Room
Sponsored by the International Communication program

The First World War Re-Considered: A Russian Angle
Dominic Lieven, Cambridge University; Eric Lohr, Professor and Susan Carmel Lehrman Chair of Russian History and Culture, College of Arts and Sciences
Monday, February 23; 5:30-7:00 PM; Abramson Family Founders Room
Sponsored by SIS, the Department of History, and the Initiative for Russian Culture

Sexual Assault Awareness Event:
Step Up Bystander Intervention Training
Wednesday, February 25; 11:00 AM-12:30 PM; Abramson Family Founders Room
Sponsored by SIS

Public Diplomacy in the Social Media Era
Dr. Nicholas Cull, University of Southern California
Thursday, February 26; 12:00-2:00 PM; Abramson Family Founders Room
Sponsored by the International Communication program

SIS Industry Days: Department of Energy
Featuring SIS alumni at the Department of Energy
Friday, February 27; 1:30-3:30 PM; Department of Energy
Sponsored by SIS, the AU Alumni Association, the SIS Alumni Chapter, the SIS Graduate Student Council, and the AU Career Center

Intercultural Management Institute:
The 16th Annual IMI Conference on Intercultural Relations
Lori George Billingsley, Coco-Cola; Hisham Aidi, Columbia University
Thursday, March 12 - Friday, March 13, SIS
Sponsored by Aperian Global, Sietar DC, and Intercultural Management Quarterly

The School of International Service produces cutting-edge research and prepares
the next generation of leaders to address global challenges.

