Ringer Digest
March - April 2016
Official Publication of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association
Spring meetings are set throughout the state 

NOTES: Looking for players for Monday night summer league at 7pm. Registration and league information available at meeting.
CONTACT: Mike Berger

WHEN: Tuesday, April 19th, 2016 at 7:30pm
WHERE: Red Rooster, Genola

submitted by Marlys Timm

WHEN: Monday, May 2nd, 2016 at 6pm
WHERE: Red Vest Bar and Grill, Rockford, MN
NOTES: Please plan on paying your state sanctioned fees of $30.00 and your club dues of $20.00 at the meeting. Invite a neighbor or a friend to join us. Rockford Ringers is also holding an Open House at the horseshoe pits for community members and any other interested pitchers on Wednesday May 4th from 10 am to Noon. We will also do some work at the pits at the same time. 
CONTACT: League Director Marlys Timm
PHONE: 763-479-2951

submitted by Kristina Winter

WHEN: Saturday, April 23rd, 2016
WHERE: Maplewood Moose Lodge at 9am
NOTES: We'll begin playing on Tuesday Nights starting on May 3rd at 6:30pm and Wednesday Night's starting May 4th at 7pm. Runs through August.

submitted by Laurie Kelley

WHEN: Monday, April 18th at 7pm
WHERE: Wentworth West St. Paul Library (199 E. Wentworth Ave.)
NOTES: Please invite your friends to join us at this meeting and also for the season.
New NHPA patch

NHPA Council approved a new Patch to be awarded to those who have pitched World Tournaments in consecutive years.

Go to NHPA website WT Participation file and see list of all players with 10+ World Tournaments in a row. Your State Secretary will receive patches soon.
HNPA sanctioned league program 2015 top ten winners
by Jerry LaBrosse

MN had two top ten award winners, both from the Greenfield Horseshoe Club!

Sara Otto captured TWO top ten stats: 
5th Individual High Ringer Average - women, 65.60%
7th Individual High Ringer Game - women, 80%

Bill Marquette captured one award:
5th Individual High Ringer Game - men, 82.5%

Congratulations to both of these fine pitchers!
Montgomery 9 pin bowling tournament standings
by Denny Keogh

Montgomery Horseshoe Club held its annual 9 pin no-tap bowling tournament on March 19 at Strike Force Bowl in New Prague. The top four cash places were as follows:
First place - Doug David with 877
Second place - Heidi Husbyn with 827
Third place - Dale Lipovsky with 799
Fourth place - Paul Kline with 792
Top four no-tap games with handicap are:
Heidi Husbyn 329
Chuck Haan 315
Doug David 303 and 302
Dale Lipovsky with 300 no handicap
We also had a 50/50 drawing won by Colleen Szabo.
Don Ehrhardt won the drawing for free entry into Montgomery's Kolacky Days Horseshoe tournament which will be held July 23rd.

(Click the link above to see all upcoming tournaments.)

Upsala Tournament, April 23
Director: Josh Olson, 218-639-4641

Alexandria Open #1, May 28
Director: Gary Boots, 320-760-2383

Alexandria Open #2, May 29
Director: Gary Boots, 320-760-2383

Tournament Results
Click on any of the tournament names below to see how players placed. 
(Listed by date played.)


MGSHPA President
Cathy Ziemann

Happy Spring everyone!  (At least I think spring is here to stay...)

I am sure that clubs are planning their spring meetings and clean up days. It won't be long before all the leagues will be in full swing and that means many tournament opportunities. I would like to challenge the membership a little, to enter one tournament that you have never played in before. It is always good to see how other clubs run their tournaments and who knows, you just may make a new friend or two.  
As many of you know the 2016 World Horseshoe Tournament will be held in Montgomery, Alabama - the deadline to enter is May 16, 2016. Check the NHPA website for updates about this event.

Tournament Directors - If you haven't already sent Dustin Dahl your 2016 tournament dates, do it soon! In checking the website recently, a few tournaments did not have any dates associated with them.  If you or your club will not be having a tournament, please notify Dustin so the tournament schedule can be updated and they can be removed. Members are looking to enter tournaments and plan their spring and summer activities.  

League Secretaries - I will consistently remind you of the importance of getting State & National Sanction dues sent in to Bonnie Holland in a timely manner. Once our spring leagues have begun, I will be asking Bonnie for an update on sanction dues, so please be diligent and get player information and dues submitted ASAP. It is NOT acceptable to submit sanction dues at the end of the season. 

We are still in the process of changing the MGSHPA website to WIX and hope to roll it out this spring, potentially May. 

Please read the election/candidate/nomination bid article in this edition of the Ringer Digest for office vacancies, deadline dates and contact information for Decision 2016 - MGSHPA style. 

A reminder that the Spring Membership meeting will be help between shifts at the Jim Holland Memorial Open,  June 18, 2016.  

Hope to see you at a tournament soon!
submitted by Casey Sluys

Amazon is making it simple for you to help give back to non-profit organizations - and it doesn't cost you a thing. 

If you shop on Amazon, simply follow the link below and select National Horseshoe Pictures Foundation as your amazon charity. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to the NHPF. 

NOTE: You must shop at AmazonSmile (not Amazon) for your purchase to qualify.

Isanti Winter League
by Shawn Warnemunde

The Isanti Horseshoe Club wrapped up its three winter leagues on March 31st. We had 24 pitchers, 7 of which were new members, spread over Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. 

Some highlights from Tuesday include Joe Mueller pitching another 72.5% game! In addition Joe also had the high average at 47.13% and had the high game over average. League newcomer Josh Clemens started at 3% and improved 7.5% along the way and threw a 30% game as well. 

On Wednesday nights Helen Hawkinson pitched a nice 60% game and also had high average 42.12% while new member Bob Buros improved 5.04% over his beginning average. 

The Thursday league saw new members Ron Monson pitch a 52.5% game and Dale Benson toss a 55% game while Al Zimmerman threw a game 27.85% over average. Clark Anderson improved his average 7.41% throughout the season.

I want to thank everyone who came out to participate in league and our two tournaments this past winter. It was a lot of fun. Lastly I want to thank the staff at Junction Bowl for building a facility for all of us to pitch in!

Decision 2016 - MGSHPA
by Cathy Ziemann

It is election season, and not just on the national/US Presidential level, but within the MGSHPA. Offices up for election/re-election are the SouthWest District Vice President and the NorthWest District Vice President.  

Currently the SW VP office is vacant - Denny Keogh is doing double duty representing both the SW and SE districts. The NW VP office is currently held by Jerry Werk. Interested candidates must announce their candidacy in writing AND it must be received by the President (Cathy Ziemann) and the Ringer Digest Editor (Kayla Yeager), NO LATER THAN JUNE 1st

Elections will be held at the Annual Fall Membership Meeting held during the State Singles Tournament Labor Day weekend. To date we have NOT received any candidate notification. If there is no interested candidate for the SW office, the Board of Directors may realign the districts and eliminate one officer.  

Other nominations needed for 2016 are: Hall of Fame, Achievement Award, Rookie of the Year and Scholarship. Please submit nominations to Joe Mueller, Nominations Director by June 15.  (Nomination forms can be found on the MGSHPA website.)

2017 & 2018 State Singles & Doubles Tournament bids are DUE by July 1st.  
  • Sanctioned Clubs interested in hosting the State Tournament must submit their bid in writing to the President of the MGSHPA, by July 1st, and present their bid to the membership at the MGSHPA annual fall meeting.
  • Bids shall include:
a. Name of Host Club and Tournament Director
b. Name of indoor facility and type of courts
c. Geographic location, including major highways
d. Local address of indoor facility
e. Food, lodging, camping and recreational facilities
f. Churches
g. Banquet facilities

The time to plan is now! The deadlines for these important elections, nominations and bids will be upon us soon. Let's plan for the future of the MGSHPA by participating in this process. 
Obituary: Waldera Methody "Mit"
submitted as newspaper clipping from Tim Ahles

Waldera Methody "Mit", age 93, Proud Veteran, left this life on February 13 to be reunited with his wife Berry and son Bob, who preceded him in death. Survived by daughter Christine (David) Scullen, son Martin (Theresa) Waldera, daughter-in-law Christine Waldera; grandchildren Alison (Scot) Zentz, Jennifer Waldera, David (Van) Scullen, Rebecca (Tim) Brown, Zachary & Kaitlin Waldera; great grandchildren Duncan, Chelsea, Conner, Addyson, Declan & Caleb; devoted nephew Pat Waldera.

Served in Patton's 3rd Army, 90th Infantry Division, Tough Hombres. Awarded the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Battle Stars for Normandy, Falaise Gap and Battle of the Bulge, Combat Infantry Badge, 3M retiree, Lifetime member of VFW Mendota Post #6690 and DAV. 

About Us
MGSHPA's Ringer Digest is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association. It is free to members of the MGSHPA and other interested partieis. Changes of email address can be sent directly to

All submissions subject to editing, available space, and must be received by the 10th of the month preceding the date of issue.
Stay Connected

Minnesota Gopher State
Horseshoe Pitchers Association


State Officers
The MGSHPA is a charter member of the National Horseshoe Pitchers' Assocation (NHPA)

Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association | 8730 Hastings Street NE | Blaine | MN | 55449