Ringer Digest
August-September 2014
Official Publication of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association
NHPA World Warmup tournament at Hamburg Fairgrounds event center
MGSHPA has good showing at World Tournament

by Jerry LaBrosse, Communications Director


Another great world tournament is in the books, and congratulations go out to all of our crowned world champions and individual class champions!


The tournament ran very smooth, and the weather was cool compared to most other locations. Niagara Falls was a huge hit with everyone I spoke with. The clay was great, the lighting and air conditioning were good, and the food at the café inside the arena was great. The event center staff was among the best we've ever worked with.

I want to congratulate all of the Minnesota pitchers who made us proud. (The full list of participants and their finishing placements can be found to the
lower right of this article.)

Bob Knudtson
Elders F  - Champion
Jerry LaBrosse
Mens C2 - Champion
Jerry Zastrow
Mens L1 - Champion










I strongly encourage all of you to make plans to attend the 2015 World Tournament in Topeka, Kansas next July. I can tell you that the Topeka staff already has their act together. They are well organized and energized. This could be a very large world tournament!


It's a one-day drive, interstate all the way. If you buy a World Tournament Raffle ticket, you might win the grand prize package worth over $1,500 and is truly a 2015 world tournament experience! If you need a ticket, contact me.


The Annual Convention was held on Sunday in the Carousel Building. The 2016 world tournament was awarded to Montgomery, Alabama.  All of the proposed NHPA bylaw changes passed except Number One, Section G about the forum conduct, and Number Eight, which would have made the Secretary an appointed position.


Dave Sidles won the election for NHPA Secretary/Treasurer. NHPA Vice Presidents Tina Hawkins and Jerry LaBrosse were re-elected to three-year terms by acclimation.

MGSHPA President Rick Wright
Last letter as President

This will be my last letter as President. I have been on the board for the last 15 years, been to 10 world tournaments and ran league for I am not sure how long. In that time I have met and worked with a lot people. I can say with all my heart, Minnesota is a great state for horseshoes. I have been approached by other states about how we stay the biggest state in horseshoes and I always say: "It is the people." I do believe we have a lot of very active members in our association who come up with different ideas to promote our sport and who are not afraid to try them.
I would like to thank all of my past and present officers for all their dedication, hard work and support in making me look good. And most of all, I would like to thank the pitchers and supporters for making Minnesota as strong as it is. I would also like to thank my wife, who as you all know, does all the typing of the letters that I write on paper. I have had support from her in everything that I have tried to accomplish over the years.

In closing, I wish our next president the best of luck. If I could give that person any advice, it would be to listen to the members and your officers, they do have some good ideas.

Thanks for letting me your president, it has been an honor and I will remember my time forever. I will continue to boast about our state because it is about the people and you guys are the best.

PS: I hope this year's state tournament will be a rewarding experience for everyone. Good pitching to you all. 

2014 State Tournament update
by Janet Larson


As I write this, the World Tournament is half complete. We need to congratulate our own Alexandria member Jerry Zastrow on his first place finish! Way to go! I hope that the World Tournament coverage is getting everyone excited for our 2014 Minnesota State Tournament here in Alexandria. There is a lot to see in the Alexandria area when you are not pitching, so please check out the Alexandria website for places to go and things to do while you are here.



We have a couple of reminders that need your response. 


#1) We have arranged for on-site camping and need to have you register by August 14th. Please email Gary Boots ( or contact Al Larson (320-808-1525; you can call or text) to reserve a site. Fee for camping with water, electric and sewer hookups will be $25 per night. Tent camping is also available for $10 per night. 

#2) Is anyone interested in doing a fun-doubles tournament Friday evening? Please contact Janet Larson (, or 218-731-5987) if you are interested in this.



We will be selling hats this year instead of t-shirts. We will be having 50/50 raffle drawings between shifts. Also, bring your sweet tooth and enjoy some baked goods again this year. Our fundraising profits will be going to our new courts in Alexandria that you can check out when you are here. The banquet will be picnic style, featuring steak or chicken, at the Alexandria Shooting Sports Park southeast of MN 29 and I-94.


I am pleased to announce that we will have live music for the banquet. The three-some group is accurately called Vintage Blend with some vintage 60s and a little country style music. I am excited about being able to book them and hope everyone will enjoy listening and maybe do a little dancing. We also plan to have some yard games going on outside.



Speaking of MN 29, if you will be entering Alexandria from that direction, heading north, you will notice a lot of construction signs. You can pretty much ignore them. You will need to detour one block west, at 7th Street and then head north again to County Highway 82 where you will turn left to get to the RCC. 


We look forward to seeing everyone at the tournament! 

Summer fun at the Fridley Club
by Cathy Ziemann, East Metro Vice President

Wow, can you believe how fast the summer is going? It seems like we just started summer leagues and it is now only a little over a month until the State Tourney!


The Fridley Horseshoe Club is like many others in Minnesota, membership numbers go up and down through the years. 2014 was a boom for new membership for Fridley with 12 new or returning members! We are playing one night per week, Thursdays, and play a team format.  It has been great introducing so many new and returning pitchers to our club. The teams are very competitive and everyone seems to be enjoying throwing shoes and being outside.


We did host our annual Jim Holland Memorial Open in June. Like so many tournaments held in June, we did need to relocate our tourney to the West St. Paul courts because of rain. We did manage to get in the morning session, but needed to cancel the afternoon session due to straight-line winds and torrential rain. We always look forward to hosting this tournament and work hard to ensure the courts are in great condition -- so be sure and sign up for next year!


The annual year-end banquet and league tourney will be held September 6.

(Click the link above to see all upcoming tournaments.)

Click here for a printable list of upcoming tournaments.

Tournament Results
The Art Engebretson Tournament in Fargo saw a clean sweep by the Minnesotans in Class A.
Alan Larson, 1st Place
Janet Larson, 2nd Place
Phil Swenson, 3rd Place
Click on any of the tournament names below to see how players placed. 
(Listed alphabetically.)

World Tournament results

Dale AckmanElders J13th
Marvin AkkermanElders S14th
Sig ArmitageElders A7th
Connie BackmanWomens K3rd
Daren ChambersMens Q28th
Robin ConstanceMens Q17th
Dustin DahlMens C210th
Lonnie FrankSr. Mens F9th
Rob HagmanMens L214th
Wayne HohensteinElders O15th
Laurie KelleyWomens H5th
Bob KnudtsonElders F1st
Jerry LaBrosseMens C21st
Jeff LawrenceMens O12nd
Michael LawrenceCadet10th

April LynchWomens E8th
Joe MuellerMens D22nd
Patti OakesWomens J5th

Joshua OlsonMens C12nd
Mark SmithMens B1WD
Tiffany SyringWomens C3rd
Rick WrightMens 1212th
Jerry ZastrowMens L11st
Candidate Letter
for President of the MGSHPA by Cathy Ziemann

Members of the MGSHPA: 


I am sure some of you have heard by now that I have submitted my intention to run for President of the MGSHPA to Rick Wright. (I know... crazy, right?) I would truly appreciate your vote at the State Membership meeting during the State Singles Tournament in Alexandria. For those of you who don't know me, let me tell you a little about myself. Currently I am the East Metro Vice President, just finishing my first term. Prior to that, I was Vice President of the Fridley Horseshoe club for four years.


I am from a large extended family and horseshoes have always been a part of our lives. It was not the structured clubs/leagues like we have in the MGSHPA, but rather at family reunions and other gatherings. Our family has had an annual "Grebmorts Horseshoe Tournament" for more than 40 years. Currently I have three family members who are in the Fridley Horseshoe Club and three in the Montgomery Club. 


I joined the Fridley Horseshoe Club in 2005 and have had the opportunity to become friends and  "family" to some outstanding members of the MGSHPA (Jim & Bonnie Holland, Jan Frank, Tera Schusted, Tracy Seppeldt, Joe Mueller and Greg Stumpf to name just a few.) From members of the Fridley Club, I saw their hard work, dedication and passion -- not only to our local club, but to the MGSHPA as well, and that becomes contagious and you want to become involved.

I would like to continue the journey that previous Presidents Jerry LaBrosse and Rick Wright have started, insuring that the MGSHPA leads the nation in membership, technology and communication.  


This year the State Banquet will feature live music!
Just in case lawn games aren't your thing.
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Did you know you can zoom in on nearly any internet page with a couple keyboard tricks? If you ever find yourself wishing that some of the content in this newsletter (or on any internet site) was a little larger, merely follow the instructions below to enlarge anything you're looking at.

How to zoom in on most computers:
1.) Find the 'Ctrl' button on your keyboard. This button is usually located on the bottom left. Next locate the ' + ' (plus) button next to the numbers.
2.) While holding down 'Ctrl', push the ' + ' a few times until the screen has zoomed in to the size you desire. To make the screen smaller, hold down 'Ctrl' and press the ' - ' (minus) button untill the screen is back to normal. 

How to zoom in on a Mac:
1.) Follow the same directions as above, but use the 'command' key instead of the 'Ctrl' key.
Letter from the (new) Editor
Me and my dad
(Gordy Schmidt)
by Kayla Yaeger, Ringer Digest Editor

I wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself to those of you who I haven't had the chance to meet during tournaments or league play. I began pitching horseshoes just a few years ago following college. Having been a college softball pitcher who was looking for a challenge and having watched the sport for years, I finally decided it was time to give it a go -- not to mention my brother was already pitching and the thought of having a higher ringer percentage than him was extremely intriguing! Like many of you, I instantly found a love for the game as well as a camaraderie among those who play it. 

My education is in the field of writing with degrees in Written Communications and Philosophy from St. Kate's. 

My main intent in writing this 'letter' however, is to thank Sara Otto and all of you for your support and patience while I worked to complete this first edition as Editor. I apologize for any typos or misspellings. If you notice anything missing, have questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me an email at (or if email isn't really your thing) text or call me directly at 612-388-7961.
Click here to find full information and a registration form on the MGSHPA website.
About Us
MGSHPA's Ringer Digest is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association. It is free to members of the MGSHPA and other interested partieis. Changes of email address can be sent directly to

All submissions subject to editing, available space, and must be received by the 10th of the month preceding the date of issue.
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Minnesota Gopher State
Horseshoe Pitchers Association


State Officers
The MGSHPA is a charter member of the National Horseshoe Pitchers' Assocation (NHPA)