

Puesta del Sol PTA

Unit 2.3.95, Bellevue, WA

Lisa Dembo, Co-President

Julee Seibel, Co-President

Andrea Olsen, Editor

425.456.6143 PTA Office

425.456.6100 School Office




May 2, 2014
In this Issue
PTA News
Staff Appreciation
Volunteer Night
BSF Luncheon
Connection Series
5th Grade Party
PTA Summer Camps
Amity Interns
Auction Photos
Donate Legos
Quick Links
Amity Interns
Contact for Tutoring







Srta. Sidoine Radio
KXPA 1540 AM
Sundays from 4-5 p.m.

Purchase participating products at Safeway and 4% of the price will be donated to Puesta del Sol PTA. Register your Safeway and/or credit cards at escrip.com. Renew annually!

Amazon will donate 8% of every purchase you make to BSF for every time you shop amazon.com!

Dining for Dineros
Ooba Tooba Mexican Grill in Factoria will donate 10% of your bill after 3pm weekdays and all day on the weekends. Don't forget to mention Puesta del Sol when you order!

PTA Board
Lisa Dembo
Julee Seibel
Mendi Carroll
Laura Dooley
Jennifer Murphy
Valerie Fritz
Janice Griner
Renee Isbell
Laura Rossow
Crystal Coldiron
Brenda Rosellini
GG Haight

Member at Large
Stacy Hauser Weigel
Articles due  
Mondays at 9pm  
Late submissions are
not guaranteed 

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don't forget to change your settings under "LIKED" to Get Notifications so you don't miss our posts!

Calendar of Events

May 2014

3: Math Olympiad Competition

5: Drama Club begins

9: PTA Board Meeting

13: Volunteer Appreciation and PTA General Meeting (Approve Budget)

16: Spring for Schools Luncheon

20: Band/Orchestra Concert

23: Professional Development Day - No School

26: Memorial Day - No School

27: Passport Check / and Passport for Academic Challenge is Due

28: Principal/PTA Coffee

29: Skate King Night


PTA News

Congratulations to our new Board of Directors

President: Lisa Dembo & Julee Seibel
VP of Educational Enhancement: Crystal Coldiron & Kathryn Pizzo
VP of Administrative Support: Lisa Blizzard & Annie Robinson
VP of Fundraising: Mary Castillo & Brenda Rosellini
VP of Special Events: G.G. Haight
VP of Teacher Relations: Val Fritz
Secretary:Renee Haniu
Treasurer: Tamzin Anderson & Laura Dooley


Upcoming Events

Staff Appreciation Week: 
May 5-9

Monday: Flower Day
Bring in a flower from your yard or store for your teacher to enjoy.

Tuesday: Note
Bring in a special handwritten note that tells your teacher what you especially appreciate about him or her.

Wednesday: Keurig Cups or a Treat

Thursday: Fruit Day
Bring a fruit to contribute to a fruit basket for your teacher.

Friday: Favorite Things
Bring in your teacher's favorite candy, gum, book, snack, hand lotion or other small
token of appreciation. Teachers are not able to accept gifts over $50 in value.

Let's show our Puesta del Sol teachers how much we appreciate them!



Ropeworks Assembly: May 7

Rene Bibaud will be performing

Jumps Ropes on Sale at Recess for $5


On May 7th Puesta del Sol students will get to see Rene Bibaud perform her skills as professional rope jumper. Rene has won several world championships. During the assembly Rene combines her skills as a professional rope jumper, educator, entertainer and role-model while demonstrating dazzling moves that students can learn to incorporate into a lifetime of fitness.


After the assembly she will be on the playground helping student's jump rope. Students can purchase a jumprope from Sra. Williams if they wish to. They are $5.00 (cash only) and can be purchased at recess that day. If you have any questions email Sra.Williams at williamsc@bsd405.org


Volunteer Appreciation Night
Tuesday, May 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Library

For all you folks that have graciously volunteered at our school one way or another, it is our time to roll the red carpet out for you! The teachers and the PTA would like to say thank you by providing an evening which will include food and drinks, and a fabulous Love and Logic speaker- Tori Berntsen. Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend.
So that we have an idea of how many to plan for, please email Janice Griner at dangriner@MSN.com


BSF's  Annual Spring for Schools Luncheon!
Friday, May 16 at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue
Showcase: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.

The BSF Spring for Schools Luncheon is a wonderful way to learn more about the Bellevue Schools Foundation and how it supports our students. During the event, you will:

* Hear inspiring stories from kids
* See the incredible impact our donations have made
* Check out the Education Showcase
* Hear fantastic music from student musicians
* Learn what's next for Bellevue schools.

Be a part of the Bellevue community coming together to help every child succeed and make our schools some of the best in the country. Please save the date to join a Puesta del Sol table for lunch. Contact a table captain:Aimie Vargas  ,Martha Nalebuff, Lisa Dembo or  Julee Siebel  to register or with questions or call 425-456-4199.


Learn About Bilingual Education Over Lunch
Friday, May 30th from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
WISC - Rainier Room

Language learning is more important than ever in today's global economy. Language curriculum developers Tina Ying Bogucharova and Paris Granville, Bilingual Programs Supervisor Heidi LaMare, and Sarah Soares, instructor for the International Spanish Academy at Tillicum, will share the various opportunities for students to learn languages in Bellevue schools and explain how the programs and instruction differ to meet the needs of a wide range of students.

Education Connections is a speaker series put on by the Foundation for the greater community. Complimentary lunch is provided.


Attention 5th Grade Families- 5th Grade Party is June 7

The Planning is underway for our 5th Grade PARTY! More details to come, but mark your calendars now-don't miss out on the fun!

When: Saturday, June 7th
Where: Newcastle Beach Park
Time: 4-7 p.m.

If you are unable to help plan for this event but you would like to help the day of the event with set up, facilitating activities, or clean up, please contact one of the committee chairs. We need you!

Mary Fredericksen - maryandjohn4@comcast.net
Luly Feliciano- mariafel@comcast.net
Anne Douglas anneandbob@mac.com


Screen Free Week : May 5-9
Screen-Free Week is an annual, international celebration when schools, families, and community groups pledge to spend seven days without entertainment screen media. Instead of watching TV, surfing the web, or playing video games, they read, play, think, create, get physically active, and spend more time with friends and family.

Screen-Free Week is a fun and innovative opportunity to reduce our dependence on entertainment screen media, including television, video games, computers, and hand-held devices. It's a chance for children-and adults-to rediscover the joys of life beyond the screen. To learn more about it, visit screenfree.org


PTA Summer Camps
Priority Registration available until June 1

Are you looking for a Spanish language summer camp? A few of our teachers are holding camps this summer!

Sra. Lara- Spanish Summer Camp
Stra. Sidoine- Spanish Soccer Camp
Srta Delia and Sra Forbes- �Viva el espa�ol! Spanish Immersion Summer Camp
Sra. Perez- Pre-School Spanish Summer Camp
Sra. Perez- Elementary Spanish Summer Camp
Sra Toni and Srta Maya- Campo Risa

To find out specifics including instructors, dates, cost and grade levels accepted, please visit http://puestadelsolpta.org/Page/Programs/Summer2014

New this year! You can also register and pay for camp online. Priority is given to Puesta del Sol students until June 1st.  Questions? Email


Amity Interns: 2014-2015 Host Families Needed!

We are so fortunate to have the interns at our school. They are invaluable to our teachers and add so much to our school community.

We are anticipating having 4 interns next year, so we will need 12 families to open their homes. Please fill out and submit your applications now. This is handled on a first come first serve basis.
Questions? Please contact one of the three members of the Amity committee here or individually at:
Mary Fredericksen  maryandjohn4@comcast.net
Stacy Hauser-Weigel  stacyhauser@hotmail.com
Laura Rossow-Finger l.rossow@yahoo.com� 


Hollywood Photos for Sale!

Missed the auction and want the Hollywood photo of your child? Went to the auction and want another copy? No problem! For $10 (all proceeds go to the PTA) you can have an electronic copy of the photo!

Skate King Coordinator Needed for 2014/15
If interested, please email Laura Dooley dooley101@msn.com  
Community Summer Camps 
Operation Exploration Summer Camp
When:July 8-24
Time:9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Where:Sherwood Forest Elementary
Join us this summer as Operation Exploration takes a journey back in time. For all students entering grades 2-6, this hands-on, integrated program emphasizes accelerated academics, creativity, and high-level thinking skills. For more than 30 years, Operation Exploration has provided an academic program that appeals to independent learners who display intense curiosity, prefer complex thinking and like to generate and create unique ideas and products. A sliding tuition scale is available for students that qualify, and limited scholarships may be available based on family need. Sign up today by downloading a registration form on our website www.bsd405.org/summerschool

Bellevue Parks Cheerleading Summer Camps


Come join the fun with the Bellevue Parks Cheerleading Program. Summer camps are offered for all experience levels, ages 5-14. Bellevue full-day camps are held at Crossroads Community Center (behind Crossroads Mall), and a minicamp will be at Lake Hills Elementary. Other camps around the Eastside areavailable as well. Learn cheers, jumps, some beginning tumbling, and dance, andhave a ton of fun! Go to www.EastsideDreamElite.com for acomplete list of our camps or call 425-246-9636 for more info. Register online through the City ofBellevue at www.MyParksAndRecreation.com.
SpainBcn Programs in Barcelona
Summer Youth Sport Camps & Spanish Programs with
Homestay in Barcelona, Spain

SpainBcn-Programs and Youth Summer Camps is a 1 to 4 weeks-long program (June through August) Barcelona, Spain. Summer Camps are designed for boys and girls, juniors and teens, who want to improve their Spanish, enjoy a complete cultural program and/ or practice their favorite sports in a fun, safe and nurturing environment with other youth participants from all over the world. All Teen programs are fully supervised.

To learn more about SpainBcn-Summer Camps please visit: SummerCampsBarcelona.com

Donate Legos and Help Build Futures
Are there LEGO pieces hiding in your closet?
If so, we have a great way to put them to use. . . Wyatt and Tayla Ann Steere will be teaming up with local college students in La Paz, Mexico to create an after school LEGO building program for local youth. They would like to bring at least 80 gallon bags of LEGO bricks to kick off the project.

What can you do? Donate any amount of Lego type bricks, people figures, and base pieces by May 20, 2014. You can drop them off in room 202 or 304. For questions or to arrange drop off or pick-up contact herdofsteere@gmail.com or call/text Christina Steere at 206-849-8455