

Puesta del Sol PTA

Unit 2.3.95, Bellevue, WA

Lisa Dembo, Co-President

Julee Seibel, Co-President

Andrea Olsen, Editor

425.456.6143 PTA Office

425.456.6100 School Office




January 31, 2014
In this Issue
Bond/Levy Vote
Sock Hop
Fiesta Dance Lessons
Hollywood Gala Auction
Science Fair
Free Glasses
District News
Valentines Cards
Spring for Schools Lunch
Leukemia Coin Drive
Quick Links
Amity Interns
Contact for Tutoring







Srta. Sidoine Radio
KXPA 1540 AM
Sundays from 4-5 p.m.

Purchase participating products at Safeway and 4% of the price will be donated to Puesta del Sol PTA. Register your Safeway and/or credit cards at escrip.com. Renew annually!

Amazon will donate 8% of every purchase you make to BSF for every time you shop amazon.com!

Dining for Dineros
Ooba Tooba Mexican Grill in Factoria will donate 10% of your bill after 3pm weekdays and all day on the weekends. Don't forget to mention Puesta del Sol when you order!

PTA Board
Lisa Dembo
Julee Seibel
Mendi Carroll
Laura Dooley
Jennifer Murphy
Valerie Fritz
Janice Griner
Renee Isbell
Laura Rossow
Crystal Coldiron
Brenda Rosellini
GG Haight

Member at Large
Stacy Hauser Weigel
Articles due  
Mondays at 9pm  
Late submissions are
not guaranteed 

Like us on Facebook

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don't forget to change your settings under "LIKED" to Get Notifications so you don't miss our posts!

Calendar of Events

6     Science Fair Workshop, in the library (see article for times)
7     PTA Board Meeting
11   Bond/Levy Vote
12   BSD Vision Clinic
17-21: Mid-Winter Break-No School
25   Passport Check
26   Principal/PTA Coffee, 9:15 a.m. in the gym
27   Band Concert
Sock Hop

PTA News

WANTED! Newsletter Editeor
for the 2014/15 School Year

Please email Andrea at newsletter@puestadelsolpta.org if you are interested or have questions. 

International Festival 2014 Cancelled

As the school year rounds the corner into the final stretch, some of you may be looking forward to the annual Puesta del Sol International Festival. Unfortunately, after searching extensively since this past spring, we have been unable to secure a chair or co-chairs for the event. So, it is with disappointment that we are announcing the International Festival for 2014 has been cancelled. Fortunately, our fantastic PTA is committed to supporting this event for the 2014-2015 school year. If you have an interest in pulling together the talent of our students, teachers, Amity interns and parents into an event of which the community can be proud, please contact events@puestadelsolpta.org.

Vote for the Bond/Levy on February 11

Please remember to VOTE for the Bond/Levy Feb 11th. The PTA Board and General Membership has approved our endorsement of this Bond/Levy legislation. Click http://bellevuequalityschools.org/ for more information.  There is a very concise flyer available on the Bellevue Quality Schools website that explains the legislation and the position that Bellevue Quality Schools holds. Click here for the flyer.


Upcoming Events & Activities

Save the Date: Puesta del Sol Sock Hop

Friday, February 28 at 6:45 p.m.

Bring your poodle skirts, blue jeans and pompadours and get ready to dance your socks off at the Puesta del Sol Sock Hop Friday, Feb. 28th! This evening of family fun begins in the gym at 6:45 pm. More details to come.

Volunteers are needed for concessions, set-up and clean-up. Please contact Sarah Fink at finksarah@hotmail.com to help.

Fiesta Latina Dance Lessons
Session 4 begins Feb. 25

Join FIESTA LATINA time at Puesta del Sol with a new Latin-American social dance class! Learn Salsa, Merenge, Bachata, and traditional Latin American dances.Class is taught in Spanish.

When: Once a week for 6 weeks. Tuesdays OR Thursdays from  3:30 to 4:25 pm
Where: Band portable
Cost $93 (Siblings pay $83.70)
To Enroll:
1.Contact instructor Angela Delahoz @ 425-246-6544 or angeladelahoz@gmail.com
2.Submit payment ONLINE at puestadelsolpta.org



School Auction

Tickets on Sale Now for our School Auction! 
Estrellas Brillantes, a Hollywood Gala 
Saturday, March 29 at the Hyatt Bellevue  

We Need YOU for Our School Auction! Please help us procure, donate and attend this year's auction. Auction items needed: vacation getaways, unique experiences, sports tickets, technology gadgets. This is Puesta del Sol's biggest fundraiser. PLEASE help and support our school's excellence! Email procurement@puestadelsolpta.org.

Purchase  Tickets HERE  

Auction Volunteers Needed on Saturday March 29

Would you like to attend the auction but don't want to buy a ticket? Or maybe you are already going and would like to help out a bit as well!  If so, consider helping out at the event as a volunteer! We need volunteers to help with set up during the day, closing the silent auction, runners, selling raffle tickets, registration, check out, security etc. You can commit for a couple of hours before or after the event or during the event. We also welcome high school students in need of volunteer hours.

Please contact Stacy Weigel ASAP if you can help or would like more information at stacyhauser@hotmail.com

Science Fair 

Science Fair 2014: Registration Opens Feb 1!

March 12 is less than 6 weeks away! It is time to start thinking about and researching a topic. So what interests you? Anything can be a science topic; rocks, stars, fish, your friends, noodles, feathers, bread, plants, leaves, your cat, exercise, laughing, the beach, anything! Now go out and learn about it; go to the library, check your computer, read books and magazines, ask an expert.

Registration will be open from February 1st - February 28th.

Science Fair Workshop
: February 6 in the library

Grades K-2 will be covered from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Grades 3-5 will be covered from 7:15pm-8:15pm. This workshop is an optional event for both parents and children, aimed to assist first time participants. Anyone is welcome.

 Calling all Bakers-We need you!
Please help make this year's Science Fair Bake Sale a success. We need baked goods to be sold at the fair as well as volunteers to take shifts for sales. Please contact Annie Robinson at arobinson105@yahoo.com if you plan on dropping off goodies and/or you would like to help at the table.

Health News

Need Help Getting Glasses?

141 EYEWEAR and Jubilee REACH BSD Vision Clinic

Date: Feb. 12
Time: 3:30-6:00 p.m.

Location: Odle Middle School Library

Get a free eye exam by an optometrist and one pair of glasses, free. For Bellevue School students in grades K-12. Please, those without insurance, funds or access only. Students on free and reduced lunch will be on a first come first serve basis.

Thank you to our generous sponsors: Dr. Sam Hsu, Greater Bellevue Lion's Club

A Message from our School Nurse

Please take time to read this important update from King County Department of Health here.

With the increased numbers in the flu throughout King County - please protect your family, classmates and the community by making sure everyone has received a Flu Shot.

Also important to remember: Keep students home from school when sick. Please do not send an ill person to school! Wash hands frequently (most important piece to avoid getting sick!) Cover your cough and sneeze and get plenty of rest and good nutrition

Thank you!
Cori Ponte

A note from Cathy Williams

2nd Trimester PE Common Assessments
Coming Soon!

Scientific research shows that physical activity has a positive impact on academic achievement. Assessments will be given to check for student learning in basic knowledge and movement skills.

Remember to wear your PE shoes that fasten with lace or Velcro and comfortable clothing for maximum comfort and movement.
District News

Thanks for Going All in for Kids!

Thanks to your support, Bellevue Schools Foundation's fall campaign was a success. With expected matching dollars still coming in, the goal of $250,000 is within reach! These dollars will directly impact our kids, funding things like Enrichment & Innovation grants, STEM pilot programs, and college and career support for high school students, among many others. Many thanks to all who gave or volunteered!

Thank a Teacher or Staff Member with a Personalized Valentine's Day Card

Make a donation (suggested minimum of $10) to Bellevue Schools Foundation by Wednesday, February 5th and they'll send up to three personalized Valentine's Day cards to teachers or district staff. It's quick, easy, and helps support learning opportunities for Bellevue students! Click here to donate and personalize your cards now.

Save the Date

BSF's  Annual Spring for Schools Luncheon!

Friday, May 16 at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue
Showcase: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.

Join us for lunch and inspiration at this can't-miss event!

*    See examples of the incredible impact Foundation donors make in every one of our schools
*    Hear inspirational stories of success
*    Connect with others in the Bellevue community who care about public education
*    Learn why your support matters
For more information about the luncheon, becoming a table captain, or sponsorship opportunities, email info@bsfdn.org or call 425.456.4199.

Save your Loose Change!

Start saving your change. Our Puesta del Sol student council will be sponsoring a penny coin drive for the benefit of Leukemia and Blood Cancer patients. The drive will begin February 10 and will run for 4 weeks.
Classrooms are in competition!

Gracias-Concilio Estudiantil and Sra. Toni