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Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holidays and feel refreshed and ready to tackle 2013. As you contemplate your New Year Resolution, we offer key insights into the nature of your brain and tips for harnessing your innate power.

We wish you lasting change, success and happiness in the coming year!
Rewire Your Brain Stop Your Brain from Sabotaging Your New Year Resolution Success


Are you launching into 2013 with a New Year Resolution? Whether it is to lose weight or change careers, one thing is for certain: your intention is to succeed. Unfortunately, most New Year Resolutions fail. But, before you give up or launch into a merciless and brutal internal assault of self-judgment, you can take comfort in one fact: failure is not your fault.

Who's to blame? Your brain! So before you give up, discover the secrets and power of your brain, and learn the 5 steps to rewire your neurology for success.
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 5 Steps to Rewire Your Brain  

Rolf Schrader M.A., RCC - Vancouver Counsellor

Rolf Schrader Rolf Schrader, MA, MNLP, MHtp, RCC


If you or someone you know is facing a crisis or difficult challenge, contact me for a free phone consultation. Let's see how I can help you.

604-780-9995 or

I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor in Vancouver, B.C.



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