Check out the article in the Lamorinda Weekly:


Being Kind turns the Tide Against Bullying


In addition to the town the Moraga School District also passed a resolution:




Some videos to share:


Bradley Steven Perry & Leigh Allyn Baker Choose Kindness
Be Brave, Show Courage, Choose Kindness




Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang -
Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"



The Moraga iKind Project:




The vision of the Moraga iKind Project is to promote civility and compassion in our community.




Our mission is to promote kindness and courtesy, to foster courage and bravery, based on the belief that empathy and inclusion constitute the foundation on which community is built.




Model civility, courage, and acceptance.


Identify and promote community-wide programs to support our mission.


Establish a communication network of community leaders, members, and experts to share ideas and coordinate efforts to support our mission. 



Moraga iKind Presentations: 



The Morage iKind Project has a short presentation that we would like to present to your group or organization, followed by a discussion session and a chance to add your voice to ours.  We can provide a meeting place or we can come to you.  Please contact Wendell Baker to schedule a time.


Individuals are also encouraged to contact us and we will organize small working groups.  Two or more people make a group so don't be shy. 


Please contact Wendell Baker to schedule a time or if you would like to be involved or learn more about our efforts.  E-mail me at:

 [email protected]