SFE-Golden Gate Philmont  
Scout Parents and Leaders against discrimination.


Last weekend our troop hosted three other troops for our second Troop Challenge (kinda like Camporee but less competitive). The theme was "Invasion by Canada" and we lassoed ferocious moose, ate poutine, applied first aid to hockey injuries, and generally had a great time. Between the Maple Syrup Balloon Toss and the red and blue chalk dust used in the final Canadian/American battle I came home feeling really dirty. But this was good dirty.


Today I learned details about how the Boy Scouts of America treated one of our young members. Garrett Bryant was denied summer camp employment because he was accidently outed as gay by a friend on Facebook and his local council found out. Since he's 19 he's no longer considered to be an acceptable leader in the BSA. Right now, being associated with the BSA is making me feel dirty. Really dirty, and definitely not good dirty.


NBC News - Boy Scouts won't hire me because I'm gay 


We can't change the fact that all of our scouts grow up. We can't change the fact that some of them are going to grow up to be gay.


We need to change the Boy Scouts so that they accept this reality.  (Think about this the next time you write them a check.)


In my humble opinion National has lost any moral authority it ever had to enforce corporate policies that violate the Scout Oath and Law.  We don't work for them, they are our peers not our bosses.  They work for us, not the other way around.


The IRS has decreed that the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade is not a political event. I bought my paid for my uniform and unless the BSA is going to send me back my money I'll wear it as I see fit. I refuse to allow myself to be used by any organization to promote their discriminatory anti-gay agenda.


If you would like to be part of the scout honor guard for the allies portion of the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade please sign up here:


Facebook Event - SF Pride Parade 2014 



San Francisco Gay Pride Parade 2013

image by Quinn Dombrowski / Wikimedia Commons



Yours in scouting,

Wendell Baker
Scoutmaster - Troop 234
SFE - Golden Gate

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SFE-Golden Gate

c/o Able-Baker Automation, Inc.

1070 Larch Ave

Moraga, CA 94556


The opinions expressed are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent the opinions of their unit, the local council, or the national headquarters.