SFE-Golden Gate Philmont 
Scout Parents and Leaders against discrimination.

This is draft 2, I am asking for comments and permission to add signatures- Thanks, Wendell



Please act today to ask the representatives of the Councils in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area to take a stand to change the Boy Scouts of America's discriminatory membership policy.



We ask that our council delegates vote for the resolution proposed by the executive board of the BSA at the national meeting in May 2013. While it falls short of fully supporting and protecting youth it supports and protects youth better than the existing policy.


 Text of Proposed Resolution


We ask that our council delegates support the Mount Diablo-Silverado Council's (MDSC) proposed resolution: 


WHEREAS, all Scouts and Scouters should be judged by their conduct, their actions, and their character that is consistent with the Scout Oath and Scout Law, and


WHEREAS, the Scout Oath and Scout Law are foundational ideas that every person should be exposed to so that all people can benefit from the Scouting movement's principles, ideas and values, and


WHEREAS, sexual topics and conduct, which includes pointing out another individual's sexual orientation, are not part of the Scouting movement, and


WHEREAS, the Scouting movement is not to be used as a vehicle to promote any personal, political, social or other objective that is inconsistent with the Scout Oath and Scout Law, and


WHEREAS, excluding an entire group of people based on stereotypes and prejudices  is inconsistent with the Scout Oath and Law, and therefore be it


RESOLVED that the Boy Scouts of America amend its membership policy and remove the words, "Open and avowed homosexuals"


If the MDSC resolution is not presented for a vote we ask our council delegates to support any similar resolution that is put forth.


Want to add your name to this letter?


1. Send an e-mail with your name and desired title to:




Yours in Scouting,


Wendell Baker (Scoutmaster - Moraga Troop 234 - MDSC)

Tina Chambers (Moraga Troop 246 - MDSC)

Jon Chambers (Moraga Troop 246 -MDSC)


(Scouts for Equality - Golden Gate)


Want to help spread the word?


2. Forward this e-mail to every interested adult you know who supports ending discrimination in the otherwise great organization that is the Boy Scouts of America.



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SFE-Golden Gate

c/o Able-Baker Automation, Inc.

1070 Larch Ave

Moraga, CA 94556


The opinions expressed are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent the opinions of their unit, the local council, or the national headquarters.