THE BULLETIN                                                         
December 8, 2015
December 12, 2015

Finals Prep Week
9:45 AM
Peace Corps Presentation
Preus Library, Hovde Room
12 noon-
4:00 p.m.
Christmas Cheer Collection Day
Dahl Centennial Union, Marty's

Finals Prep Week
10:30 AM
Chapel: Judd Larson
Center for Faith and Life, Main Hall
4:30 PM
Christmas in the Union
Dahl Centennial Union, Student Organizations Suite

Finals Prep Week

Thank you from the President
What a wonderful Christmas at Luther weekend! Thank you students, faculty and staff who worked hard to create a stunning program and to host nearly 8,000 visitors. Surely our guests returned home feeling grateful for this special college and the way Christmas at Luther reminds us of the power and radiance of God's love.
As we approach final exams and other end-of-the semester activities, we want to wish you and your loved ones a safe and joyous holiday.

Paula Carlson and Thomas Schattauer

Want to increase your happiness? Join us for a 4-week group which will meet weekly during J-term and will focus on various skills to increase your happiness. Sessions will include viewing portions of the documentary Happy, discussion, personal reflection and personal growth activities to complete between sessions. It will meet Tuesdays at 3:30-4:30 p.m. Sponsored by Counseling Service. Open to all Luther students. To sign up email or call 563-387-1375.

Students: Hate it when your parents bug you for your W-2? By consenting to receive your W-2 electronically you will have the option to view and print your W-2 as soon as it is available. If you have also granted your parent access through the Parent Portal, they, too, will be able to view and print your W-2. Information on the Parent Portal can be found at 
Faculty & Staff: The W-2 Electronic Consent option is included in the employee profile section of If you chose the electronic option for your 2014 W-2, then you do not need to do it again for 2015. More detailed instructions and additional information can be found by clicking the W-2 Options link on the HR website (Mac users: please do not use the "Preview" application to view your W-2).

LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE! December 11 is the due date for books checked out from the main stacks by students on or before Sunday, Dec. 6. Books may be renewed once online or by bringing them in physically to the circulation desk if you have exceeded the renewal limit. The new due date is January 27, the last day of classes during J-term. Click on "Library Account" online at, then "My Library Account" in the upper right corner after signing in to see what you have checked out and when it is due.

Lost and Found in the Center for Faith and Life - stop by the lobby this week to check for lost and found items. Many water bottles, hats, mittens, etc. Also found in the CFL, white iPod, claim in the Campus Programming Office.

The Public Leadership Education Network announces the Ellie Shaw Scholarship. Established in March 2015, the Ellie Shaw Scholarship aims to fulfill PLEN's mission to increase the number of women in top leadership positions influencing all aspects of the public policy process. The scholarship is open to all students, with preference given to Luther students attending PLEN seminars. Apply at 

Join the community as we mark the festival of Kwanzaa, sharing talents, memories, food and conversation, with a special Kwanzaa Chapel on Friday, December 11, at 10:30 a.m., in the Center for Faith and a Festival Celebration Saturday, December 12, at 4:00 p.m., in Peace Dining Room. Tickets for the dinner are sold at the Diversity Center $13.50. Luther students sign up here  for tickets.

Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 9:00 p.m., "A Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols"on the CFL Main Stage. Share in a cozy, warm Christmas celebration with your Luther family! We'll all gather on the floor, sing Christmas carols, and listen to the Christmas story. Wear something comfortable, bring your pillow and a blanket and join the Luther community for a service of readings, carols and candlelight on the last Sunday of the semester.

Interested in the PEACE CORPS? Jason Lemberg from the Peace Corps will be live SKYPING in with students to share information on his Peace Corps Volunteer experiences and to answer your questions as to how you can become a Peace Corps Volunteer yourself! Plan to attend on Tuesday, December 8, Hovde Lounge (in the Library) from 9:45-
10:45 a.m.

Santa will make an early stop in Decorah as Luther celebrates "Christmas in the Union" 4:30-6:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 9, in the lobby of the Union. Activities include cookie decorating, crafts, a holiday movie, music and games. Holiday treats will be served and there will be an opportunity for pictures with Santa by the fireplace from 5-6:30 p.m. "Christmas in the Union" is sponsored by the Book Shop, SAC Special Events and Dining Services.
The Luther Book Shop will host a day full of activities as part of Christmas in the Union from 8:45 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 9. In-store specials and popcorn will be offered throughout the day, and shoppers wearing an ugly Christmas sweater will receive a treat. Visitors to the Book Shop can also sign Santa's Naughty or Nice list and take photos with Buddy the Elf from 3-6:30 p.m.
The Bulletin is published for the Luther Community by the Campus Programming Office every Tuesday & Friday when classes are in session. Copy deadline: 12 noon Monday for Tuesday's edition, 12 noon Thursday for Friday's edition. Each announcement will be be run a maximum of two times. Word limit: 75. Email:  
