January 23, 2015
The Bulletin is published for the Luther Community by the Campus Programming Office every Tuesday and Friday when classes are in session. Copy deadline: 12 noon Monday for Tuesday's edition, 12 noon Thursday for Friday's edition. Each announcement will be run a maximum of two times. Word limit: 75. E-mail: bulletin@luther.edu

LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE! January 28 is the due date for books checked out from the main stacks by students before Thursday, January 22. Books may be renewed once online or by bringing them in physically to the circulation desk if you have exceeded the renewal limit. The new due date is March 27, the Friday after spring break. Click on "Library Account" online at http://www.luther.edu/library/, then "My Library Account" in the upper right corner after signing in to see what you have checked out and when it is due.


Library J-term Break Hours * January 28 - February 3

Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Thursday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Monday-Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Preus Library invites students to stop by the Research Help Desk on Sunday, January 25 starting at 7:30 to enjoy a cookies and hot cocoa study break. Cookies will include chocolate chip, double chocolate, and snickerdoodle. Limited quantities available, so be sure to come early. For more information on this and other library happenings, check out the Preus Library Facebook page: www.facebook.com/PreusLibrary.




Dance Alive National Ballet Promo 2014
Dance Alive National Ballet
Center Stage Series presents A Midsummer Night's Dream
on Friday, February 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the CFL Main Hall. Prepare to be enchanted by classical ballet set to Shakespeare's immortal story as fairies, humans, dukes, and donkeys collide under the spell of cupid's arrow. With 18 dancers and a magical set, this performance is sure to amaze! Student tickets are free with CAF! Now available online at
tickets.luther.edu or at the Ticket Office.


Launching Luther Leaders is seeking new student membership for the Class of 2017. Faculty, staff and current classes of L^3 may nominate potential and current student leaders who want to develop their leadership skills and pursue a variety of leadership experiences. Requirements include a minimum of 2.50 GPA and sophomore status. Nomination Form Link - Applications will be sent to the student to continue the process of selection for the certificate program. Deadline for nominations is Saturday, January 31. Questions please contact

The Luther College Center for Sustainable Communities and the Winneshiek Energy District, proponents of solar energy, will together host a workshop on solar energy from 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, January 24, in the Valders Hall of Science Concourse on the Luther campus. The workshop is open to the public with no charge for admission, however registration is required. Sign up online at: http://tinyurl.com/luthergoingsolar. Two separate information tracks will be held: one tailored to residential interests and one designed for commercial/agriculture proponents.     


'Paradise Lost' Marathon: The members of ENG 363 invite you to a marathon reading of John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' on Monday, January 26th from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the lobby of Dahl Centennial Union. Drop by throughout the day to listen to some of Milton's epic verse or email rowhli01@luther.edu to sign up to read a 15-minute segment of 'Paradise Lost' yourself. Join us for transcendent poetry and apple-themed snacks!


The community is invited to "Recovery Tour" with Mike and Sue Blair, at7:00 p.m. Friday, January 23, in the Center for Faith and Life Recital Hall. Inspired by the outpouring of support, kindness, prayers and encouragement during Sue's journey of treatment and recovery from Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2012-13,"Recovery Tour" offers stories and songs of faith, laughter and healing. 


Looking for a new work-study job? The ticket office is now recruiting new employees. Applications are available in the Ticket office. The last day to submit the applications is February 13, 2015.

Luther College received a grant of $2,466 from Alliant Energy Foundation in support of Luther's Cafeteria to Community program. The grant will help the college purchase reusable and disposable containers, to help maintain the program and minimize waste. Since the program began in November 2013, more than 14,000 pounds of food have been packaged and donated to people in the Decorah community and the program continues to grow today.


Upcoming Events
January 23-26  

Chapel: Labyrinth
CFL, Recital Hall

Mike and Sue Blair "Recovery Tour"
CFL, Recital Hall


Mid-Winter Community Day

Women's Swimming & Diving vs Coe College

Men's Swimming & Diving vs Coe College

Women's Basketball
vs Loras College

Men's Basketball
vs Loras College


Sunday Worship Service
CFL, Main Hall

CFL, Recital Hall 


 LuAnn Meeker-Gast
CFL, Recital Hall

SPIN Theatre:
God of Carnage
CFA, Jewel Theatre

Quick Links