October 24, 2014

David Howard, Spiritual Leader
Sunday, October 26 - 10:00 AM 



This past week I returned to Texas. I attended the Unity South Central Region annual conference in Houston and a
Mediate Your LifeŽ training in Arlington. Both events presented me with many opportunities for self-reflection and growth. I had occasions to come face-to-face (sometimes literally) with the ways others perceive me and how my action or inaction has impacted them. It gave me pause to consider how I choose, consciously or subconsciously, to express love to others and how I express love for myself. I was reminded of the words of the master teacher, Jesus.

In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 22 (NRSV), one of the Sadducees asks Jesus, "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." So, what does that mean for us today? How does it look when we live those commandments? Let's explore it.

In The Revealing Word, a metaphysical dictionary by Unity's co-founder Charles Fillmore, 'Lord' is defined as...

Barbara Marx Hubbard
7:00 - 9:00 PM

Envisioning Together the Co-Creative Society


Barbara Marx Hubbard will reveal the nature of the new world arising in our midst. People are evolving from the self conscious separation to a co-creative way of being.

This uprising can be catalyzed, connected and enhanced through social synergy, the coming together of separated people to make a new whole society.

Barbara will demonstrate how we can cultivate the breakthrough of social synergy through the Wheel of Co-Creation, a new social architecture now spreading worldwide.

Ticket prices: $25/Adult, $20/Senior, $15/Student  

Ticket Options

Please help us promote this event by clicking on the link below to download and print the flyer. Please post them in locations that you believe will reach our intended audience. Thank You!

Event Flyer

For more information on Barbara and her work, please click here.



We recently completed a five-week Life of Prayer class. The participants were asked to write a "Daily Word" similar to the ones in the Unity publication. With their permission, we will be sharing several of those here during the coming weeks.



I Am Love.

God's love for us is unconditional. In the world we live in this is sometimes difficult to realize, with "conditional" acceptance all around.  Who among us has not been let down by a friend, fired from a job, stung by a divorce, or had to deal with some type of rejection in all of its different forms?

God's love is different.  When I remember Spirit is always accepting of me, and that Spirit lives inside of me, I am at peace.  In a world of seeming hurt and pain I can always return to my safe house of God's unconditional love.

Sometimes I forget.  When I choose to focus on a hurt, I temporarily lose my connection with Love.  The way back is forgiveness, of others and of myself.  Then I can return once more to my fountain of joy within. I am Love.

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." - Luke 23:43


Contributed by Tim Larison



On Friday evening, September 19 and during the day on Saturday, September 20, those from our community who were able to attend met and were lovingly guided by Rev. Kelly Isola through the process of discerning our core values and our vision and mission statements for Unity Church of Denver.

Our core values were determined through a process of connection with and contemplation of the values each of us holds dear. Then, working with a process of inclusion and evaluation, together we developed a list of approximately twenty qualities of being. Of course, there are many more that we valued, but we were working toward a final list of five, so we needed to reduce the size of the list. In order to arrive at our five core values, we were each invited to vote for the five that most resonated with our hearts. The five that received the highest number of votes made the final list.  Our core values are:


A core value team is being organized now. This team will develop a definition and a rationale for each of the values. They will also define actions that we can take as an organization and as individuals within the organization to demonstration and live from these values.

In discerning our vision, we were asked to answer the question, "What is your highest vision for the world?" At tables of six to eight people, we worked together to draft a statement that would capture the essence of our vision for what we would experience if the world was just as we would chose for it to be.  Then, using the statements from each table we worked together as a group to develop one statement that captures the spirit of our collective vision.  We arrived at the following:

"We are centered in Oneness, living abundance, peace, joy and love."

Next, were asked to answer the question, "Why is Unity Church of Denver here?" We were invited to consider what we are here to do in the world. Employing much the same process as with the vision statement, we arrived at this mission statement.

"We inspire spiritual growth in a safe and loving environment, accepting all, serving others, and awakening oneness."

We invited feedback on the vision and mission statements at the service this past Sunday. We received quite a few responses. The feedback forms are available at the information desk in the lobby this Sunday. If you would like to provide your feedback, please complete one and return it to the office or to the volunteer at the desk on Sunday.

We will be sharing more about the core values, vision and mission statements in the weeks to come as they are the foundation of who we have determined we are as a spiritual community. They will form the basis for many of the decisions we make going forward. 



A Study of The Christian Scriptures

(New Testament): Part I

Sunday Mornings - 8:45 to 9:45 a.m.


Unity co-founder, Charles Fillmore states, "If you would bring forth the very best that is in you, study the methods of Jesus...."  In this five week class, we will look at the early years of Jesus' ministry as recorded in the New Testament.  The main focus will be upon the life, teachings, and activities of Jesus Christ from the metaphysical perspective.


Facilitated by Rev. Phyllis Hoover, LUT on a love-offering basis.













The new series of New Member Classes continues on Sunday, November 2, for anyone interested in becoming a member of Unity of Denver. Three modules will be offered on a rotating basis on the first Sunday of each month. 

The class on November 2 will be Unity of Denver and You which covers the history of the church and introduces the many ways of becoming involved as an active member.  The class meets 11:30 to 1:00.


The next class on December 7th will cover .. read more



9:00 - 11:00 AM

Join the men of Unity of Denver on the second Saturday of each month for a time of sharing, laughter and food (there's always food). All men are welcome!


You Shop. Amazon Gives.

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to
Unity Church of Denver when you shop on AmazonSmile!

You can use the same Amazon account you have always used. Just go to Smile.Amazon.com, select Unity Church of Denver as your charitable organization and start shopping.  It's that easy!


Sunday is the Final Day to Donate

We are, once again, collecting new or gently loved teddy bears to support Child Rescue Foundation, Inc. (CRF) This is an opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child in crisis in the Denver Metro area.

Bring your bears to the bin in the Children's Garden. We will be collecting through October. Together, let's make that bin overflow!

Thank you for bringing Light into these children's lives.

For more information on Child Rescue Foundation, click here.

This Saturday, October 25
9:00 AM at the Church

Anyone interested in participating in the ministry is invited to come to the church at 9:00 a.m. on the last Saturday of each month to help prepare and/or deliver food to the homeless.

Unity Church of Denver


Deepening connections with God, self and others to heal lives and live dreams.

Audio Recordings of our Sunday Morning Lessons are
Available Online


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