March 2013 - Educator Award
Win $1000 for Baking Lesson!
2012 Educator Award Winner: Left to right Brenda Alten, The J.M. Smucker Company, HBA Educator Award Chairman 2012 Winner Kaye Hendricks, Kindergarten Teacher, Manhattan, KS; Tom Payne, King Arthur Flour, 2012 President HBA
The Home Baking Association annually recognizes baking educators for outstanding baking lessons or activities. The top award winner receives $1,000 and a trip for two to the Home Baking Association Annual Meeting, Hot Springs, Virginia in October. Anyone who teaches baking is elgibile! Educators in classrooms, pre-schools, community programs, clubs, camps or leader training for Pre-K to 12th grade. All entrants will receive a complimentary baking resource. Entry deadline is March 31, 2013. Enter electronically or postal mail. Entry form and additional information can be found online at HomeBaking.org .
Check out these former Educator Award Winners!
Cookie Capers - Middle and High School winning lesson from Marla Prusa, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Nebraska
Bakeworks - Preschool Enrichment and Community Service, winning lesson from Julie Ratchford, Virginia
Baking is a terrific opportunity to involve youth in community service by encouraging participants to BAKE and TAKE to a neighbor, friend, teacher, coach or special group! Classes, organizations and individuals can share their experience and be eligible for a random drawing for prizes. Entries must be postmarked by April 15. Click Here
A Recipe Perfect for Bake and Take
Join the Kansas Wheat Commission, a Home Baking Association member, and celebrate Bake and Take! Bake Grandma Biscuits to share with others! Click Here to view this easy recipe.
FREE Gift Tags! Download gift tags and attach to Bake and Take gifts!
"Baking Substitution Science" Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 23 at 3:30 PM CST. The Home Baking Association and member Cabot Creamery will present a 45-minute "Baking Substitution Science" webinar. The webinar will provide information for baking substitutions including Greek yogurt, whole grains, multi-grain flours and meal, agave nectar, stevia/sugar blend and sodium reduction. Stay tuned for more information... |
Visit our newly revised Glossary with over 350 terms!
Kneading: What is Kneading?
To mix dough using a pressing and folding motion, turning and folding the dough onto itself until gluten strands form and the dough is smooth and elastic.
Click Here to view how to knead in a simple, DIY video
Baking for Success DVD Three baking lessons; ready-to-print 20-page curriculum guide; copy-ready worksheets and recipes; baking terms, tips and resources. All lessons include activities for beginning, intermediate or advanced student bakers.
* Fudge Brownies - The Ultimate American Bar Cookie (8:53) * Cornbread - A Piece of History on the Plate (7:52) * Focaccia - The Italian Baker's (11:11)
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The Home Baking Association is provided with quality educational materials, recipes, and important resources that help us achieve our mission of promoting home baking by providing tools and knowledge to perpetuate generations of future home bakers. A complete directory of Home Baking Association member for can be found on our website. -click here