Greetings! Resources, videos and contest for youth & educators!
Now that fall is here and the air is crisp and cool, it's a great time to do some cozy baking with your children or students. Baking with your kids is a fun activity to share, ending with something delicious they can be proud of and everyone can enjoy.
Warm up with our best fall baking recipes! From fall breads to baked apples, fall desserts to flaky biscuits, find recipes for baking with your favorite autumn ingredients-including pumpkins, apples, squash and sweet potatoes.
Take time to enjoy our selection of fall resources and recipes!
The Home Baking Association
Why cook with children?
Home Baking Association Educator Award Winner, Julie Ratchford, entered "Bakeworks" in the annual awards contest. The lesson provides preschool enrichment and community service through scratch baking! Goals, outcomes, evaluation methods, recipes and more are included to involve young children in baking!
Click here to download this great resource!
The Ultragrain Taste you love...
Home Baking Association member Ultragrain Whole Wheat Flour/ ConAgra Mills is providing videos for making cupcakes, cookies, scones and more with baking techniques!
Watch and learn how easy it can be to get more whole grain nutrition into everyday recipes-without sacrificing the taste, texture, or appearance you love.
 View the Ultragrain Video Channel Here
Baking Educators Win $1,000.00!
Enter the 2013 Home Baking Association Educator Award Contest and be eligible to win $1,000! The top entry will also receive an all-expenses paid trip for two to the 2013 Home Baking Association Annual Meeting. All entrants will receive a complimentary HBA teaching resource. Whether you teach in the classroom, community programs, organizations or at home....anyone teaching baking to others is encouraged to enter.
Entry deadline is March 31, 2013!
Find out more information here!
 National Festival of Breads is America's only amateur bread baking contest, celebrating the relationship between producer and consumer in a biennial contest. Home Baking Association members sponsoring this year's event include: King Arthur Flour, Fleischmann's Yeast, and the Kansas Wheat Commission. New for 2013 is a Youth Category!
Educators encourage students to participate! Adult and youth contestants are invited to submit recipes.
Entry Deadline: January 31, 2013. For more information
How to Enter - Click here 2011 Grand Prize National Festival of Breads "Quick Raisin Granola Breakfast Rolls" Gale Collier, Redmond, Oregon |
Visit our newly revised Glossary with over 350 terms!
What is "Butter"?
Butter is produced by churning cream into a semi-solid form. By U.S. standard definition, it is 80 percent milk fat, with the remaining 20 percent consisting of water and milk solids. Butter for baking may be salted or unsalted and is valued by most bakers for its irreplaceable flavor and ability to create flaky layers, crispness, tenderness, carry flavors, and provide golden-brown color. Visit: www.landolakes.com.
To view more Glossary terms, click here
Baking for Success DVD Three baking lessons; ready-to-print 20-page curriculum guide; copy-ready worksheets and recipes; baking terms, tips and resources. All lessons include activities for beginning, intermediate or advanced student bakers.
* Fudge Brownies - The Ultimate American Bar Cookie (8:53) * Cornbread - A Piece of History on the Plate (7:52) * Focaccia - The Italian Baker's (11:11)
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The Home Baking Association is provided with quality educational materials, recipes, and important resources that help us achieve our mission of promoting home baking by providing tools and knowledge to perpetuate generations of future home bakers. A complete directory of Home Baking Association member for can be found on our website. -click here