
With the close of the academic year, life can be more than a little hectic.  Take some time to enjoy the many artistic accomplishments of your fellow students, faculty and university guests.  April is filled with opportunities to enjoy art, dance, music and theatre. Some of these options are listed below.
Major Profile - Biochemistry

Anyone who has ever imagined making a more effective medicine, discovering a cure for a disease, or finding a way to convert toxic waste into a valuable source of energy may want to consider a career in biochemistry.  Biochemists tackle fundamental questions.  They may study subjects such as the structure of enzymes, the transfer of genetic information, or photosynthesis. They conduct research into the complex chemistry of living systems that provides a springboard for practical advances in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. Biochemists may work in industry or for government agencies, pharmaceutical houses, hospitals, universities, or private research labs.  To learn more, contact the department advisor, Gabriela Jakubowska, or call 292-1204 for an appointment.

Student Internship -
Columbus Police Department
Wes Phelps completed an internship with the Columbus Police Department's Cold Case Unit.  He found that he was well-prepared with his major in biology, a specialization in forensic biology and a minor in chemistry.  Through his internship he was able to work within a major city's police department, visit several crime labs, observe different forensic techniques and begin to develop a professional network.  Read more about his experience here.
Learn more about internship opportunities by contacting the ASC Career Services Office.
Meet the Professor - Dr. Stephen Kern
Join other students for free pizza and an informal conversation with Dr. Stephen Kern.  Dr. Kern is a Humanities Distinguished Professor in the department of history.  He teaches courses on Western civilization, modern Western cultural history, 19th century European history and the history of love in the modern world.  Presented by the Arts and Sciences Student Council.

Wednesday, April 15 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Digital Lab - 3rd floor of the Ohio Union.
 Celebrate CBEC's Grand Opening
Please join the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, and Engineering, for the Grand Opening of CBEC: the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Chemistry Building, 151 W. Woodruff. Ohio State's only LEED-certified research facility is shared by two of their powerhouse departments: Chemistry and Biochemistry; and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. CBEC enables future-focused biomedical innovations, energy-efficient materials research and expands real-world learning opportunities for students. Remarks by President Michael Drake; Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor John Carey; U.S. Congresswoman Joyce Beatty; an appearance by Brutus; and "Elephant Toothpaste" demo. Reception follows. Building tours:  1:45 - 2:30 p.m.
Grand Opening: Friday, April 10 at 1 p.m.
Religious Studies Course Listing Change
As part of an effort to increase the visibility of courses in Religion offered at OSU, the Department of Comparative Studies has begun listing some of its courses under RELSTDS.  If you are looking for courses in Religion offered by the Department of Comparative Studies, please search under both COMPSTD and RELSTDS.  For more information on the Religious Studies major, please check Religious Studies.
Foreign Language Career Night
10th Annual Foreign Language Career Night
The Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CLLC) celebrates ten years of helping students find exciting careers in which they can use their foreign language and culture expertise. Come develop connections with recruiters from the government, military, non-profit, and globally-oriented businesses!  Resum� reviews will be available. Refreshments will be served. Dress is business casual. More info.
Thursday, April 16 from 5 - 7:30 p.m. - 1st floor of Hagerty Hall.
Study Abroad - Plan Ahead For Next Year
Are you thinking about studying abroad?  Plan ahead by attending an Office of International Affairs (OIA) Getting Started session.  Sessions are held Monday - Thursday during autumn and spring semesters in Room 122, Oxley Hall.

Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Center for Urban and Regional Analysis
The College of Arts and Sciences Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA) has identified courses related to urban issues offered for fall 2015. Urban Spaces and the Global Economy; The American City and World Urbanization are just a sampling of the courses being offered in multiple departments. Read the CURA blog, and contact Matthew Adair, CURA program coordinator, for more information about incorporating urban science and the study of cities into your undergraduate curriculum.
Four Days of Jazz: 38th Annual Jazz Festival
Ohio State's 38th Annual Jazz Festival celebrates America's art form with four days of faculty and student ensemble performances, local and nationally known jazz headliners, and jazz days featuring visiting college and high school jazz bands.  Presented by the School of Music.  More info.
Divas Night - April 9 at 8 p.m.
Ohio State Jazz Ensemble - April 10 at 8 p.m.
College Jazz Band Day - April 11 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mark Flugge Tribute Concert - April 11 at 8 p.m.
High School Jazz Band Day - April 12 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Headliner Jazz Concert: Manner Effect - April 12 at 7 p.m.
For advance tickets for Headliner Jazz Concert call (614)292-2295.
All other events are free.  All events held in Weigel Hall Auditorium.
Science Sundays
Craig Mello will present A Worm's Tale: Secrets of Evolution and Immortality.  Nobel laureate Craig Mello will talk about how everything alive today shares a nearly 4 billion year-old common ancestry.
Sunday - April 12 from 3 - 4 p.m. at the Wexner Film/Video Theater.  More info.
Conducting Research This Semester?
Are you conducting research this semester?  Log onto the Portfolio of Undergraduate Research Experiences (PURE) at go.osu.edu/PURE to start or update your profile.  We're counting on you to log on today!
Get Involved In Research
Attend a URO Information Session for students who would like to get involved in research.  Learn how to develop a research topic, how to find a research mentor and identify resources.  Presented by the Undergraduate Research Office.
Wednesday, April 15 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in Room 090, 18th Avenue Library.
Summer Undergraduate Research Institute
Registration for the 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI) is open.  Sign up today to stay involved over the summer and to be eligible to present at the Fall Undergraduate Research Student Poster Forum!  SURI 2015 will run from May 26 - July 31.  Read more.
Fulbright Week
Fulbright Fulbright Week  - Learn about the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.  Attend an information session to learn about opportunities to study, research or teach abroad while promoting cross-cultural interaction and mutual understanding.  Learn about awards, eligibility, selection criteria and the application process.  Read more.
April 13 - 17
Denman Research Forum - List of Winners!
Congratulations to the 624 students who participated in the annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum!  See the list of winning presentations here.
Campus Life Tips - BuckeyeBox
Did you know that Ohio State offers free cloud storage to all students through a partnership with Box?  BuckeyeBox is the only approved Ohio State cloud collaboration tool.  Users can create files and folders, share them using a direct link and invite classmates to collaborate.  Each user receives up to 50 GB of cloud storage.  Log in at my.osu.edu to sign up.  Read more.
Vol. 4 Issue 10 April 2015
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