Neighbor to Neighbor Woman Presents:
pink cluster by Ann     Sunday -  picture by Ann


For Lent Only:  

A Second Look 



Scroll to the end for an upcoming opportunity to learn how to connect with those less fortunate than you if you live in the Akron area. 





Sometimes the physical realities going on within our bodies  affect our good mood, our irritability, our patience, organization, our sense of hope and purpose and self worth.  We want to grow in holiness.  We want to be like the saints, the prophets, all of the good people that we know and admire.  But we fall short over and over.  At times it isn't sin that is the root cause.


Today we're going to take a "Second Look" at our shortcomings by reflecting on our physical bodies.


Psalm 42: vs. 1

"As a dear longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God."


Reflection I for Monday

tough woman

Women's hormonal cycles come and go throughout a good part of our adult life. The hormonal shifts affect the way we feel and often act.  When we take our inventory in how we are becoming more like "Saints" (holy women),  we usually don't distinguish whether we are looking at the first two weeks of a cycle when the stress factors seem to rise, or the second two weeks when life seems more like a calm after the storm.   We often don't take into account, whether the pregnancy hormones are at work again or the nursing hormones, whether or not we are going through menopause or we are safely on the other side.  


We often take our self worth from the "general picture".  And often, we can feel pretty bad about ourselves. To be honest, sometimes it seems as if our conscious mind itsn't working at all during these hormonal shifts days.  Words we wish we didn't speak slip out easily, the tones in our voices have an edge to them, we pick a fight, we are easily hurt, very sensitive and irritable, maybe even hard to live with!


Our hormone shifts, are a very real and wonderful physical event each and every time they are taking place.  It is our privilege, as women, to have the potential to bear children and to nurse them.  It is the way God made us. We might not all have children, but we all share the same privilege and the same hormonal shifts and challenges that come along with the privilege. So, when we reflect on the scriptures and" our souls long for the living God",  let's reflect as real honest to goodness women with honest to goodness ongoing hormonal cycles and shifts!  

Reflection II for Tuesday, Wednesday

Second two weeks

So let's draw nearer to God as women which includes every single hormonal shift.  He loves us right in the midst of our struggles emotionally and physically.  And if we could believe that a little more, maybe we would take care of ourselves during these times better.  We wouldn't be fighting the "bad me", but remembering that we simply might need to sleep more during these times;  Read a good classic or take some warm long baths with lavender bubble bath;  


Have a list of simple meals for the first two weeks of a cycle (or for all of menopause), and save the special meals for the second two weeks (or for after menopause);  Only invite "no stress guests"; Save the "Honey let's Talk" for the second two weeks; write down hurts and save them for a later time when you can think again clearly; Don't "ground" your children for a month during a hormonal shift; Have a pre-planned list of acceptable punishments for their behavior so you won't have any regrets afterwards. ( Boy, I wish I had thought of this when my children were growing up!)  In other words, know what works best for you and your family.


Don't apologize for feeling moody.  You didn't do anything wrong to get there.  Just figure out what to do about it.  And one of the best ways is a quiet room and prayer. When you have undertaken a paper mache project with your home schooled kids and you realize that it was the wrong "time" to do it...excuse yourself to your quiet place, talk to God about the whole mess you got yourself into...and my guess is that you will go back to the kids and close up shop till next week.  In the meantime, with a joyful and relieved voice , you'll most likely tell them  "We are going to watch that special movie you have been waiting for!"


Becoming holy is letting God have His way with you.  And if He made you a woman, then that is where He wants to meet you, as a woman, hormones and all.  Isn't it nice when we realize how much we are loved right in the midst of feeling like we want to scream?  Isn't it nice when we don't have to add "guilt" about this, but instead begin swimming upstream to the heavenly courts just as we are!  And if we should let that scream out before we get to our quiet spot.  Don't let it discourage us or our family. Things CAN GET BETTER. WE just have to excuse ourself, talk to God, and go back and let the family know that "I am so very sorry, and if you don't mind, I'll continue the discussion later (much later)."  Get out the ice cream and put a bit of cheer back into the room. 






Until Thursday 



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If you are interested in the opportunity below, please don't hesitate emailing me or calling to ask any questions you might have about the group or the event. 



To A Bridges Out of Poverty all day Workshop, open for all of Summit County! Want to learn more how to work or interact with individuals from generational poverty?


All are welcome!

If you are interested, please see below and RSVP. We need individuals from all races, political persuasions, backgrounds, and sectors to come together and work towards eliminating poverty in Summit County. This is not a program but an approach to working with those in poverty, and an initiative in our county.


Saturday, April 16th from 9 - 3pm      Where :  Open M at 941 Princeton Street, Akron, 44311.  Cost:  $10, includes lunch and book.  Please RSVP to Hannah Nitz by Friday, April 8th.  Call 330-434-3250 or email: