AnetaCCDear ICTF Members and Friends:


Welcome to the August edition of the ICTF Newsletter!  


I hope everyone is having a great Summer, including a nice and well deserved vacation! 


We are excited the 'busy season' is fast approaching as it means we'll get to see and spend quality time with so many of you during the next several months - in New York, Switzerland and Florida!

I'd like to bring your attention to the ICTF Global Payments Benchmarking Survey, the ICTF/Thunderbird online classes which start on September 9th, the upcoming ICTF Symposiums in Switzerland and Florida, and the new ICTF membership option - "the bundle".


The ICTF Semiannual Global Payment Benchmarking Survey is now open and you are invited to participate. Please scroll down to that section in the newsletter to access the link to the survey.

The program details for the upcoming ICTF International Credit Professionals Symposium in Basel, Switzerland (October 20-22) and the ICTF Annual Global Trade Symposium in Palm Beach, Florida (November 10-12) are out! Please take a look and register soon! I encourage you to forward the information to colleagues and industry peers as well, inviting them to attend and experience first-hand the intellectual power of ICTF!
Known as 'the best in the industry', these conferences offer unmatched expertise, leading-edge programs and the most dynamic forum for knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices among international credit management practitioners. 


The ICTF Bundle Membership 

ICTF continues to attract the best and brightest in the global credit world and membership is growing by the day. We have crossed the 600-member mark and look forward to expanding the reach of the organization even further. I am pleased to let you know that the ICTF Board has added a new membership option - THE ICTF BUNDLE MEMBERSHIP. This is an annual prepaid 'bundle' option, which includes membership and registration fees to the two major ICTF Symposiums in U.S. or Europe. It is available to new members and existing members at time of renewal. To find out more, please click here >>.


As always, if you have any questions, please let us know. Enjoy the newsletter and stay involved. I look forward to seeing you soon - in New York, Basel and Florida!


Aneta Spilman, CAE

ICTF President

[email protected]



In This Issue
EU Corporate Insolvency Study
ICTF's Global Payments Benchmarking Survey - now open
ICTF Signature Symposiums
Dr. Belcsak's Commentary: Difficult Exit
ICTF/Thunderbird Online Courses and Professional Designations
ICTF Webcasts - coming up!
Global Business Intelligence
European Corporate Insolvency Study
View the latest survey published by Creditreform - Complete Insolvencies in Europe 2012/2013 
Insolvencies in Western Europe in 2012 
Financial Situation and Liquidity of European Companies  
Corporate Insolvency in Central & Eastern Europe

"The 27 member states of the European Economic Area form the largest single market in the world. Two-thirds of all EU trade is between member states. So developments in insolvency in neighbouring countries are of major significance..." 
ICTF's Global Payments Benchmarking Survey - Take the Survey!
The ICTF Global Payments Benchmarking Survey is now open - you are invited to participate. The Survey provides valuable information on payment trends and country payment terms, as well as Average Days Delinquent and Past Due percentages.
The ADD graph is an example of the survey results, which will be available to participants. 
Remember to add these ICTF Events to your Calendar!
October 20-22, 2013
Hilton Hotel - Basel, Switzerland
Topics include:
  • Country Risk Overview: A Forensic Analysis of the Eurozone Crisis and Where Key Emerging Market Risks Currently Lie
  • Achieving Operational Excellence in the Order-to-Cash Process
  • Facing the Challenge of International Credit Management Within a Multi-Site Decentralised System
  • Sales and Credit - One Team: Myth or Reality?
  • Credit in a Box - Using Technology to Transform B2B Delivery
  • Credit Management Software - What Opportunities and Challenges Does it Present to the Credit Manager and How to Evaluate What to Do?
  • Postmodernism in Trade Credit Insurance - The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?
  • Africa - the Management of Risk and Opportunity in this Great Continent

ICTF's Annual Global Trade Symposium
November 10-12, 2013
Eau Palm Beach Resort and Spa - Palm Beach, Florida

Topics include:
  • The Power of American Entrepreneurialism, Economic Freedom and Global Trade
  • Best Practices for Assessing and Managing Credit Risk, Setting Credit Limits and Reducing DSO to Achieve Operational and Strategic Goals
  • The Shell 'Hunt for Cash' Project: Best-in-Class 'Hunt for Cash' Credit Management Strategies
  • Fundamentals of International Credit Management and Analysis of Latin American Financial Statements
  • Lessons from the Trenches: Global Shared Services, Mergers & Acquisitions
  • The Seven Key Non-Technical Skills for International Credit Professionals
  • Global Economic and Country Risk Review - Insights, Trends and World Market Forecasts
  • The ICTF Global Credit Management Round Table - Discussion of Export Credit & Collection Challenges in Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Asia
  • Optional Workshop: Export Letters of Credit Explained
ICTF's Global Intelligence Column by Dr. Hans Belcsak:
Difficult Exit

Following the now infamous June 19 press conference in which Chairman Ben Bernanke described Fed plans to start reducing the pace of bond buying later this year and to end purchases by the middle of 2014, and in the wake of the financial-market lurch that ensued, reassuring statements to the effect that any such action would be conditional on a strong economy and a substantial improvement in the labor market helped bring back a measure of calm.  This was reinforced by President Obama's subsequent hint that he may not reappoint Mr. Bernanke for another four-year term. The pressure from Democrat circles is to pick Fed Governor and economist Janet Yellen as his replacement.  READ MORE>> 

ICTF/Thunderbird Online Courses in International Credit & Trade Finance 

Register Today! Classes Begin September 9th!

~ Earn the RGCP™ and CGCE™ professional designations ~ 
Enroll in the ICTF/Thunderbird online courses
Build your foundation for global success by learning the key fundamentals, concepts, processes and mechanics of International Credit & Trade Finance. Earn recognition by becoming a Registered Global Credit Professional (RGCP) upon succession completion of the course
Take your career to new heights! Course completion leads to the ICTF Certified Global Credit Executive (CGCE) designation - the only executive level designation supported by a rigorous program of study, brought to you by the #1 international credit management association (ICTF) and the #1 graduate school in international business (Thunderbird School of Global Management).
The Thunderbird School of Global Management, ICTF's Partner  
in the development of the most advanced online courses in International Credit and Trade Finance and the RGCP™ and CGCE™ professional designations, is ranked:
  • ---No. 1 business school in the "International" MBA program specialty - by U.S. News & World Report
  • ---No. 1 in International Business - by the Financial Times
  • ---No. 1 for "Internationalism of Alumni" - by The Economist
ICTF Webcasts
Expand Your Knowledge without Ever Leaving Your Desk!
Wednesday, August 12th, 11:00 am EST - 90 minutes 
Our customers are throwing more and more curve balls at us every day. What are some of the ways we can get all of our team out of spring training and playing at their best on the field in order to bring home a win for our organizations? In this session we will discuss how we can adjust the way we look at the game of dispute/deduction resolution and review strategies to help us make it through the 7th inning stretch.
Speaker: Diana Crowe - Manager, IAB Solutions 
REGISTRATION FEES: ICTF Members: $95 --- Non-Members: $145

Tuesday, August 27th, 11:00 am EST - 90 minutes 
It seems like everyone is looking for money these days and the States are no exception. Across the U.S., there has been an increase in unclaimed property (escheatment) audits - attempts by the States to increase their revenue. Though historically, Accounts Payable and Payroll have been two departments that have been more susceptible to issues of escheatment, more recently auditors have increased the scope of their reviews to include Credit and A/R Departments. 
Speaker: Diana Crowe - Manager, IAB Solutions 
REGISTRATION FEES: ICTF Members: $95 --- Non-Members: $145

Wednesday, September 11th, 9:00 am EST - 60 minutes 
It's a networking world. A networked world. Email, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... The whole fabric of society in the western world seems to hang together today through instant networking. If you're not continually updating your Facebook page, Twittering your every action or App'ing your friends - you're just not part of the network. This webinar will translate that networked world into effective credit and collection management and show participants how to engage in mutually beneficial communications that will enhance the relationship with their suppliers and customers alike.
Speaker: David Taylor, Chairman - OnGuard Group of Companies

Global Business Intelligence
~ from the ICTF Online Resource Center ~
global intelligence banner

Advanced Economies Advanced in the Second Quarter, but Emerging Markets Are Still in the Doldrums

PNC Global Economic Highlights, July 31, 2013 

EUROZONE: European economic indicators continue to point to an exit from recession and return to weak growth in the second half of 2013. Spain's national statistical agency release of the flash estimate for second quarter real GDP showed a 0.1 percent contraction in seasonally adjusted (not annualized) terms, an improvement from the sharp 0.5 percent contraction in the first quarter.  


Spain: Slow Progress?
Euler Hermes Weekly Export Risk Outlook, July 31, 2013    
The Bank of Spain yesterday released preliminary Q2 GDP growth estimates showing a contraction of -0.1% q/q, compared with -0.5% in Q1 and slightly above the forecast of EH. According to the National Statistical Institute, Q2 GDP data reflect a more negative contribution in net exports. Meanwhile, unemployment reached a record high of 26.9% in May, double the rate at end-2008 and retail sales decreased by -5% y/y in June, compared with -4.4% in May.  READ MORE >>  


August 5, 2013

Quick Links
Thank You ICTF's
2013 Annual Sponsoring Partners








 citibank logo





ICTF's New York
Global Trade Forum
Tuesday, Sept 24, 2013
Noon - 3:30 pm
The Yale Club, New York
Luncheon Presentation:
Markets in Review - Volatile Markets from a Credit Risk Management Viewpoint
Byron Shoulton
International Economist
FCIA Management Co., Inc.

Open Q&A Forum Discussion

Click here for more details!
ICTF's Freshly Investigated International Credit & Country Reports
-always freshly investigated-
-no contracts required-

ICTF's knowledge of world markets and access to the best credit information sources means you receive the information you need in order to make sound credit decisions!
Competitive prices

Quick turn-around time
Top-notch customer service

ICTF Country Reports, provided by Dr. Hans Belcsak 
offer essential information, independent judgment and forecasts on global developments in trade and finance, economic and political trends and government regulations.

To request a sample, ask questions or place an order:
 [email protected]

ICTF Webcasts
~live and digital replays~

What Everyone is Saying:

  "I was very impressed with ICTF and the degree of professionalism of everyone involved with the symposium. Another aspect that I felt was also very important was the open friendliness of the members that I met and talked with. It is very clear to me this is an excellent group of people, and companies."


"I really came away with a strong sense that this is a very strong association and I will recommend to my CFO that we join the membership." 



 "Excellent opportunity to learn, not just in the conference programs, but in the networking as well."

"I am proud to be part of ICTF. Everyone is wonderful and the staff is great, personable and put a great program together."
"ICTF conferences bring together some of the most sophisticated international credit professionals, which creates an extraordinary environment to share and learn the latest international best practices."



Contact ICTF


+1 410 522 5015 (US)

[email protected]

(0) 7805 231 692 (EU)

[email protected]