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connects organizations and volunteers


Across faith traditions, we may differ in our understanding of God and the rituals we observe to honor and communicate with God. But our scriptures are remarkably consistent in our responsibility to each other, exhorting us, in many different words and languages to be our brother's keeper:

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. -Christianity. Galatians 6.2

Rendering help to another is the function of all human beings. -Jainism. Tattvarthasutra 5.21

All men are responsible for one another. -Judaism. Talmud, Sanhedrin 27b

The best of men are those who are useful to others. -Islam. Hadith of Bukhari

Without selfless service are no objectives fulfilled; In service lies the purest action. -Sikhism. Adi Granth, Maru, M.1, p. 992

God is present in every act of service. -Hinduism. Bhagavad Gita 3.10-26

In the Book of Mormon (Mosiah 2.17), it says "I tell you these things that you may learn wisdom; that you may learn that when you are in the service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your God." To help each of us fulfill the sacred task of service, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has created a digital clearing house for volunteer opportunities called JustServe.

Exploring Our Religious Landscapes
Christ Church Cranbrook


Last week, Exploring our Religious Landscapes participants were welcomed at Christ Church Cranbrook. See the photos.

Exploring Our Religious Landscapes
Registration Open for Fall!

Click here to register.

IFLC Annual Awards Dinner 
October 5th, 2016 at Burton Manor
Discount tickets available until June 30

2016 Honorees

Dan Hart Krichbaum Visionary Civic Leader Award
Nancy M. Schlichting, CEO: Henry Ford Health System

Community Service Award
Bruce Millan, Founder and Artistic Director: Detroit Repertory Theater

Interfaith Leadership Award
WISDOM (Women's Interfaith Solutions for Dialogue and Outreach in MetroDetroit)

Check out our Religious Diversity Journeys
Student Videos

1st Place- Amani Mubeen and Navya Paingol, Abbott Middle School
1st Place- Amani Mubeen and Navya Paingol, Abbott Middle School
A visit to a mosque, temple, church, synagogue, or gurdwara can be an eye-opening experience for the 7th grade Religious Diversity Journeys participants.

"It can," says Orchard Lake Middle School participant Abby Freitag, "completely change the way you look at different religions."

This year's students were challenged to share that learning with others through a video contest. Students were invited to create a 5 minute video about the importance of religious diversity and interfaith learning.

Please take a moment to watch and to share the terrific work of our students:

First place: Amani Mubeen and Navya Paingol from Abbott Middle School. Watch the video.

Second Place: Abby Freitag, Samantha Cooper and Amulya Setlur from Orchard Lake Middle School.  Watch the video.

Third Place: Mick Gordinier from Orchard Lake Middle School.  Watch the video.

Nasrene Mroue, Tabarek Ahmed, Ola Albayati from Unis Middle School.  Watch the video.

Religious Diversity Journeys
Creates Comfort Quilts


When a child is taken into the foster care system, they often leave with no personal belongings, nothing to hold onto that is their own. In moments of loss, fear or displacement, each of us can relate to the comfort of something familiar. The Linus Project is a national non-profit that works to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer "blanketeers."

Citywide Cleanup


Question of the Week

To learn the answers to previous week's questions from across the faith traditions, please click here for our question archive!
          Q: What is tikkun olam?

A:    click here
By kallerna _Own work_ _CC BY-SA 3.0 _http___creativecommons.org_licenses_by-sa_3.0_ or GFDL _http___www.gnu.org_copyleft_fdl.html___ via Wikimedia Commons

The IFLC would like to help foster our understanding of one another by using our newsletter as a forum for you to ask these questions. We want to share your questions anonymously within the framework of our newsletter where religious leaders from these diverse faith communities will provide answers to them. We welcome the opportunity to learn together!

You can ask your questions in response to this newsletter or click here to email us!

IFLC Your Link to Religious Literacy
Interfaith News and Events
Please share with us!

Are there topics that you would like to learn more about within our newsletter? Questions that you would like answered? As our dedicated weekly readers, we invite you to share with us!. 
 Please click here to share your thoughts and ideas!
Don't Miss These Upcoming InterFaith Events
Please visit our InterFaith Events Calendar for more information on the events listed below or contact us by clicking here.
May 2016 Events

Saving our Youth and Rehabilitating Released Prisoners
Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network
Church of the Messiah, 231 E. Grand Blvd. Detroit
Wednesday, May 25, 6:30- 8:00pm
June 2016 Events
Heartfulness Meditation Conference
The Cobo Center, Grand Ballroom
1 Washington Blvd, Detroit
Saturday, June 4, 9 am - 12 pm
Click here for more info

D.R.I.V.E. Detroit Regional Interfaith Voice for Equity
Troy-area Interfaith Group
First United Methodist Church of Troy
6363 Livernois Road, Troy
Monday, June 6, 7:00-8:30 pm

Exploring our Religious Landscapes
InterFaith Leadership Council
The Muslim Unity Center
1830 W. Square Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills
Wednesday, June 8th, 7:30 - 10 pm
Click here for more info

Prison Ministry Workshop
Plymouth Congregational
United Church of Christ
600 E. Warren Ave, Detroit
Friday, June 10, 10 am - 3pm

Adult Mental Health First Aid Training Workshop
Franciscan Ministries - Canticle Cafe
645 E. Canfield, Detroit
Saturday, June 18, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
August 2016 Events
Troy-area Interfaith Group picnic
City of Troy Boulan Park pavillion-picnic area
3671 Crooks Rd. 
Monday, August 1, 6:30-8:30 pm 

Exploring Our Religious Landscapes
Sri Venkateswara Hindu Temple
26233 Taft Road, Novi
Tuesday, August 30, 6 - 9 pm
Click here for more info
September 2016 Events
Troy-area Interfaith Group 
"Belief", a screening of Oprah Winfrey's television series
Northminster Presbyterian Church
3633 West Big Beaver Road, Troy.
Monday, September 12th, 7:00-8:30 pm

Exploring Our Religious Landscapes
The Jain Temple of Farmington Hills
29278 12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills
Tuesday, September 27, 6 - 9 pm  
Click here for more info
October 2016 Events

InterFaith Leadership Council 
4th Annual Awards Dinner
Wednesday, October 5th, 5:30pm
Burton Manor, 27777 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia
November 2016 Events

Exploring Our Religious Landscapes
The First Church of Christ- Scientist
191 North Chester Street, Birmingham
Tuesday, November 1, 6 - 9 pm
Exploring Our Religious Landscapes
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
37425 Woodward Ave, Bloomfield Hills
Tuesday, November 29, 6 - 9 pm 

IFLC is a community resource for interfaith education, news and events. To suggest an event for our next calendar, send us an email

Like us on Facebook or visit the IFLC website and Google calendar for more details.