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A Franciscan Hospitality Service


From Brother Thomas Zerafa OFM.Conv.

Allow me to introduce to you a new concept in meal service for those who otherwise cannot afford to pay full price for a restaurant experience. I am inaugurating a program called 'Peace Meals' which will kick off on Wednesday, January 27th and will be served on each 4th Wednesday of the month through June of 2016.

photo: By Cajsa Lilliehook from Portland (Chicken Noodle Soup) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Muslim Community Coordinating Water for Flint Residents
Local Teens Reflect on MLK Day in the Free Press

Photo: Lori Higgins, Detroit Free Press

Click to Read Free Press story

Ecumenical and Interreligious
Prayer Service
Thursday, January 28

Interfaith World Sabbath Celebration Honors 
Rev. Faith Fowler 
and Co-Founder Rev. Rodney Reinhart


On Sunday, March 6, our interfaith community will gather to celebrate our most dearly held values and our connections with one another. At this year's World Sabbath for Religious Reconciliation we will recognize our 2016 World Sabbath Peacemaker Awardee, Rev. Faith Fowler, author and Executive Director of Cass Community Social Services, for her work in caring for the homeless. And we will take time to remember its founder, Rev. Rodney Reinhardt, who passed away in December. 

Uncovering our Shared Values
An Exploration of Faith Traditions


Happy New Year!
It is officially 2016: A Year of Faith and Peace. And we are kicking it off by announcing an incredible opportunity for adults to explore the sacred texts and rituals of four different faiths, and to join in discussion of the values that underlie our different practices and how they can bring us together in common purpose. The program will consist of lectures, immersive worship experiences, dinners, and discussions at four different houses of worship:
Judaism: Tuesday, March 22nd, Temple Israel
Sikhism: Wednesday, April 27th, Mata Tripta Ji Gurdwara Sahib
Islam: Wednesday, May 18th, Muslim Unity Center
Christianity: Wednesday, June 8th, Christ Church Cranbrook

Religious Diversity
Media Contest

Interfaith Drumming
February 27
Please Support 
Year of Faith and Peace

Click here to purchase a Year of Faith and Peace bracelet (and receive a PDF of the kickoff program with statements of solidarity from religious leaders) for $10 to support these programs and events
Question of the Week

To learn the answers to previous week's questions from across the faith traditions, please click here for our question archive!
What is a mala used for? 


 Click here to find out

The IFLC would like to help foster our understanding of one another by using our newsletter as a forum for you to ask these important questions. We want to share your questions anonymously within the framework of our newsletter where religious leaders from these diverse faith communities will provide answers to them. We welcome the opportunity to learn together!

You can ask your questions in response to this newsletter or click here to email us!

Picture by; 
By Steve Evans from Citizen of the World (Bhutan) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Get Answers
About Muslim Americans

IFLC Your Link to Religious Literacy
Interfaith News and Events
Please share with us!

Are there topics that you would like to learn more about within our newsletter? Questions that you would like answered? As our dedicated weekly readers, we invite you to share with us!. 
 Please click here to share your thoughts and ideas!
Don't Miss These Upcoming InterFaith Events
Please visit our InterFaith Events Calendar for more information on the events listed below or contact us by clicking here.
January 2016 Events

A Shared Future 3 Part Lecture Series with Professors Saeed Khan and Howard Lupovitch
Michigan Muslim Unity Center and AJC
Wayne State University Oakland Center Facility
33737 West Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills
Wednesday, January 27, 7 - 8:30 pm

"Lessons on Sikhism" Class and lunch presented by members of the Sikh community.
Plymouth Canton Interfaith Community Outreach
Geneva Presbyterian Church
5835 Sheldon Rd, Canton
January 24th and January 31th, 11:30am

Detroit, Water and the Bible
Ecumenical Theological Seminary
2930 Woodward Avenue, Detroit
Friday, January 29, 4 -7pm
Saturday, January 30, 9:30 am - 4 pm
Click here for more info
February 2016 Events

Exploring Islamic Sects: Histories, Faiths, and Traditions
Professor Saeed Khan will provide an overview and lead the discussion.
Troy-area Interfaith Group
Wayne State University
Central Woodward Christian Church, 3955 West Big Beaver Road, Troy
Monday, February 1st, 7:00-8:30 pm

A Shared Future 3 Part Lecture Series with Professors Saeed Khan and Howard Lupovitch
Michigan Muslim Unity Center and AJC
Wayne State University Oakland Center Facility
33737 West Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills
Wednesdays, February 3 and 10, 7 - 8:30 pm

"Lessons on Islam" Class and lunch presented by members of the Muslim community.
Plymouth Canton Interfaith Community Outreach
Geneva Presbyterian Church
5835 Sheldon Rd, Canton
February 7thth and February 14th, 11:30am
Lunch and Learn Series: Faith-based Drumming
InterFaith Leadership Council 
Mata Tripta Ji Gurdwara Sahib
40600 Schoolcraft Road, Plymouth
Saturday, February 27th, 12:00 pm
March 2016 Events

The 2016 Seventeenth Annual World Sabbath
Fort Street Presbyterian Church
631 W. Fort Street, Detroit
Sunday, March 6, 4:00 - 5:30 pm
After-glow from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Expressing Faith through Music and Poetry
Troy-area Interfaith Group
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 5500 N. Adams Road, Troy
Monday, March 7th, 7:00-8:30 pm

Journey into Mystery
Song and Spirit Institute for Peace
2599 Harvard, Berkley
Saturday, March 19, 10 am - 4 pm
Exploring our Religious Landscapes- Judaism
Four-part series focuses on the practices and beliefs related to prayer and worship
InterFaith Leadership Council
Temple Israel
5725 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield
Tuesday, March 22nd, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Click here for more info

April 2016 Events

Exploring Jewish Movements: Histories, Faiths, and Traditions with Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg
Troy- area Interfaith Group
Congregation Shir Tikvah
3900 Northfield Parkway, Troy
Monday, April 11th, 7:00-8:30 pm
Exploring our Religious Landscapes- Sikhism
Four part series
InterFaith Leadership Council
Mata Tripta Ji Gurdwara Sahib
40600 Schoolcraft Road, Plymouth
Wednesday, April 27th, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
May 2016 Events

National Day of Prayer
Troy-area Interfaith Group  
Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation
4230 Livernois Road, Troy.
Thursday, May 5th, 7:00-8:30 pm
Exploring our Religious Landscapes- Islam
InterFaith Leadership Council
The Muslim Unity Center
1830 W. Square Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills
Wednesday, May 18th, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
June 2016 Events

Exploring our Religious Landscapes- Christianity
InterFaith Leadership Council
Christ Church Cranbrook
470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills
Wednesday, June 8th, 6:00  - 9:00 pm
Click here for more info
Summer 2016 Events

DION: Ongoing Literacy Tutoring and Life Journeys(Career Exploration) Programs - with Detroit Public Schools - contactmutzim@aol.com or jsmeir@gmail.com

DION: Plans for Interfaith Challenge Day this summer - together with the Interfaith Leadership Council and Bridging 8 Mile Rd. Program to break down stereotypes and find our common values, motivate and find new ways of working together.

Fall 2016 Events

Troy-area Interfaith Group: Monday, September 12th, 7:00-8:30 pm
"Belief", a screening of Oprah Winfrey's television series
Exploring humankind's ongoing search to connect with something greater than ourselves. Journeying to the far reaches of the world, and to places cameras have rarely been, "Belief" searches the origins of diverse faiths and the heart of what really matters.
Northminster Presbyterian Church, 3633 West Big Beaver Road, Troy.
InterFaith Leadership Council: Wednesday, October 5th, 5:30pm
4th Annual Awards Dinner
Join us in celebrating our rich diversity and friendship as we honor Civic, Community and Interfaith leaders from across metro Detroit.
Burton Manor, 27777 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia 

IFLC is a community resource for interfaith education, news and events. To suggest an event for our next calendar, send us an email

Like us on Facebook or visit the IFLC website and Google calendar for more details.