Vol. 6, Issue No. 37
                        September 4,  2014
Hartford is one of the training grounds for the rest of New England's school systems. Data, Board retreat dialogues, and objective looks at the challenges at hand indicate that an Urban Educator Institute may be a way to develop and keep our best teachers and principals.
Board Concerns about Staff Retention Squarely on the Table
Why the Exodus?  What Can Be Done?
Board Members Shelley Best and Robert Cotto, Jr., in the Tuesday workshop exercise on what Hartford needs to do to keep great teachers

The Hartford Board of Education Tuesday took an unorthodox pop quiz: Chief Talent Officer Jennifer Allen asked them to write down "what's on your mind about talent," and then led an interactive discussion that unveiled concerns and constructive criticisms rarely expressed in public. Afterward, CTO Allen said, she learned more from what the Board Members said on this night than at any Board meeting ever.

New Chief of Staff Has a Wide Lens
Unpeeling the Achievement Gap and Building High-Functioning Teams

Dr. Gislaine Ngounou, selected by new Hartford Superintendent Dr. Beth Schiavino-Narvaez to be the District's chief of staff, is a specialist in designing and facilitating senior leadership teams to improve schools.  Her drive comes directly from her mom, who worked seven days a week to send Gislaine to a private school in her home country of Cameroon, allowing her to attend classes half as large as the public school average of 130.  What does she bring from that journey to Hartford?

Finding Aspiration and Building Identity
Students Ask: How Can Racial Stereotypes Be Overcome?
We Ask:How Do Experiences and Exposure Lead to Growth?
Shela Hansen-Quartey, Aiti Rei, Chantal Felix, Diana Alvarado, Rebecca Duncan, and Nadia Abdualmunem ... Hartford students bound for Capetown

Six Hartford Law and Government and Nursing Academy students will be attending the Nobel laureates' October conference in Capetown, South Africa next month.  Led by Hartford Public High School Law and Government Teachers Giana Gleeson and Taylor Gustafson-Ives, the Hartford contingent for the second consecutive year will comprise the only high-school student group to meet with the Nobel laureates, this year including Bishop Desmond Tutu, former South African Prime Minister F.D. deKlerk, and the Dalai Lama, among others.

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of the Week


Few Hartford Board of Education workshops have so honestly addressed what is needed to change Hartford schools.  Please take time to attend this meeting virtually.

Proactively building trust through communications is the topic of our issue analysis publication, edfocus, text here and description here.

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The next Hartford Board of Education meeting will be a regular meeting with public comment, Tuesday, September 16, at Bulkeley High School, 300 Wethersfield Avenue.

This week's entire issue, all in one place.