Ag Innovation Update-October 2015
Latest Ag Innovation News online

The October-December issue of Ag Innovation News is now available online.

New research report available

This new research centered on consumers' perceptions about various fluid milk products that are available in the market.  Focus was given to two variables related to milk and taste perception. The first objective was to understand consumers' expectations and evaluate the impact of a sensory experience upon perceived value of fluid milk in various packaging. The second objective was to understand consumers' expectations and evaluate the impact of a sensory experience upon perceived value of fluid milk at the beginning and end of code. Thank you to our partners; Midwest Dairy Association and Iowa State University.

Save the date: Minnesota Renewable Energy Roundtable

This event will be held on November 3 in Morris and will focus specifically on biogas and anaerobic digesters. Content will include current policy, economics/finance, technology, case studies, a tour of Riverview Dairy and time for networking.

AURI seeks candidates for board seats 

The AURI Board of Directors is currently seeking diverse and highly skilled candidates for two open board seats - one board seat representing a Minnesota agribusiness and one board seat representing a Minnesota research and promotion council.  
AURI meets with Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research

AURI recently attended the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) public board session. FFAR was created in the 2014 Farm Bill to "catalyze innovation to solve pressing food and agriculture challenges that affect the lives of all Americans" by increasing the scientific and technological research, innovation and partnerships critical to enhancing sustainable production of nutritious food and agricultural products.

AURI Board of Directors chair, Ron Obermoller, addressed the FFAR Board and brought Minnesota's interests in food and agriculture forward, including a focus on biobased products. In the recent report Agbioscience as a Development Driver: Minnesota Agbioscience Strategy, Battelle Memorial Institute indicates that in the United States biomaterial demand is forecasted to reach $4.6 billion in 2016, representing yearly growth of 7 percent, creating new economic opportunities and jobs for rural America.
AURI will explore partnership opportunities with FFAR to spur food and agricultural innovation to increase business and employment opportunities in the areas of food, biobased products and coproduct utilization. 
Upcoming events
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute | 800.279.5010  |