Ag Innovation Update-September 2015
The land of 10,000 shrimp?

Minnesotans love seafood. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 90 percent of the U.S. seafood consumption is imported and most of that is shrimp. Per capita, Americans consume about 4.9 pounds of shrimp per year.

About half of the seafood the U.S. imports is farm-raised. AURI recently partnered with the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council (MSR&PC) to convene experts in the field of inland fish and shrimp production for a forum examining opportunities for shrimp farming in Minnesota.

New research report available

Generating new value-added products from the thin stillage stream from ethanol plants offers an opportunity to add more positive cash flow to the equation independent of corn prices. Thin stillage is a potential source for several value-added biobased products that include phosphorous, fatty acids, and hydrochar that are produced by a process called Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC).

Save the date: Minnesota Renewable Energy Roundtable

This event will focus specifically on biogas and anaerobic digesters. Content will include current policy, economics/finance, technology, case studies, a tour of Riverview Dairy and time for networking.

Seed Grants available

The Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) is providing Seed Grants to support the labor costs for clean energy projects that spur community development in Minnesota. Project proposals should be for community-based energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that also provide forums for community education about the technologies and their economic, ecological, and community benefits. 

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