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A group of business leaders from Eurasia are visiting AURI through a U.S. Department of Commerce Special American Business Internship Training program.


> Read an article about the visit from the Waseca County News

April 2015
Legislative Update: You made a difference!

Thank you to all of you who responded to the request earlier this month to contact legislators in support of the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute's funding. There were many calls and emails to the Capitol, and your support was greatly appreciated! While the agriculture funding bills are not yet completed, we can report that at this time the House agriculture budget restored the Institute's funding so that it remains the same as the last biennium. We'll send a full update when the session is completed, but a huge THANK YOU from all of us at the Institute for your support!

The board of directors of the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute today announced that Adam Stratton will serve as interim executive director while the search for a permanent leader of the Institute is underway. Stratton was previously senior director of finance & administration for the Institute. The Institute's previous executive director, Teresa Spaeth, has stepped down.


"We remain as committed as ever to fulfilling the mission given to us by the state legislature-to find new uses for Minnesota's agriculture commodities in order to grow our state's economy," says the Institute's Board Chairman Ron Obermoller. "The Institute has an extremely respected, professional and competent staff that will ensure uninterrupted service to our clients and stakeholders during this transition."

Agbioscience strategy moves forward
AURI continues to build on efforts that began after the report "Agbioscience as a Development Driver: Minnesota Agbioscience Strategy" showed that Minnesota's economic future may well be rooted in its historic leadership in agriculture. Agbioscience is the fusion of agriculture and the associated biosciences that encompasses agricultural innovation, research and processing. The state's agbioscience industry has multi-billion dollar potential, benefits both rural and urban areas and could make Minnesota a global leader in an area critical to our future: food.


Implementing the strategy recommended by the Battelle Technology Partnership Practice as part of this report is the key to separating this report from similar studies that have been done before and ensuring that Minnesota sees robust economic growth as a result. As part of this effort, the Institute cosponsored regional economic analyses to better understand the economic impact of agbioscience in each of our regions. Those studies are now being shared with the regions and next steps are being discussed.  


 > Learn more about AURI's work in agbioscience

The April-June Ag Innovation News is available online and features stories on biochar, biomass, granola, cookies and more.


 > View the full newspaper