Ag Innovation Update
In This Issue
New research report: Do distillers grains have human health benefits?
Have an innovative business idea? Minnesota Cup Competition may be for you!
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April 30, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
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April 2013

This research aimed to identify whether there were potential health benefits for humans from corn-based distillers coproducts created during the production of ethanol. The value of ethanol coproducts will be increased if they can be used as a functional food/nutraceutical ingredient for human health in addition to their use as an animal feed ingredient.

AURI is teaming up with Minnesota Cup to encourage innovators to submit their great business ideas to compete for more than $200,000 in prize money. Those participating in the competition will have the opportunity to advance business ideas, gain exposure, learn about resources available to entrepreneurs, be paired with mentors, meet members of the Cup's review board, and win cash prizes if their idea is judged to be among the best entries.


> Enter the competition
> Learn more about the competition

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Are you an entrepreneur with a big cleantech idea that addresses the planet's most pressing energy, environmental or economic challenges? Each year, Cleantech Open accepts a class of 150-200 visionary entrepreneurs and inventors for its five-month start-up accelerator across eight industry verticals including Agriculture, Water and Waste.

Learn more