Ag Innovation Update
In This Issue
AURI launches ag research assessment
AURI scientist honored
Ag Innovation News available
Health benefits of wild rice report
Water reuse research report
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October 2012

AURI has partnered with Battelle, an internationally recognized research firm, to analyze the areas of strength and the capabilities of Minnesota's agbioscience research organizations.


"At AURI, our focus is on identifying and implementing research that leads to commercialization. We have a research-based process for determining the highest priority ag research needs of the state. The information from this assessment of research capabilities will allow us to match those needs with the research organizations best positioned to carry out the research," explains Teresa Spaeth, AURI executive director.


> Read the full story

Ranae Jorgenson, analytical chemist at the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI), was part of a team of researchers awarded the Global Award for Applied Research in the 2012 International Water Association Global Project Innovation Awards.

The latest edition of Ag Innovation News (Oct-Dec 2012) is now available on AURI's website.

This issue features stories on AURI feed trials, Minnesota's first canola crush plant, a new non-nut snack and more.

Interested in receiving a copy? Please contact [email protected].

wild rice
New research report on the health benefits of wild rice

A new report summarizes potential health benefits of wild rice and suggests further possible research into these benefits.

> Read the report: Potential Health Benefits of Wild Rice and Wild Rice Products (Literature Review) 


New research report on Water Reuse   

The agricultural processing industry produces reclaimed water that can have value. This case study looked at one rural community in an effort to understand and explore the possibilities and potential benefits of water reuse and sustainability practices at industrial facilities.